Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Business Binding Contract Essential Elements
Question: Portray about the Business Binding Contract for Essential Elements. Answer: Presentation It is able to begin with the unmistakable position that for an agreement to be substantial and enforceable there are fundamental components that incorporate offer, acknowledgment, thought and an expectation to be lawfully bound, that must be available. Offer, Acceptance, Consideration Issue From the beginning Heavy made a proposal to Traynor that he would need to free 10kilos and she might want that Traynor help him. We are additionally expected to decide whether Traynor made a legitimate acknowledgment by reacting that he approved of performing three meetings every week. Furthermore, it is noticed that there were installments that were concurred on between the two and it is to be derived of there is a substantial thought. Law The standard that administers an offer can be comprehended from characterizing an offer first. It is a declaration of readiness to go into a lawfully restricting contract.[1] It was attested in Storer v Manchester City Council[2] that the offer must be one that is sure and liberated from any ambiguities and is equipped for acknowledgment. Acknowledgment of an offer, then again may be viable it is imparted to the Offeror or where the Oferee makes a target deduction that causes the offeror to accept that an acknowledgment was made.[3] It is vital to take note of that for an agreement to be framed there must be a thought which is a benefit, advantage or misfortune that one gathering to the agreement enjoys.[4] It has been held in Chappell v Nestl[5] that the thought must be adequate and one that was made dependent on the choice of the contracting parties. Application It would thus be able to be expressed that Heavy made an offer that is worthy in law and one that was without clear from any ambiguities and along these lines the offer was equipped for being acknowledged. Traynor appropriately imparted the acknowledgment to Heavy by leaving the voice message which Hevvy had the option to recover. It is likewise presented that Traynor and Heavy concurred on a thought of $30 per meeting which depended on the unrestrained choice of the two gatherings Expectation to be Legally Bound Issue The principal question here is whether a goal to be lawfully bound existed among Hevvy and Traynor which is one of significant worry in deciding the enforceability of the agreement. Law It is clear that the idea of the connection among Hevvy and Traynor is one of a business nature. For business connections, it is typically assumed that the gatherings had an expectation to make a lawful relationship.[6] However, it has been held that a target test ought to be directed to decide whether a sensible individual would construe that an aim to be legitimately bound existed between the parties.[7] Suffice to state the agreements of a business nature should consistently be recorded as a hard copy. Application It would thus be able to be expressed that the understanding among Hevvy and Traynor was an easygoing understanding and along these lines it very well may be derived that they didn't expect that the understanding be legitimately official. The understanding among Hevvy and Traynor was one that was settled upon via telephone. In the Law of agreement for an agreement to be restricting it has been held that it must be recorded as a hard copy. It would thus be able to be agued that the agreement was not restricting on the grounds that there was no composed contention which would have shown the expectation to be legitimately bound. End It tends to be reasoned that regardless of whether it is prove that an offer, acknowledgment and thought were truly made, where there is no goal to be legitimately bound the understanding can't be enforceable. The agreement didn't likewise meet the prerequisite of composing. Guards Issue As has been noted in the realities of the case, Traynor has guaranteed that due to the development work that is going on in his course to their gathering place it will be increasingly costly for him to come and help Hevvy get in shape. Law The law relevant here is that one of disappointment of agreements. Where because of the event an occasion or whatever else the agreement can't be performed on account of business or physical reasons it is supposed to be frustrated.[8] Frustration has the impact of releasing the agreement. It has been held that the disappointment that the dissatisfaction must happen without the shortcoming of either party.[9] Application Traynor would thus be able to shield himself by the utilization of the convention of disappointment since the development that was being done along his course was not a result of his deficiency. Further, the development has since made it financially incomprehensible for Traynor to meet his commitments to Hevvy. (b). Cures On the off chance that the agreement was enforceable the accompanying cures could be looked for by Hevvy. Explicit Performance It is prompted that Hevvy could look for the fair cure of explicit execution in order to constrain Traynor to play out the agreement as they had before concurred. This cure is utilized by the courts where the litigant can't enough repay the plaintiff.[10] Harms It ought to be borne as a main priority that harms might be granted for the misfortune for future prospect.[11] For this situation Hevvy is disillusioned since he had started losing a few kilos and Traynor penetrated the understanding before even she contacted her normal objective. He will consequently be granted harms for loss of desire. (b). Home loans over genuine property This is an enthusiasm for a genuine property that makes sure about the installment of an obligation. The purchaser of the genuine property for this situation passes an enthusiasm on the genuine property, for example, land, to an office, for example, a bank to make sure about the installment of an obligation which was cash that was progressed to the purchaser to procure the property. It is crucial that the home loans ought to be enrolled with the enlistment center of titles in the particular state. In Australia, contracts are administered by the Property law Act which gives the Mortgagee the intensity of offer and discard the property incase of default in paying the debt.[12] The enactments that oversee contracts anyway change from state to state. In New South Wales for example, contracts are administered by the Real Property Act which nullifies the necessity of a notification when the mortgagee need to claim the property after default by the mortgagor.[13] Security Interests This is an enthusiasm for individual property or whatever other resources that is settled on by a consent to make sure about the exhibition of a commitment which in many cases is the installment of a debt.[14] Security enthusiasm for Australia is represented by Personal Property Securities Act 2009. The Act makes a register alluded to Personal Property Security Register that a made sure about gathering enters subtleties of the ideal the security in register. Insurance It is the individual property to which a security has joined and is once in a while alluded as the individual property that has been depicted in the Personal Property Security Register. The law that manages the implementations of guarantees in Australia is the Financial System Legislation Amendment (Resilience and Collateral Protection) Act 2016 which was as of late brought to constrain. Furthermore, the legislature has detailed the Financial System Legislation Amendment (Resilience and Collateral Protection) Regulation 2016 which additionally directs the implementation of Collaterals. The Mirror Principle The thought inborn in the mirror guideline is that the enlistment of a land title that is expected must mirror all the major subtleties and realities of the land to be enrolled that the buyer must know before the buyer purchases the land. The land that is the subject of the exchange more likely than not been enrolled under the Real Property Act 1886 (South Australia). The Mirror rule is predicated on Torrens arrangement of land enlistment which the recorder guarantees that the proprietor of the title gets a perfect tile to the land. This had the impact of restoring the inadequacies of the deed enrollment framework. Grantee A grantee has been in the Land Titles Act 1925 (the Act) alluded to as an individual whom a report of title, for example, an exchange or a movement is made to. This suggests he is the individual who the title of the enthusiasm for land is being moved to. In many occurrences when a purchaser is buying land he will be alluded to as the grantee on the grounds that the title in the land is being gone to him through the exchange or movement. The grantee is will undoubtedly acknowledge the title where it is a spotless title. List of sources Books Beale Hugh, Chitty on Contracts, (Sweet Maxwell Ltd 2004) Cases Australian Woolen Mills Pty. Ltd. v. The Commonwealth [1954] 92 CLR 424] Chappell v Nestl[1960] AC 87 Currie v Misa (1875) LR 10 Ex 153 Day Morris Associates v Voyce [2003] All ER (D) 368 Davis Contractors v Fareham UDC [1956] AC 696 Dunk v George Waller [1970] 2 QB 163 Edmonds v Lawson [2000] EWCA Civ 69 Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v Commissioners of Customs and Excise [1975] UKHL 4 Storer v Manchester City Council [1974] 3 All ER 824 Cohen v Roche [1927] 1 KB 169 Enactments Individual Property Securities Act 2009 Property Law Act 1974 Genuine Property Act 1900 (NSW)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Convenience Store and 7-eleven
7-Eleven in Taiwan Yuko Matsumuro National Chengchi University Abstract Nowadays, comfort stores have become increasingly more typical in Taiwan. In the event that you simply glance around all over the place, you will before long discover there are a great deal of accommodation stores encompassing your town. Among a few accommodation store chains, 7-Eleven, or the President Chain Store Corporation, is the most mainstream one at this point. The paper centers around why 7-Eleven is so effective in Taiwan and interests what is behind it.At the start, to comprehend the situation of 7-Eleven’s parent organization Uni-President Enterprise Corporation (UPEC) in Taiwan, and explore how it impact the achievement of 7-Eleven. Likewise, in view of the information which demonstrated the consumers’ fulfillment towards 7-Eleven’s help, to consider how 7-Eleven’s assistance exhibitions are assessed by buyers and what sorts of the executives manuals they have. In last, th e paper will talk about the impacts of 7-Eleven’s exceptional promoting geological procedure and their notice consequences for consumers.These data will assist us with knowing why 7-Eleven can keep on improving. Why 7-Eleven prevail in Taiwan? Acquaintance According with the article â€Å"Taiwan Convenience Stores 2010†, â€Å"In 2009, Taiwan’s four significant comfort store chains, for example, 7-Eleven, Family Mart, Hi-life, and OK worked an aggregate of 9,184 stores around the nation, a thickness of one store for each 2,500 individuals, making Taiwan the densest market on the planet as far as accommodation stores. †Among a few accommodation store chains, 7-Eleven is the most mainstream one in Taiwan now.To consider the historical backdrop of Taiwanese comfort stores, as indicated by the article â€Å"The Development and Trend for Convenience Stores†from Managing Convenience Stores Theories, the Uni-President Enterprise Corporation (UPEC) had c ontributed the extraordinary job to the improvement of comfort store in Taiwan (Department of Economy, 2000). â€Å"In May 27, 1979, UPEC expressed with fourteen chain stores and in this year, UPEC helped out the Southland Corporation, having the longest history and the greatest chain accommodation store Company in South America, imported 7-Eleven to Taiwan†(Department of Economy, 2000).The initial 7-Eleven in Taiwan opened in 1980 with 27 stores and the offer of this current year was simply just NTD 1. 2 billion. Albeit 7-Eleven grew 62 stores in 1984, the deal despite everything didn't improve a ton, and 33 stores had been shut in this year (Lu and Luo, 2010). By the by, the 7-Eleven organization didn't stop to expand the quantity of stores; in 1987 they began to work 24 hours with each of the 168 stores. Since this defining moment, 7-Eleven began to extend their business and in April 2010, 7-Eleven extended with 4733 chain stores with an offer of NTD1017. 6 billion of eve ry a year (Lu and Luo, 2010).This paper will investigate these following inquiries: 1. Why 7-Eleven is so effective in Taiwan? 2. Does 7-Eleven’s parent’s organization the Uni-President Enterprise Corporation (UPEC) job identifies with the achievement of 7-Eleven? 3. What sorts of methodologies 7-Eleven has? It is important to examine why 7-Eleven can proceed to improve and comprehend their procedures and foundations. What is the Uni-President Enterprise Corporation (UPEC)? As a matter of first importance, to comprehend the situation of 7-Eleven’s parent organization Uni-President Enterprise Corporation (UPEC) in Taiwan, and research how it impact the achievement of 7-Eleven.According to the article â€Å"The Revenue for UPEC in April is 41. 92 billion and expanding every year by 7. 41%†, â€Å"The entire benefit creation of UPEC in April recorded NT41. 92 billion, its expanded 7. 41% from a year ago at the equivalent time†(Yang, 2011). Uni-Presid ent Enterprise Corporation (UPEC) is the main organization in Taiwan, which has numerous sorts of food make branches, and many items can be made through just one branch (Chang, 2006). Significant residential auxiliaries of UPEC are, for example, 7-Eleven, Starbucks Coffee Company, Mister Donuts, Muji (Taiwan) Co. , President Drugstore Business Corp. COSMED), President Transnet Corp. , Semeur De Pain, etc. We can see there are such a large number of auxiliaries under the UPEC and every one of them very mainstream organizations in Taiwan now. â€Å"While sufficiently incorporating the auxiliaries of retail, coordinations and recreational assistance organizations inside the gathering, quickly growing its business territory†(Uni-President, 2007). The auxiliaries of UPEC’s business tie-up expanded their business region, and made UPEC all the more impressive organization. In 2005, the benefit creation of the food business UPEC surpassed over NTD 1,000 billion†(Chang, 2006).The food industry of UPEC is one of well known organization in Taiwan, in the event that you check out 7-Eleven’s food classes, you will before long found a great deal of them are from its organization. Presently, we know such large food industry behind 7-Eleven, is it identified with the accomplishment of 7-Eleven? Food is significant job in comfort store In the article â€Å"The Almighty Convenience Store, 7-11 and Family Mart Competes†, E-IPC, the examination of Taiwanese individuals whose recurrence to visit accommodation stores which expressed from 1988, proposed the individuals who addressed once seven days was 53. % in 1995; in 2009, the individuals who offered an explanation to go there consistently was 84. 7%, among them, the total of the individuals who addressed three times each week and once seven days was half, addressed going regular was 34%, shockingly, the individuals who addressed visited over two times per day was 7. 3% (Marketing. chinatimes. com, 2010). The time of principle customers who go through cash in accommodation store is 13 to 64, the E-IPC in 2006 to 2009, demonstrated that the individuals who addressed visiting there consistently was expanded 30. 8 to 34% (Marketing. hinatimes. com, 2010). From the information, we can see these days individuals visit the comfort stores more frequently than previously. At that point, what sort of individuals have become regulars these days? The article shows that the Taiwanese populace is for the most part common laborers; they in any event purchase two takeout dinners for each day, and these two suppers are generally breakfast and lunch (Marketing. chinatimes. com, 2010). Presently, we know the primary shopper of accommodation store is the average workers individuals and their needs are food.According to the article â€Å"Local Convenience Stores' turn of events and future in 2008†, the information of â€Å"The Private Brand of four major comfort stores in Taiwan†(Table 1) shows that 7-Eleven’s principle items, for example, â€Å"Drinks, new food, snacks, espressos, commodities†, every one of them originates from UPEC organization or their own 7-Eleven brands (Wang. 2008). As to Family Mart, their primary items are the â€Å"Fresh food and drinks†, Hi-Life’s are the â€Å"Fresh food and dairy products†, and OK is the â€Å"Fresh food†(Wang. 2008).Only Fresh food originate from their own brands in Family shop, Hi-Life, and OK, and we can see 7-Eleven has more numerous sorts of fundamental items than others on account of the help of UPEC. Table 1 The Private Brand of four major accommodation stores in Taiwan (2008) |Company |Brands |Main items |Notes | |7-Eleven |7-11 |Drinks |All items originate from UPEC organization or their | |Fresh food |own 7-Eleven brands | Snacks | |CITY CAFE |Coffees | |Daily wares | |Family |Fami |Drinks |Fresh food originates from their own Fami image | |Mart | |Fresh foo d | |Hi-life |Hi-life |Drinks |Fresh food originates from their own Hi-life brand | |Daily products | |OK |Fresh food |Fresh food originates from their own OK image | â€Å"Extended menu contributions have effectively expanded the significance of comfort stores foodservice offering. The organization gets its offer from its comfort stores, under the brand 7-Eleven. Toward the finish of 2009, there were 4,750 outlets,†7-Eleven might be viewed as the pioneer in presenting accommodation stores inexpensive food in Taiwan, and has since continually developed with the dispatch of new items (Euromonitor worldwide. 2010). In addition, â€Å"Family Mart said the offer of new food things presently represents just 12 percent of its income. In Taiwan, the industry normal is 20 percent†(Business week after week. 010), contrasted and other comfort stores, Family Mart gives less food and it might give separation with 7-Eleven’ high deal on the grounds that people’s nee ds are food. At that point, how does the CVS chain store pulls in the clients and makes non halting thought processes in them to purchase? There are two imminent on this; one is the items that they are as of now selling. With the entrance of the stores, growing their takeout dinners advertise is likewise a significant promoting methodology (Marketing. chinatimes. com, 2010). In this way, the accommodation stores’ focuses on the planning to do advertising methodologies or other limited time plans. For instance, in 7-Eleven, beverages and morning meals are just 39 NTD to advance their items (Marketing. chinatimes. com, 2010). Interior business the executives of 7-ElevenAccording to the date of â€Å"The Benchmarking Companies of Digital Service in 2011†, 7-Eleven, or the President Chain Store Corporation, positioned the top in retailer class, it can say shoppers are fulfilled to the administrations of 7-Eleven (He and Yang, 2011). From this date, we can consider why 7-El even’s assistance exhibitions are assessed by purchasers and what sorts of the executives manuals they have. As indicated by the book of â€Å"Successful CVS Strategies†by Chen Kuang in 2006, expressed the point by point and explicit individual administration is 7-Eleven’s fundamental idea. There are three primary administration ideas of 7-Eleven, for example, work refinement, formal administration, and the fundamental belief to the buyers. As a matter of first importance, the element of 7-Eleven’s staff the executives is refinement work.For model, as to cleaning, â€Å"there are numerous stores are required to do cleaning however less stores have cleaning process and each division has
Friday, August 21, 2020
Fields Of Practice In Social Work Human Services Essay
Fields Of Practice In Social Work Human Services Essay Fields Of Practice In Social Work Human Services â€" Essay Example > Fields of practice in social work and human servicesSocial services are those services which are aimed at improving the standard of living of the people and providing the basic necessities of life. Social work has gone through tremendous changes in the last few decades. In this paper, we will analyse the concept of social and human services in the context of employment and disability as a client group. We will also overview some of the major changes in Australia which have impacted social services in the country. Social workSocial work is accepted to include an array of social welfare and community agencies and programs which are designated to provide opportunities to the disadvantaged sections of the population to enable them to develop into productive and self-reliant citizens. The idea of human services, similar to social services, has emerged as a profession with a laid down code of conduct for the social workers. There has been a steady growth in the number of courses in huma n services and in the number of people taking to social work as a profession. Contrary to historical practice when the ambit of social services was limited and welfare workers provided services to people who were sick, poor and destitute, the situation is more complex now. The ambit of social work is growing as social workers are venturing into new fields of practice which can be broadly classified into three major areas. The first area sees social work as an arm of the welfare state. This area includes fields of work like working with juvenile delinquents and adult criminals, working within correctional institutions; family welfare services; child protection and child adoption fields. Social workers are employed by the state and the parameters of their work are set by the state itself. The second area includes clinical social work, family therapy, marriage guidance, medical and psychiatric social work. Here the social workers interact directly with the clients with the primary ai m of enhancing social functioning and well-being of individuals and families. The third area of social work sees the profession as an instrument of promoting the well-being of people by building healthy, cohesive, and enabling communities and societies. This area includes fields of practice ranging from social policy formulation to community development, with the aim of building a better world. Most of the people working in this area are members of agencies of civil society and some of them even work for the state. Social work and disabilityDuring the last quarter of the last century, social work theory and practice in the field of disability has been greatly influenced by the values and philosophy of Independent living movement and individual dignity. There has been a shift in the nature of services provided by professionals to the disabled people. The practice has shifted from creation of clients dependent on services controlled by professionals, to working in partnership with d isabled people to secure their rights as equal citizens of the state (Woodward 2002). The disabled people have started asserting their right to equality and human dignity. They are now emphasising the creation of personalized relationships based on mutual respect between service providers and receivers.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Importance Of Employee Bonuses And Company Growth Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 914 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Introduction Bonuses are used as an inducement to encourage employees to work harder. If a company performs well this year, it will have the ability to grant bonuses to its employees to boost the morale and the competitive drive of the employees. Many companies also give high bonuses to attract and retain talented employees. This effect is termed an incentive effect in previous studies. If the incentive effect dominates, then a positive correlation between bonuses granted and the subsequent company performance should . In other words, more bonuses granted, better subsequent performance. The employee bonus system was regarded in the past as one of the important reasons why high-tech companies in Taiwan could develop rapidly. Because it was viewed as distribution of earnings in accounting and taxed on the par value which is often lower than the market value, the employee bonus system has been widely adopted over the past twenty years and this practice, indeed, has attracted many talented peopl e . However, about eight years ago , foreign investors [of these Taiwan-based companies?] suspected accounting fraud involving the employee stock bonuses, since the bonuses are rewards in reality and therefore should be expensed as salary. Additionally, in order to align with the treatments in other countries, so that the financial statements can be compared among countries, the bonuses would have to be expensed in 2008 and stock bonuses would be taxed on the market value. However, because of the special treatment in accounting and taxation in Taiwan, companies could grant excess bonuses without being reflected on the income statement before the bonuses are required to be expensed. The members of the board, who determine the amount of bonuses given, may also be executives in the company, so they could participate in the bonuses program. When bonuses were perceived as distribution of earnings and did not have to be expensed in the income statement, some companies would grant exces s bonuses because the members who determine the bonuses also could get more money and the income number would not be reduced. When making investment decisions, the investors might be misled by the overstated income. Some companies granted bonuses to employees even when the companies did not earn money. In addition, because the stock bonuses were taxed on the par value which is often lower than the market value, the employees who were overpaid just had to pay a little tax to acquire the stocks and to become stockholders. Because the interest of the original stockholders is diluted, the effect is called a dilution effect in the studies. If companies exploit the regulation, we will expect to see a negative correlation between bonuses granted and the subsequent company performance. That is to say, if the bonuses given not because the board members want to motivate employees but because the board members want to take advantage of the regulation, then excess bonuses will be given and the subsequent performance will become worse. The previous literatures in Taiwan which explore the employee bonus system investigate factors influencing the amount of employee bonuses and the relationship between bonus and company performances. The main conclusion is that size, growth opportunity and industry will influence the amount of bonuses given and that an incentive effect exists but if the bonuses were expensed, a dilution effect would dominate. In practice, the bonus policy will be proposed by the board and then voted by the stockholders. So the corporate governance mechanism, like the composition of the board, will influence the bonus policy. Previous studies supported this conclusion. The corporate governance mechanism will influence the execution of the policy and the efficiency of operation so it will affect company performance. Therefore, the motivation of this study is to investigate the relationship between corporate governance and the determination of the bonuses and to explore whether this relationship will influence bonuses to result in an incentive effect or a dilution effect. To investigate the relationship between corporate governance and the bonuses, this study uses regression to distinguish two groups, the excess bonuses group and the adequate bonuses group, and then compares whether there are differences in the corporate governance variables in these two groups. Then I separately investigate the relationship between the bonuses and the performance in these two groups. I want to explore whether companies with bad corporate governance tend to distribute excess bonuses to employees and result in the dilution effect bigger than the incentive effect so the performance become worse next year. However, companies with good corporate governance may not distribute bonuses excessively so the incentive effect is bigger than the dilution effect and the compensation system can reach its goal to improve the company performance. In other words, I claim that whether the bonuses will result in an incentive effect or a dilution effect is related to the corporate governance mechanism. The empirical results support most of the hypotheses. The contribution of this study is that unlike the previous literatures which explore the relationship between the bonuses and the performance using the whole companies and reach the conclusion that bonuses have a positive effect on the performance but they would negatively influence the performance if the bonuses were expensed, this study distinguishes companies with excessive bonuses from companies with adequate bonuses and investigates separately the relationship between bonuses and performance in these two groups. I suppose that bonus itself may be an effective mechanism to encourage employees and its relationship with performance may be influenced by the corporate governance mechanism which will affect the bonuses policy. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Importance Of Employee Bonuses And Company Growth Finance Essay" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Disease and Its Impact on Humans - 2368 Words
| DISEASE AND ITS IMPACT ON HUMANS | DISEASES | | DANICA DE FREITAS | 12/21/2011 | | Disease and its impact on humans TABLE OF CONTENTS WHAT IS A DISEASE? MAIN TYPES OF DISEASES DIABETES AND HYPERTENSION WHAT IS A VECTOR? STD’S ROLE OF BLOOD IMMUNITY EFFECTS OF DRUG ABUSE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS OF DISEASE IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS What is a disease? Disease is defined as a disorder with a specific cause (which may or may not be known) and recognizable signs and symptoms. THERE ARE FOUR (4) MAIN TYPES OF DISEASES: * PATHOGENIC * DEFICIENCY * HEREDITY * PHYSIOLOGICAL Pathogenic diseases are caused by organisms (parasites). E.g. micro-organisms causing STDs, malaria, smut;†¦show more content†¦Diseases such as diabetes and hypertension can be controlled by diet and exercise. Diet and exercise can: * REDUCE RISK OF DISEASE- eating healthy and exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes a day can dramatically reduce your risk of many serious diseases. * IMPROVES MENTAL HEALTH- exercise triggers chemicals in the brain called endorphins that help you feel happy and relaxed. Eating a well-balanced diet keeps the brain functioning properly and can help stabilize mood swings. * KEEPS WEIGHT CONTROLLED- when you move your body, you burn calories, and when you eat healthy, you consume fewer calories. The fewer calories you eat and the more calories you burn, the easier it is to lose weight and keep it under control. * INCREASES ENERGY-cardiovascular exercise helps circulate oxygen through your body to improve heart and lung efficiency. * BETTER SLEEP- increasing your daily activity level and eating healthy will help you get a better night sleep. When the brain is supplied with the essential nutrients and acquires oxygen, it works better. When the brain functions bette r, it releases the appropriate chemicals to induce relaxation and sleep. WHAT IS A VECTOR? A vector is an animal, usually an insect or tick, which transmits parasitic microorganisms from one organism to another. Vectors are organisms that provide a pathway for a pathogen to be transmitted between animals and humans or other animals. TheseShow MoreRelatedDiseases and Its Impact on Humans6722 Words  | 27 PagesCSEC BIOLOGY SUMMER RESEARCH PAPER DISEASE amp; ITS IMPACT ON HUMANS This research is aimed at informing the reader on different types of diseases and the impact it has on humans. Enclosed herein are details on the types, treatments, transmissions and descriptions of different diseases in the region and around the world. Read MoreThe Effects Of Biological Systems And The Impact On Human Disease971 Words  | 4 PagesI strive to enhance the quality of human life through sound investigation and precise medical judgement. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Huckleberry Finn Conflict Between Society And Th Essay Example For Students
Huckleberry Finn Conflict Between Society And Th Essay e IndividualThe theme of Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn is that the ideas of society can greatly influence the individual, and sometimes the individual must break off from the accepted values of society to determine the ultimate truth for himself. In Huckleberry Finns world, society has corrupted justice and morality to fit the needs of the people of the nation at that time. Basically, Americans were justifying slavery, through whatever social or religious ways that they deemed necessary during this time. The conflict between society and Huckleberry Finn results from Hucks non-conformist attitude. This attitude is a result of his separation from society at an early age. With a highly abusive drunkard for a father, Huckleberry Finn is forced from childhood to rely solely on himself. As a result of this, he effectively alienates himself from the rest of society. Society continues to try to reform him, but Huckleberry Finn shows his lack of appreciation in that effort from the very beginn ing of the story when he says, The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me I got into my old rags and my sugar hogshead again, and was free and satisfied. His actions are based on instinct and his own experience, rather than conventional conscience. As a result, he makes up the rules for himself as he goes along, forming a conscience that is keenly aware of societys prejudices but actions based on that which he has experienced. Ironically, often his own instincts hold him to a higher moral standard than those of society. His decision to help free Jim, a slave, is an example of one such instance. Huckleberry Finn recognizes Jim as a human being, but is fighting the beliefs bestowed upon him by a society that believes slaves should not be free. However, it is important to realize that although Huckleberry Finns decisions create the conflict between society and himself (and that this conflict forms the theme of the novel), Huck is oblivious to the justi ce, the righteousness, and even the heroism of his own actions, they are simply in accordance with his own conscience. The climax comes in chapter thirty-one of the novel, when Huckleberry Finns moral development reaches its peak. Up until this point in the novel, Huckleberry Finn has been experiencing internal conflict concerning his treatment of Jim. Society has brought him up to believe that Jim is nothing but property, rightfully belonging to Miss Watson, and so Huck would be wrong in helping Jim flee. At the same time, however, his experiences with Jim, and his own personal instincts about the situation tell him that he is doing the right thing. Huck feels terrible because he cannot please both voices of his conscience. Huckleberry Finn feels as though society is right, and he is wrong. At first, he begins to write a letter to Miss Watson to return Jim, but then ends up destroying the letter and deciding to help free Jim. Specifically, in the novel, Huck says, All right, then Ill go to hell, right as he tore up the letter. This indicates that he believes himself to be evil, and that which societ y believes to be right is right. He makes a morally admirable choice when he decides to follow his own ideas of what is right, but he is oblivious to this, and his decision to free Jim stems primarily out of his own interests. Huckleberry Finns specific motives for freeing Jim include Hucks alienation from society and his relationship with Jim. Huck identifies with Jims situation in that they are both running away from society. Jim is running away from slavery, and Huck is running away from the repetition, organization, and development of society. Hucks ability to relate to Jim is not only the basis of their friendship and the reason that they are so close, but it is also the basis of Hucks motives for freeing Jim as well. .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2 , .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2 .postImageUrl , .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2 , .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2:hover , .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2:visited , .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2:active { border:0!important; } .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2:active , .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2 .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud8cf9432f76a12d4d0f4f447e8b88ed2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Police Brutality EssayHuckleberry Finn acts as a much greater person when he is not confined by the hypocrisies of society. Throughout the novel, we see how he distances himself from society and creates his own world in which he follows his own feelings and experiences concerning what is honorable and morally correct. From the beginning of the novel, we see how his instincts come into play and how it affects his decisions throughout the story. He almost always goes his own way, makes up his own mind, and lives by his own standards.
Friday, April 3, 2020
U.S. History Spanish-Amerincan War Essays - Theodore Roosevelt
U.S. History Spanish-Amerincan War U.S. History Spanish-Amerincan War With the assassination of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, not quite 43, became the youngest President in the Nation's history. He brought new excitement and power to the Presidency, as he vigorously led Congress and the American public toward progressive reforms and a strong foreign policy. He took the view that the President as a steward of the people should take whatever action necessary for the public good unless expressly forbidden by law or the Constitution. I did not usurp power, he wrote, but I did greatly broaden the use of executive power. Teddy's years as a child were not all gasping for breath. Teddy was a very curious child. He loved to go outside into the woods and watch and study birds and the surrounding wildlife. He liked to record data about the animals, and enjoyed experimenting. When he grew up, he wrote books about nature, and went on trips to the mountains of New York often. Teddy and his father believed Teddy could overcome his sickness. Mr. Roosevelt set up a gym in the Roosevelt's house. Teddy worked out more and more, and after a while began to get stronger. But none of this happened overnight. When Teddy went to Harvard for college, he and a friend published a book called Summer Birds of The Adirondacks. During college, Teddy also was deeply saddened when his father died on February 9, 1877. On October 27, 1880, Theodore Roosevelt walked down the aisle. He got married to Alice Lee. Theodore also went to Columbia University Law School. He also wrote a book called The Naval War of 1812. He went to balls and opera's. And was a very busy man. In 1883, Theodore went West for a year. When came back from the trip, a new baby girl was born. Unfortunately, soon after the baby was born, on February 14, in the early morning, Teddy's beloved mother died. If that were not enough, Alice died of Kidney Disease that afternoon. Teddy, still grieving from the loss of Alice and his mother, went to the Dakota Territories for several years. He later said that he wouldn't have been the same if it wasn't for the years he spent in the Dakota Territories. When he got back from the Dakota's he married Edith Carow. In the Spanish-American war in 1898, Theodore was the commander of a cavalry known as The Rough Riders. His work there helped him become elected as the Governor of New York the same year. During the Spanish-American War, Roosevelt was lieutenant colonel of the Rough Rider Regiment, which he led on a charge at the battle of San Juan. He was one of the most conspicuous heroes of the war. Boss Tom Platt, needing a hero to draw attention away from scandals in New York State, accepted Roosevelt as the Republican candidate for Governor in 1898. Roosevelt won and served with distinction. As President, Roosevelt held the ideal that the Government should be the great arbiter of the conflicting economic forces in the Nation, especially between capital and labor, guaranteeing justice to each and dispensing favors to none. Roosevelt emerged spectacularly as a trust buster by forcing the dissolution of a great railroad combination in the Northwest. Other antitrust suits under the Sherman Act followed. Roosevelt steered the United States more actively into world politics. He liked to quote a favorite proverb, Speak softly and carry a big stick. . . . Aware of the strategic need for a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific, Roosevelt ensured the construction of the Panama Canal. His corollary to the Monroe Doctrine prevented the establishment of foreign bases in the Caribbean and arrogated the sole right of intervention in Latin America to the United States. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for mediating the Russo-Japanese War, he also reached a Gentleman's Agreement on immigration with Japan, and he sent the Great White Fleet on a goodwill tour of the world. Some of Theodore Roosevelt's most effective achievements were in conservation. He added enormously to the national forests in the West, reserved lands for public use, and fostered great irrigation projects. He crusaded endlessly on matters big and small, exciting audiences with his high-pitched voice, jutting jaw, and pounding fist. The life of strenuous endeavor was a must for those around him, as
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Best Summary and Analysis The Great Gatsby, Chapter 5
Best Summary and Analysis The Great Gatsby, Chapter 5 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Because The Great Gatsbyis nine chapters long, getting to Chapter 5 means that we’ve arrived in the exact middle of the story. Thus, it makes sense that this chapter takes a single event - Daisy and Gatsby’s perfectly romantic reunion - and uses it to both tie together everything that has been set up so far, and also to create such a delicate balance of safety and happiness that it’s clear that everything will soon crumble. But before the bubble of love pops, enjoy the world’s most magical, most carefully planned â€Å"accidental†date. Quick Note on Our Citations Our citation format in this guide is (chapter.paragraph). We're using this system since there are many editions of Gatsby, so using page numbers would only work for students with our copy of the book. To find a quotation we cite via chapter and paragraph in your book, you can either eyeball it (Paragraph 1-50: beginning of chapter; 50-100: middle of chapter; 100-on: end of chapter), or use the search function if you're using an online or eReader version of the text. The Great Gatsby: Chapter 5Summary Nick comes home to find all the lights on in Gatsby’s mansion. Gatsby wants to hang out, but clearly only because he wants to know what Nick has decided about asking Daisy for tea.Nick is happy to do it, and they plan for a day after Gatsby has had a chance to get Nick’s lawn cut. Gatsby then makes a totally out of place proposal to do some bond business with Nick (whose job is selling bonds, and who doesn’t seem particularly good at it or invested in it). Nick is uncomfortable about the quid pro quo (that’s Latin for â€Å"something for something†- in other words, a transaction) feeling of the deal and declines. The next day, Nick invites Daisy to tea, and cautions her not to bring Tom. Gatsby sends someone to mow the lawn, orders a huge number of flowers, isn’t thrilled with Nick’s sad tea and cakes selection, and worries that the day will be ruined because it’s raining. He then freaks out at the last second that Daisy isn’t coming, but just then she pulls up in her car. Gatsby and Daisy meet in Nick’s living room in the most awkward, strained, and tense scene imaginable. It’s unclear whether either one is happy to see the other. They are unable to speak two words. When Nick tries to leave them alone, Gatsby panics and tries to leave also. Nick calms him down, and then stands outside in the rain for an hour to give Gatsby and Daisy some privacy.When he returns, the two are totally different – no longer embarrassed, much calmer, and Gatsby is actually glowing. Gatsby suddenly brags that it only took him three years to earn the money to buy his mansion. Nick calls him out on this since earlier Gatsby had said he had inherited his wealth. Gatsby quickly says that the inheritance was lost in the financial panic of 1914 and that he’s been in several businesses since then. Daisy then exclaims that she loves Gatsby’s giant mansion (she can see it out of Nick’s window). They go over to Gatsby’s, and he shows them around the now empty house, never taking his eyes off Daisy and her reaction to his things. Gatsby is completely overwhelmed by Daisy’s presence. He is overcome with feelings that he can’t even put into words. Gatsby opens a cabinet and starts pulling out piles of shirts and throwing them onto a table. Every kind of shirt color and pattern imaginable stack higher and higher on this table until Daisy puts her head into the shirts and starts to cry about their beauty. It starts raining again, and Gatsby shows Daisy that her house is directly across the bay from his. Nick sees a photograph of Dan Cody, who Gatsby says used to be his best friend until he died. Gatsby shows Daisy a bunch of newspaper clippings about her that he’s been collecting (she would have been featured in the gossip pages that described fancy parties and rich people’s society). Hegets a phone call about Detroit but hangs up quickly. This is the first time that he hasn’t excused himself to take acall in the novel. Nick tries to leave again, but is again roped into staying.Gatsby asks Ewing Klipspringer, a guest who apparently is just always at the house, to play the piano for them. He plays a comical love song. Nick finally says goodbye and leaves.As he does, he sees Daisy whisper in Gatsby’s ear, and imagines that her siren-like voice holds him in thrall. Daisy’s constant shirt-inspired weeping has now gotten her banned from Brooks Brothers. Key Chapter 5 Quotes "You're selling bonds, aren't you, old sport?"..."Well, this would interest you. It wouldn't take up much of your time and you might pick up a nice bit of money. It happens to be a rather confidential sort of thing." I realize now that under different circumstances that conversation might have been one of the crises of my life. But, because the offer was obviously and tactlessly for a service to be rendered, I had no choice except to cut him off there. (5.22-25) Nick recognizes that what he quickly dismissed in the moment could easily have been the moral quandary that altered his whole future. It seems that Nick thinks this was his chance to enter the world of crime – if we assume that what Gatsby was proposing is some kind of insider trading or similarly illegal speculative activity – and be thus trapped on the East Coast rather than retreating to the Midwest. It’s striking that Nick recognizes that his ultimate weakness – the thing that can actually tempt him – is money. In this way, he is different from Gatsby, whose temptation is love, and Tom, whose temptation is sex – and of course, he is also different because he resists the temptation rather than going all-in. Although Nick’s refusal could be spun as a sign of his honesty, it instead underscores how much he adheres to rules of politeness. After all, he only rejects the idea because he feels he â€Å"had no choice†about the proposal because it was â€Å"tactless.†Who knows what shenanigans Nick would have been on board with if only Gatsby were a little smoother in his approach? He had passed visibly through two states and was entering upon a third. After his embarrassment and his unreasoning joy he was consumed with wonder at her presence. He had been full of the idea so long, dreamed it right through to the end, waited with his teeth set, so to speak, at an inconceivable pitch of intensity. Now, in the reaction, he was running down like an overwound clock. (5.4) On the one hand, the depth of Gatsby’s feelings for Daisy is romantic. He’s living the hyperbole of every love sonnet and torch song ever written. After all, this is the first time we see Gatsby lose control of himself and his extremely careful self-presentation. But on the other hand, does he actually know anything about Daisy as a human being? Notice that it’s â€Å"the idea†that he’s consumed with, not so much the reality. The word â€Å"wonder†makes it sound like he’s having a religious experience in Daisy’s presence. The pedestal that he has put her on is so incredibly high there’s nothing for her to do but prove disappointing. Daisy put her arm through his abruptly but he seemed absorbed in what he had just said. Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever. Compared to the great distance that had separated him from Daisy it had seemed very near to her, almost touching her. It had seemed as close as a star to the moon. Now it was again a green light on a dock. His count of enchanted objects had diminished by one. (5.121) Almost immediately when he’s finally got her, Daisy starts to fade from an ideal object of desire into a real life human being. It doesn’t even matter how potentially wonderful a person she may be – she could never live up to the idea of an â€Å"enchanted object†since she is neither magical nor a thing. There is also a question here of â€Å"what’s next?†for Gatsby. If you have only one goal in life, and you end up reaching that goal, what is your life’s purpose now? Is Gatsby more in love with the idea of love than with the actual human being he obsesses over? The Great GatsbyChapter 5 Analysis Now let's consider how this chapter plays into the book as a whole. Overarching Themes Love, Desire, and Relationships. After an earlier chapter of Tom and Myrtle together, we get a chapter of Daisy and Gatsby together. At first glance, the pairs are diametric opposites. Tom and Myrtle are crass and vulgar, constantly chattering about nothing, driven by materialism and physical desire, without a drop of love or romance between them. On the other hand, Gatsby and Daisy are modest and embarrassed, almost speechless, overwhelmed by feelings, and have a physical comfort with each other that Tom doesn’t inspire either in Daisy or in Myrtle (both of whom he physically hurts in varying degrees). Gatsby’s love for Daisy has an otherworldly quality that is several times described in either mythic or religious terms. But already the chapter anticipates that elevating the relationship to such heights makes a fall almost inevitable. Morality and Ethics. Nick is tempted by what he later comes to realize is the moral quandary of his life. Twice, Gatsby offers to do some kind of business with him. There are two ethical challenges in this offer. First, Gatsby is suggesting that Nick needs to be paid for services rendered – that asking Daisy to tea and letting Gatsby see her at Nick’s house is a transaction that needs to be reimbursed somehow. This casts an oddly pimp-and-prostitute vibe on what Nick is being asked to do, which would dispel some of the fairytale romance that Gatsby is ostensibly going for. Second, since it comes on the heels of their encounter with Mr. Wolfshiem, Gatsby’s business proposition is most likely illegal (Insider trading? Speculation? Printing fake bonds? There are several possibilities.). It connects Nick to the lawless criminality that in this novel is associated with the new â€Å"Wild East.†Symbolism: Gatsby's Shirts.Gatsby showers Daisy with his array of exquisite shirts in a display that is at the same time self-congratulation and also a submissive plea. On the one hand, this odd moment is like a male bird’s complicated mating dance – the shirts are the peacock’s plumage. These shirts are a visual representation of how far Gatsby has come – he can literally cover Daisy with his riches. But on the hand, the desperate way he shows them off ties into Nick’s observation that â€Å"think he revalued everything in his house according to the measure of response it drew from her well-loved eyes†(5.1). He wants her approval and is putting all of himself out there for her to pronounce judgment on. Motifs: Weather. For the first time, the novel dwells at length on an extremeweather event. The intermittent downpour sometimes limits and sometimes facilitates Daisy and Gatsby’s afternoon together. The rain allows for moments of physical comedy. For example, Gatsby’s plan to â€Å"accidentally†drop by Nick’s house during tea with Daisy falls apart when he makes his appearance soaking wet (meaning that he obviously wasn’t simply trying to visit Nick – who would do that in that kind of weather?). The rain also creates physical and emotional boundaries, allowing Daisy and Gatsby to stay in their private world. Literally, this happens when they can’t tour the mansion’s grounds and have to stay in his house. But more importantly, this happens when the rain creates a mist that hides Daisy’s house across the bay from view. She doesn’t have to think about her marriage or her daughter – she can exist with Gatsby surrounded by magical-sounding â€Å"pink and golden billow of foamy clouds†(5.134). As soon as one magical light experience (the green dock light) goes stale, Gatsby replaces it with another (sunlit rain clouds). Maybe he just needs a lamp. Crucial Character Beats Nick agrees to invite Daisy over for tea and an â€Å"accidental†meeting with Gatsby. He is able to resist the offer to do business with Gatsby. Daisy and Gatsby finally meet! It’s awkward and horrible at first, but after an hour alone together both of them seem very happy. Then, the trio goes to tour Gatsby’s mansion. Gatsby is overwhelmed by Daisy’s presence and is almost manic. He throws piles and piles of his shirts in front of her until she cries at how beautiful they are. Nick keeps trying to leave Gatsby and Daisy alone, but keeps being roped back into their company. Compare this to the way he was trying to get away from Tom and Myrtle in Chapter 2and also forced to stick around. Daisy and Gatsby are left alone together, clearly full of feelings for each other, and in their own little world. What’s Next? Laugh at a drenched, umbrella-less Gatsby in the most recent movie adaptation- it’s one of the few physical comedy bits in the novel, and that movie gets it just right. Explore the chapter’s other key symbol: the green light on Daisy’s dock. Review the chapter’s main motifs: the rainy weather, and the conspicuous lack of alcohol. Move on to the summary of Chapter 6, or revisit the summary of Chapter 4. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Business ethics as contemporary management topic Term Paper
Business ethics as contemporary management topic - Term Paper Example The study has selected business ethics in order to understand following learning outcomes: Many companies (read Nortel, Enron, Layman Brothers and others) have suffered the ill effect of poor business ethics in last two decades hence discussing contemporary issues related to business ethics can help the author to gain knowledge about organizational sustainability. Business helps the organization to build sustainable representation in front of their stakeholders. Unethical business practice creates a negative impact in the mind of both shareholders and stakeholders. In many cases, it has been observed that government of a particular country takes legal action against organizations practicing unethical activities such as bankruptcy, fraud, misrepresentation of financial asset or fraud. Legal action against unethical organizations not only perturbs sustainability of them but negatively impacts shareholder’s interest. Studying business ethics will help the author to understand the importance of organizational sustainability in terms of financial perspective. Many companies of USA have understood the importance of business ethics hence they have created ethical assistance lines for stakeholders to report the ethical concern about the business practice to them. The following diagram will show an increase of concern related business ethics in recent times. There is a vast gap between ethics and self-interest in the business practice. Many business executives emphasize on self-interest in order to fulfill personal prosperity instead of doing business for the betterment of society.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Qualitative and Quantitative Considerations in Examination of War Essay
Qualitative and Quantitative Considerations in Examination of War - Essay Example According to Clausewitz war is the continuation of politics by other means. War is the mobilization of national power to achieve political objectives, which have been translated into strategic military objectives, by mixing the material factors of economic capacity, technological capacity, transportation, etc., and immaterial factors like national will, will of the ruler and resilience ( Note: Considerations for the Study of War 2010). The military strategic policy of the state will explain how the task is to be accomplished. Every state will go to war with a strategic policy which may be written or may be an ambition of the ruler. So, the aim of war is the most important qualitative consideration. The aim of war can also be limited or unlimited. War has a dual nature, according to Clausewitz. One is the objective reality and the other is the subjective reality. The objective nature of war refers to the common things in war, i.e. violence, fear, danger, fortune, etc.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Operation Buckshot Yankee
Operation Buckshot Yankee Operation Buckshot Yankee: The Primary Point of Weakness By Jeffrey Higa Abstract Operation Buckshot Yankee is a catastrophic event that was a turning point in cyber security for the U.S. government. This incident established the current dominating war fighting domain known as cyberspace and established the need for increased cyber security. I would like to highlight the event known as Operation Buckshot Yankee, how and why it happened, a possible solution that could have prevented this, and similar events synonymous to this situation. I would like to highlight the main point of weakness from my perspective on the situation and propose how this weakness can be strengthened with proper people management and training. I will provide explanations and examples to provide a clear view on how this situation could have possibly be prevented, and statistical data to back up my findings as well as a personal example of a real situation recently occurring in my career. By being able to estimate the possible costs of damages in both monetary and reputational damage caused in these situations, these numbers can prove how valuable data can be and what the costs of a simple mistake such as using a mysterious flash drive can cause. In conclusion, I would like to mention a possible solution to the problem and my personal view on the situation and how it applies to us not only in this event, but also has an impact on our everyday lives in the field of IT and IT security. Essay Operation Buckshot Yankee is based on a cyber security incident which took place in the Middle East in 2008. This cyber attack event was a turning point in the history of U.S. cyber defense, and caused drastic losses of data from secret government databases. Operation Buckshot Yankee was the name of the operation to stop a malicious code that was contained on a flash drive an American soldier found in the Middle East. This flash drive was then inserted by a government employee to a laptop connected to Central Command networks and caused the code to spread throughout classified and unclassified military networks allowing the enemy to steal valuable information on these systems. According to an article by Lynn (2010), U.S. government systems are constantly probed and scanned by adversaries millions of times daily, but this attack was an example of a successful cyber attack. The military lost thousands of data files including weapon and operational plans as well as surveillance data stored on classifieds U.S. networks. Having this incident happen, the government has realized the need for increased cyber security and work to create a secure international network. In response to this attack, the government declared cyberspace as an official war fighting domain, and initiated plans to regulate cyberspace crimes and safety. Up to this attack in 2008, Operation Buckshot Yankee is said to have been the most significant breach of U.S. military computers to date according to an article by Nakashima (2010). According to Lynn (2010) this type of attack is the introduction of a new type of war fighting that opens up the new domain known as cyberspace where traditional war laws do not apply. Cyberspace has now become the primary point of attack, as these types of attacks are relatively inexpensive as they only required trained individuals and computers, rather than large expensive equipment such as tanks and jets. According to another article by Nakashima, the NSA was alerted by a signal in the U.S. system trying to send messages back to the code creator. The NA then found a program that infected their classified network and was sending data out. They sourced the code to the aforementioned thumb drive and found that the code would look for important documents and spread itself to other thumb drives connected to the network. The malicious program was called Agent.btz and infected the host computer and spread over the network to other computers. Any other flash drives connected to already infected computers were then also infected and caused further spread throughout the network. The article also mentions that the code had already been out for months prior to the attack, and was floating around the internet but did not have access to government systems due to them being isolated from the public networks. Due to the government not being able to scan public networks thoroughly, the code was bypass ed until the incident. This situation highlights the danger of insider threats, whether intentional or accidental. In the case of Buckshot Yankee, the carelessness of an individual was the cause of the insider threat which compromised an otherwise secure system isolated from outsider threats. Operation Buckshot Yankee is the planned government operation of shutting down Agent.btz and putting a stop to the stealing of government data. The government analyzed the code and saw that it was looking instructions on what actions to take. The NSA Tailored Access Operations team created a plan to force the code to deactivate itself by sending their instructions for it to shut down. The operation was a success and the instructions were sent out across the network once testing as done, and the malicious code was shut down. Though this code was put to a stop, many important government documents had already been stolen, but the incident was put to a halt. This incident led to the banning of thumb drives on Department of Defense systems as a security measure from preventing a similar incident from happening again. The flash drive was sourced in the Middle East and according to an article by Goodin (2010) the source code was said to have been from Russia but there is no solid evidence directly proving this. The article by Goodin also describes that Government systems are constantly under the threat of cyber attack, and that a dozen computer hackers could drastically cripple U.S. government networks if a network vulnerability is found. This is a perfect example of how drastically times have changed, and that cyberspace is the new arena to commence attacks. According to the article as an example, a dozen people at computers could possibly bring a country down in an extremely cost and labor efficient manner. Losses of life would be minimal for adversaries compared to a kinetic attack, and damages caused could be in the form of disruption o f services or staling of valuable data as described in Buckshot Yankee. A great example of disruption of services would be the event in Estonia as described by Richards (2009). A Distributed Denial of Service attack was launched against Estonia in protest of moving a politically valued statue. These attacks lasted three weeks and were strategically launched targeting banks and other essential services to cripple the technological systems of Estonia. Having essential services shut down can cause chaos and leave a country vulnerable to attacks if an adversary were to take advantage of the situation. Taking that into account, resulting damages of cyber warfare and cyber attacks could essentially have worse effects than kinetic war or possibly result in additional kinetic war. Operation Buckshot Yankee is a perfect example of how battles will most likely be fought in this current era and going into the future. Cyber attacks are en extremely inexpensive and efficient method of causing a significant amount of damage with minimal effort. Due to the nature of cyberspace, attacks are also very difficult to pinpoint and regulate. Traditional laws do not apply here as there are no clear boundaries in the world of cyberspace. As described in an article by Mjr. Gen. Charles J. Dunlap USAF (2009), the definition of cyberspace itself is yet very unclear and undefined. Without proper definition, it is difficult to make accurate laws to apply to this new war fighting domain. The only real protection as mentioned in this article is for nations to take responsibility for their own actions and their citizens. In the case of Operation Buckshot Yankee, this was the unintentional irresponsibility of a U.S. citizen. Due to difficulty in specifically sourcing threats and the l imitless boundaries of cyberspace, it is almost impossible to place blame on a certain country or individual, especially if they are located in another country. As in the case of Buckshot Yankee, though the incident was caused in the Middle East, the code is theoretically sourced from Russia, but there is no way to truly prove it. This brings me to the point that the primary point of any cyber security system is human error. I believe that people cause the most problems in any technology environment regardless of the situation. Computers are controlled by people that cause the problems. Another great and synonymous example is the recent event of credit card information being stolen from Target. An article by Riley, Elgin and Matlack (2014) malware had been installed on Target’s computer system to steal credit card information as it was swiped. Target had installed a detection system by FireEye to detect malware prior to the event happening, but the system was ignored even when alerts were given to the companies’ IT and management. According to the article, about 40 million credit card numbers and 70 million other pieces of information were stolen before the situation was acted upon. This is another prime example of a system working properly but being held back by people. Had this situation been a cted upon as soon as the alert was announced, many peoples’ valuable information would have been saved, and the company would have saved possibly avoidable expenses. As described in a book by Harris,S., Kumar,P.V. (2013), the most important part of cyber security is people. Operation Buckshot Yankee is a perfect example of how human error can cause catastrophic damage. Whether it be due to improper training or carelessness, this event started with the actions of a single person and turned into a widespread situation with catastrophic damages. If proper training was initiated and due diligence was practiced, this situation could have been avoided. Most would consider a random flash drive found in an adversary country to be suspicious and would not try to plug it into any computer, let alone a secure government system, but user errors such as this are the primary cause of incidents regarding technology. Wilshusen (2013) shows statistics from government agencies explaining that 20% of cyber incidents are due to improper usage; only secondary to incidents still unexplained or under investigation. This statistical data is a definite indicator that people are the primary cause for problems in even federal government agencies. By having solid statistics based on real reports from 2012, it is irrefutable evidence that people are the primary cause of concern and outlines the need for continuous training and testing of knowledge. By keeping people properly trained and reducing the number of unknowing individuals having access to network resources above their knowledge these numbers could possibly be greatly reduced. A great personal example is at my place of employment. I work for a government sponsored healthcare company which handles patient data on a daily basis that is regulated by HIPAA. There are a few employees who are older aged (50-60) and are relatively unfamiliar with computers regardless of training given. A prime example is one employee in particular who is in upper management. I cannot think of a more perfect example of a prime target for any type of cyber attack, from social engineering to spam emails, she has fallen victim to them all and constantly does to this day. Upon sitting at her computer, all her usernames and passwords can be found on sticky notes on her desk or under her keyboard. She also opens every email and attachment regardless of what it says or who it is from. We recently had a couple simultaneous incidents happen with her in the past few weeks. The first sign was her email account being locked by our service provider. We called and they said her email was being used to send thousands of spam emails while logged in from China. Upon fixing this and changing her passwords etc., we scanned her computer only to find more than 17,000 malware installed on her computer. We constantly inform her about how to properly inspect email and about not giving out personal information or opening every attachment. Even with antispam programs on our server, some emails will always slip through, and she will always open them. I find this to be a prime example of human error and carelessness to perfectly describe how an incident such as Buckshot Yankee can occur. The statistical cost provided in an article by Ponemon Institute (2012) has shown in a survey that the average cost to a company of a successful cyber attack is about $214,000. This shows that the damages can be significant, and that data is extremely valuable. In the case of buckshot Yankee, the data which was stolen containing weapon plans, and confidential operations and surveillance data is of significant value and could result in catastrophic damages to the U.S. in both costs and possibly loss of life. If this data is placed in the wrong hands it could be used maliciously and the damage could be limitless. In the situation of my workplace, losing patient data could also be a significant loss, leading to possible lawsuits and compromising of patients’ personal information. In the case of target, had the situation been handled properly and the security system been utilized, it could have prevented the significant leaking of data. In a journal by Espenchied (2012) of Microso ft, Operation Buckshot Yankee took almost 14 months to clean up from Department of Defense and Pentagon networks. In all of these situations damages would not only cause significant monetary damage, but also damage the reputation of the data holder. For companies like Target, fixing the damages caused has resulted in an estimated $61 million in expenses and 9 lawsuits according to Riley, Elgin, and Matlack (2014). Had they acted quickly, these damages as well as damage to their reputation could have been minimized. Conclusion In conclusion to these findings, I would like to stress the importance of proper continued training of employees in any type of computer related job, as proper use of computer systems is the best method of preventing such events from occurring. Though proper training can be expensive, it can end up saving more money as well as reputation of the company as exampled given in each situation mentioned. Though the U.S. government has a highly sophisticated and expensive cyber security system, it was compromised by a simple mistake. The importance of due diligence and due care is extremely relevant to Operation Buckshot Yankee, as had the zero source individual been informed, they would have considered the mysterious flash drive a threat, and would not have compromised the system by carelessly using it. Because of how difficult it is to find and hold any party responsible in the domain of cyberspace, the best preventative measure is to make sure that your systems are not exposed to internal threats. Most threats from outside can be filtered with hardware and software, but inside threats are the largest problem. As described by Wilshusen (2013), user error is the leading known cause of cyber incidents in federal agencies at 20%, followed by malicious code at 18% also due to user carelessness; with direct threats such as unauthorized access and probing last at 17% and 7% respectively. The personal example I had given in my place of employment is another example of an insider threat compromising the network due to user misuse and carelessness. The only solution to keeping U.S. cyberspace safe is by ensuring that all hardware and software systems are up to date with current threats, and properly maintained in addition to informed system users. By regulating who has access to data resources, and making sure they are trained to the necessary level of knowledge, we can prevent these future mistakes from happening, and minimize possible damages due to data loss. These concepts apply not only in a government setting, but apply to use at work and even on our personal computers at home. Keeping cyberspace safe is the responsibility of all computer users, and is of utmost importance in this era where we are so dependent on computers. References Beidleman, Lt. Cl. Scott W. DEFINING AND DETERRING CYBER WAR†, (2009): 1-40 Espenchied,J.A. (2012). A Discussion of Threat Behavior: Attackers Patterns. Goodin, D. (2010, August 25). Pentagon confirms attack breached classified network †¢ The Register. Retrieved from Harris,S., Kumar,P.V. (2013). CISSP all-in-one exam guide, sixth edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. Lynn, W. J. (2010, October). Defending a New Domain | Foreign Affairs. Retrieved from domain Nakashima, E. (2011, December 8). Cyber-intruder sparks response, debate The Washington Post. Retrieved from security/cyber-intruder-sparks-response-debate/2011/12/06/gIQAxLuFgO_story.html Nakashima, E. (2010, August 24). Defense official discloses cyberattack. Retrieved from dyn/content/article/2010/08/24/AR2010082406495.html Ponemon Institute (2012, May 24). Infosecurity Cybercrime costs companies an average of $214,000 per attack. Retrieved from http://www.infosecurity- attack/ Richards, J. (2009). Denial-of-Service: The Estonian Cyberwar and Its Implications for U.S. National Security. Retrieved from Riley,M., Elgin,B., Matlack,C. (2014, March 13). Target Missed Warnings in Epic Hack of Credit Card Data Businessweek. Retrieved from 13/target-missed-alarms-in-epic-hack-of-credit-card-data Wilshusen, G. C. (2013). CYBERSECURITY. A Better Defined and Implemented National Strategy Is Needed to Address Persistent Challenges, 36. Wilson, G. C. (2013). CYBERSECURITY. A Better Defined and Implemented National Strategy Is Needed to Address Persistent Challenges, 36
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Its Time to Reform American Health Care :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
    Health care advancements in America are notably the best in the world. We continually strive for preventions and cures of diseases. America has the best medical scientists and physicians that specialize in their medical fields. According to Joseph A. Califano Jr. (2003), "what makes America health care system great is its ability to attract the finest minds in our society," that can help the sick by preventing and curing medical complications. (p. 18). We are noted worldwide for our medical care and physicians from other countries jump at the opportunity to join the American medical system.      However, our system is based on money. The more money you have to spend, the better medical services you will receive. ?According to the Bureau of Labor education at the university of main (2003), America spends more money oh health care than any other nation, "$4,178 per capita on health care in 1998?, compared to the average of $1,783. (BLE., 2003, p.23). Still an estimated "42.5 million Americans are living without health insurance", which prevents them from receiving medical treatment. (Climan, Scharff, 2003, p.33). The numbers of un-insured Americans continue to rise. Tim Middleton (2002) states, ?insurance premiums grow at a rate greater than wages,? when you have a low-income job. ( ¶ 9). With our current economy recession, taxes are rising and small business employers are unable to purchase health plans for their employees. Employees are realizing that they are unable to gain insurance from their jobs and beginning to speak out about the high price of he alth care.      The American Medical Student Association (2004) stated that ?Between 1945 and 1970, America?s economy was strong and booming?, they owned about 60% of the world profit.? ( ¶13). During this time employers were able to cover their employees and the employers were also able to ?write off the health insurance as tax-deductibles for the company.?(AMSA, 2004,  ¶ 11 ). As time progressed our economy began to unravel.      During the 70?s the world entered a recession because ?the cost of economic growth of other industrialized nations began to rise rapidly?, the United States felt the effect. (AMSA, 2004,  ¶ 14). With the development of other nations, came lose of industrial production for the United States of America. American Medical Student Association (2004) stated ?In 1950 we had 60% and by 1980 we only claimed 30% of the world production?, this brought higher prices as well as loses of jobs.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
1984 Sexual Rebellion
Jamie Aragon English 12 B-2 17 March 2005 Sexual Rebellion The First Lady, Abigail Adams, once stated, â€Å"If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or representation†(BrainyQuote). This statement was intended for rebellion regarding the rights of women, however rebellion is rebellion. Due to this stand led by Adams and other women, the females in society today are fortunate enough to have received all of the rights possible.Rebellion is not only used when citizens’ rights are needed, but as Abigail said, it is used when people â€Å"have no voice or representation. †For example, many teenagers feel like they are never listened to or that even if they were heard, their comments would be irrelevant. What happens with these kids when this occurs? Many rebel to get their point across and their voices heard. While there are many form s of rebellion among high school and early college students, such as involving oneself in alcohol or drugs, the most common type could be agreed upon as involving oneself in sexual activity.Similarly, Winston and Julia also rebelled against a government in which they did not have a say. These are the two main characters from George Orwell’s dystopic novel, 1984, in which the protagonist, Winston Smith, is watched every second of every day by their government that is also known as Big Brother. Big Brother’s intense control is what led Winston to do what he felt needed to be done. Despite the government’s support for goodness and purity, Winston and Julia engaged in sexual activity to rebel against Big Brother.When an authority figure has a strong stance on a certain rule or law, those are the situations that are more likely to be broken, simply due to the fact that they are rules that are set to not be rebelled against. Winston comments to Julia, â€Å"I hate pu rity, I hate goodness. I don’t want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones†(Orwell 137). These were two of the many things that Big Brother strongly supported. Therefore, when one wanted to rebel against this government and the rules that they stood for, purity and goodness were easy targets to act upon, as did Winston and Julia.After hearing this comment, Julia responds by telling Winston that she is the epitome of what corruption to the bones is. Smith is delighted to hear this from her, understanding that this is the woman whom he will rebel with. In fact, â€Å"That was above all what he wanted to hear. Not merely the love of one person, but the animal instinct, the simple undifferentiated desire: that was the force that would tear the Party to pieces†(137). What is stated implies that Winston is not looking for a lifetime partner, rather more of just a partner in crime; someone that will join him in the rebellion.Their dia logue that was proceeding consisted of Winston telling Julia that the more partners she had been with, the more he loved her. However, the love that he uses with her, is it real love or is it more along the lines of lust; a lust for someone to just accompany his side? Throughout the novel, it is easy for the reader to understand that one of the main themes is purity, or the lack of. While it can be looked upon in more depth, it is stated clearly that the lovemaking that the characters share is not actually love, rather just an impure â€Å"political act†to rebel against the Party.For example, Orwell writes, â€Å"No emotion was pure, because everything was mixed up with fear and hatred. Their embrace had been a battle, the climax a victory. It was a blow struck against the Party. It was a political act†(138). There are many examples in this novel that clearly portray this relationship as just a simple act of rebellion, this being one palpable example. The author desc ribes their embrace as a battle, implying a battle against the government; their â€Å"climax a victory,†implying that that climax had just been what they were hoping for, a blow to the face of Big Brother.This embrace screams, â€Å"Look at us, we wanted to battle against you and we were handed the trophy just following the climax. †However, Winston might as well have also been yelling out that he had no idea who the woman was that he just had sex with since â€Å"even now he had not found out her surname or her address. However, it made no difference [to him], for it was inconceivable that they could ever meet indoors or exchange any kind of written communication†(139). With this stated, once again, it shows that Winston is not concerned about the actual uman that Julia is, rather just the sexual aspects that she is about or believes in. He is not interested enough in Julia to even bother asking for her complete name, or finding out exactly where she lives. However, Orwell tries to defend this circumstance by writing that even if Winston knew where she lived, there would be no possible way for the two to meet there, because if they were found lying together, their lives would be over. Even though there are many instances where Julia, Winston, and the narrator use the term â€Å"making love†, as seen before, it is not actually love making that the two engage in, rather just plain sex.While walking, Winston ponders: He wished that he were walking through the streets with her just as they were doing now, but openly and without fear, talking of trivialities and buying odd and ends for the household. He wished above all that they had some place where they could be alone together without feeling the obligation to make love every time they met. (152) Although there is a positive aspect to this quote as Winston states that he wishes he did not feel obligated to have sex with Julia every single time that they met, he still uses the term making love when describing his relationship between them.This incommodious obligation that Winston feels is understandable and is a good change from what he has been seeing him feel, however, if he really feels that what they share is love rather than sex, why did he not care to know her surname, her morals, or anything else about her that did not regard sexuality. While some may disagree, making love is exactly what it appears. It is love that is shared between two partners who love one another, not the pleasure of sex between practically strangers. While having sex and making love could be viewed as two very different acts, Big Brother does not stand for either.Big Brother always wants the members’ energy and focus on the government and does not want for a moment otherwise, as they believe is what happens when members involve themselves in sexual activity. For example, Julia states, â€Å"‘When you make love you’re using up energy; and afterwards you feel ha ppy and don’t give a damn for anything. They can’t bear you to feel like that. They want you to be bursting with energy all the time’†(145). What is sometimes worse than committing an act of rebellion, is the feeling deep inside when the time has come to confess to this action.Winston and Julia arrive at what they think is the home of another rebel; they soon discover that this man had it in for both of them throughout the entire novel. However, before noticing this, Winston confesses about him and Julia. He states, â€Å"We are enemies of the Party. We disbelieve in the principles of Ingsoc. We are thoughtciminals. We are also adulterers [and] I tell you this because we want to out ourselves at your mercy†(185). Winston thinks that by confessing his sins to O’Brien, a member of the thought police, he is setting himself along with Julia free.Little does he know that by committing this action, he was practically turning himself in by throwin g both of their lives at the feet of Big Brother. This example proves that Winston and Julia committed adultery, so he says, as a pure act of rebellion against Big Brother since they are â€Å"enemies of the Party. †However, while I, along with many others, believe that this relationship was solely based on rebellion, Albert Camus states, â€Å"Methods of thought which claim to give the lead to our world in the name of revolution have become, in reality, ideologies of consent and not of rebellion. This disagreement is stating that while it is thought to be rebellion committed by Smith and Julia, it is in fact an ideology of consent, thus having nothing to do with rebellion. Despite Camus point of view, by considering all of the statements that George Orwell provides, it is still more likely to be an act of rebellion over anything. Even though this relationship can be looked upon as an act of rebellion against the Big Brother government, Winston and Julia try their utmost ha rdest to not let the truth get out. They both know very well that, in this case, their rebellion could lead both of their lives to death if they were discovered.Julia whispers to Winston, â€Å"‘And now listen, dear, we’ve got to fix up about the next time we meet. We may as well go back to the place in the wood; we’ve given it a good long rest. But you must get there by a different way. I’ve got it all planned out’†(149). While Winston and Julia actually try to keep their rebellion a secret, many teens rebel against authority for the satisfaction of being caught and being able to reflect upon the moment they were discovered. For instance, when the Columbine shooting took place, it did not occur out of the blue, nor did the two offenders attempt to not be caught.In fact, the two boys told various people about their plan, not worrying about being disciplined before the offence. While the reader has seen proof of Winston’s lack of inter est in the person who Julia is, it is time to see Julia’s side. Had she truly cared about Winston, she could have continued to strive for the overcoming of Big Brother to end up together with Winston. However, she does not feel this way and it can be seen by viewing her comment: ‘We may be together for another six months- a year- there’s no knowing. At the end we’re certain to be apart.Do you realize how utterly alone we shall be? When once they get hold of us there will be nothing, literally nothing, that either of us can do for the other. If I confess, they’ll shoot you, and if I refuse to confess they’ll shoot you just the same. Nothing that I can do or say, or stop myself from saying, will put off your death for as much as five minutes. ’ (181) Julia reflects in-depth upon what outcomes will appear after the relationship between her and Winston is unveiled. She confidently states that when all is over and done with, the two will no t have remained together.She repeats over and over that, no matter either one of them do or say, it is impossible and nonnegotiable for the two to remain as the sexual couple that they are, not even a duo for that matter. Through George Orwell’s novel, it is clear that Winston and Julia commit adultery for the single reason of rebelling against Big Brother, despite the government’s support for goodness and purity. In society today, teenagers can be found constantly rebellion against authority for the simple sake of breaking a few rules, similar to Winston smith and Julia.In the novel, 1984, rebellion was not viewed as something patriotic, nor was it looked at as a positive change to their society. However, rebellion does not always have to be seen as a negative action. For example, Margaret Lee Runbeck once made a statement that, if turned around, could read, â€Å"Rebellion is always learning. †This supports the statement made early regarding rebellion as not always have a negative outcome or cause. Runbeck stated, â€Å"Learning is always rebellion†¦ Every bit of new truth discovered is revolutionary to what was believed before. â€
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