Thursday, December 26, 2019
Why Do Rush Into Something Permanent Like Marriage
Cohabitating with your significant other is not out of the ordinary for today’s standards, and more and more seem to take on this trend instead of marrying. Why rush into something permanent like marriage, when living together is like a test trial for the future? More adults are choosing to cohabitate and have children rather then get married. Studies show a rising number that moving in with your partner, and having children before marriage is not uncommon. Cohabiators like myself say marriage is a piece of paper, and residing with a partner is not uncommon to show serious commitment. I believe it is important to live with someone before you marry him or her. It is no longer out of the ordinary to live with your partner before marriage. Pew Research Center shows that more adults ages 25 to 34 have never been married and live with their significant other. Research also shows that 24% of young adults cohabitate instead of tying the knot. In my opinion, living together without being married still shows that people are committed to a relationship without a piece of paper; no more wishing to play house with the one you loveâ€â€its actually possible. Living together is a big commitment both parties must be ready for. The fact is that living together not only show legal commitment, but also a mutual commitment between the couples that choose to cohabitate rather then become married. Nowadays, people are choosing to live with their partner and have children. A study made by the TimeShow MoreRelatedShakespeare s Playwrights And Poetry Empower People1519 Words  | 7 Pages Shakespeare’s playwrights and poetry empower people to do great things, prove to serve as living textbooks, and also help educate people. It’s important to experience his works, for they are truly inspirational arts that motivate people to do exceptional things and perhaps break a vicious cycle of corruption. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
3.1 Briefly Describe Each Of The Functions Of Nonverbal
3.1 Briefly describe each of the functions of nonverbal communication given in the text. Nonverbal communication function to repeat, conflict, accent or moderate, encourage, substitute and compliment. Nonverbal communication can simply what was said verbally. Nonverbal signals can be contradictory the verbal message for example when a person is lying or scared. Nonverbal communication can complement verbal communication usually decoding the message more accurately. As a substitute for verbal communication, nonverbal communication may indicate more permanent characteristics such as age or gender, moderately long-lasting features and relatively short-term features of a person. Nonverbal behavior may amplify or tone down parts of the verbal†¦show more content†¦3.3 How does physical attractiveness affect interaction between people? Physical attractiveness plays an influential role in determining communication behavior. Evidence from our culture supports that initially we respond much more favorable to those we perceive more physically attractive than those we see as less attractive. Studies have shown that physical attractive people are perceived to exceed unattractive people on socially desirable evaluation such as personality, success, sexuality, popularity and happiness. Society’s behavior towards unattractive people is negative. This perception can also be seen in infants, one study have found out that infants looked significantly longer at an attractive face than a less attractive one. Studies have also shows that attractiveness is very important in dating and marriages. In obtaining a job, attractiveness maybe an advantage, with the applicant getting the job or even a higher salary. Being attractive is associated with persuasion success and self-esteem. Judgements of attractiveness may change over the course of a lifetime. 3.4 Describe each of Edward T. Hall s four spatial zones. Edward Hall defined four distances that not North Americans use in their daily lives. According to Hall, we often choose our distances depending on how we feel towards another person at a given time, concept of the conversation and our interpersonal goals. The first one ofShow MoreRelatedCross Cultural Communication9880 Words  | 40 Pagesrelatively unrelated areas as cultural anthropology and established areas of communication. Its core is to establish and understand how people from different cultures communicate with each other. Its charge is to also produce some guidelines with which people from different cultures can better communicate with each other. We study the culture in context of cultural theories given by following researchers * Hofstede’s Cultural dimensions * Hall’s Context theory * Schwartz value Inventory Theory Read MoreThree Step Writing Process8391 Words  | 34 Pageschapter, you will be able to â€Å"People have just gone ahead and experimented. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Leadership and Strategic Management in Education
Question: Discuss about the Leadership and Strategic Management in Education. Answer: Introduction: In performance measurement, an organization, an individual employee or even the collective group can only see their performance measurement through organizational feedback. This is communicating the productivity outcomes of individual employees, the collective departments or the company (Ashdown, n.d.). An employees behavior and the goals of the organization is the link in which his or her performance is measured. Consequently, the performance of the organization is measured by the organizational goals through its vision and mission and the decisions made by the management. Measurements have a lot of negative impact on an organization if reported incorrectly. Measurement is the initial step to organizational improvement (Blackstone, n.d.). Quantification stimulates the measuring process. Before adopting performance measures, managers should study the environmental conditions while analyzing the consequences of the negative measures. There are five fundamentals that are taken into consideration in performance measurement ; Profit usually measured in terms of money Productivity which is measured in input output relationship Customer feedback on factors such as service and product quality Change adaptation and innovation Human resource or labor The improvement of the management of the work performance of the members and in particular of the executives in the present organizations constitutes a challenge, since it is not only one way to achieve the advance towards the excellence of these, but also of the economy and Society in general. In correspondence with performance management, most of the work addresses the management decisions which do expose the characteristics, description as well as the models proposed and the composition of the phases that make up the work presented. Profits measured in form of money This is the most common method of measuring management performance. An organization with high profits means that the performance of the particular organization is also high. The opposite is also true, an organization with losses means that the organization performance is wanting.Of importance in todays society, the distinctive feature is accelerated by the change phase. These results in the adaptation of skills, attitudes and knowledge which requires institutional members adopt to organizational change of circumstances. Management system establishment are sometimes obsolete and mostly become a barrier which creates substantive threats to development and survival of the organization itself (Pasher and Ronen, 2011). Profits are most likely Avoidance of these risks is an essential task of each and every level of management team and level. How might one measure or assess the effectiveness of efforts to implement a high-performance work culture or system To organizational has been a recurring theme in human resources analysis and departments. For some, a subject of great importance; For others, one a little trite; And for others, one that is overvalued, does not transcend too much and where there is no need to invest more than necessary. Indeed, this group of those who do not care much about organizational culture emerged during the economic crisis of the past two years, in which a significant number of companies became evident that focused only on staff cuts and spending To control the budget, almost completely forgetting the organizational culture and welfare within their organizations which probably had to do with the overall results of business.The effectiveness can be measured using KPIs and staff evaluation forms Productivity which is measured in input output When the productivity of a company is used to measure the organization performance, two factors are put into consideration; Output means whatever the organization is producing. The ratio of output input measures how the organization is perfoming. When the company has many folds of output over input, it means it is performing very well. However, not all performance is measured this way, depending on the organization, profitability matters fundamentally. Customer feedback on factors such as service and product quality In business, the customer is the king. Customer feedback is highly valued by the management and the staff for growth and development. Excellence in customer service produces positive feedback from the customers. This leads to customer loyalty and eventually high performance by the organization. In contrast, poor customer feedbackon services and productivity results to low performance. In instances like this, management overhaul, strategy change and other drastic measures happens. Change adaptation and innovation In the world dominated by technological changes and innovations to be market leaders, the slaggards are usually faced a competitive business environment or a high performance environment. Organizations hould change to various adaptations for sustainability. Innovation also leads to high performance in an organization. Armstrong human resource management method This model is articulated as of the changes that are produced in three dimensions of the personnel management: the change in the conception of the personnel of cost to resource, the incorporation of the proactive point of view in practices and the application of strategic management to the human resource. They are analyzed, also, the main models of Human Resource Management to determine the characteristics that define the personnel function in the organizations. Finally, it is drawn the large lines that would have to guide the formulation of a Human Resources Management model in the future. Human resource attracts high performance in an orgazation. Companies hire quality and experienced labour to enhance their performance. Labour cost should not be very high as it burdens the company leading to low profits therefore low perfomance. When adopting performance measures, managers should look keenly into consequences of environmental conditions while analyzing the consequences of positive and negative measures. The improvement of the management of the performance of members and in particular of the executives in the present organizations constitutes a challenge, since it is not the only way to achieve advancement towards the excellence of these, but also of the economy and Society in general. Goals in Performance management The first specific goal is related to the management of business performance in relation to the identification of objectives and possible areas for improvement. The second specific goal establishes the mechanism for selecting the improvements that contribute to this result and the third focuses on the dissemination mechanisms that ensure that the improvements can achieve the expected quantitative results. The fourth goal focuses on organizational improvement and expansion strategies that aim to improve the quality and quantity of services provided (Tracy, n.d.). When adopting performance measures, managers should look keenly into consequences of environmental conditions while analyzing the consequences of positive and negative measures. Conclusion In correspondence with performance management, most of the work addresses the management decisions which do expose the characteristics, description as well as the models proposed and the composition of the phases that make up the work presented (Tracy, n.d.). Quantification stimulates the measuring process. Before adopting performance measures, managers should study the environmental conditions while analyzing the consequences of the negative measures. References Ashdown, L. (n.d.).Performance management. Bush, T. and Coleman, M. (2000).Leadership and strategic management in education. London: Paul Chapman. Cadwell, C. (2000).Performance management. [S.l.]: American Management Association. Performance management. (2010). Scottsdale: WorldatWork. Pettinger, R. (2013).Organizational Behaviour. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Tracy, B. (n.d.).Management.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Nuclear Arms Essays - Manhattan Project, Nuclear Warfare
Nuclear Arms On August 6, 1945, Hiroshima was devastated by a most cruel and terrible new bomb, as described by Emperor Hirohito, one of the Axis leaders during World War II. Since then, nuclear weapons have become a major threat to humanity as more and more missiles, bombs, and other weapons are created by different countries. Today, many nations, including the United States and Russia, are working together to disarm their stockpile of nuclear weapons. Germany first started developing a fission bomb in 1939. Albert Einstein, along with other scientists, realized this and wrote to President Roosevelt regarding the threat to the Allies. Shortly after, the United States began serious efforts to produce an atomic bomb, later known as the ?Manhattan Project'. When the Manhattan Project first started, its first objective was to provide a source of Uranium 235, a highly fissionable material. Unfortunately, this compound was very rare, with only one atom of U-235 to every five hundred of Uranium 238, which was virtually worthless in creating nuclear weapons at the time. Since the the two isotopes were almost exactly the same, a chemical method of extraction could not be used. A large plant was built in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, that had the sole purpose of separating the different forms of uranium. Using a process of magnetic separation devised by H. C. Urey, Ernest Lawrence successfully solved this major problem. Six years, and two billion dollars, were spent by some of the greatest minds in the world to create the first weapon of mass destruction. Led by J. Robert Oppenheimer, the team of scientists detonated the new bomb on July 16, 1945. Although successful, the general reaction was far from ecstatic. Many people on the project signed a petition to never use such a device. I am become death, said one person, the destroyer of worlds. Shortly after Hiroshima was attacked, Nagasaki fell victim to this terrible weapon. Emperor Hirohita, fearing continued destruction, surrendered immediately. World War II was finally over, but the ?Atomic Age' had just begun. In August, 1949, the Soviet Union detonated its first nuclear bomb. As a result, the US and the USSR began a race to compile an arsenal of the most powerful weapons as possible. This led to the development of the hydrogen bomb, a much more devastating version of the atom bomb. An H-bomb uses both nuclear fission and fusion to create a huge explosion. First, an uncontrolled fission reaction takes place, which creates extreme temperature and pressure. This massive force activates a fusion reaction, creating a very destructive blast at least five times the power of an atomic bomb. After years of weapons research and construction, US president Ronald Reagan announces plans for the Strategic Defense Initiative, a satellite based system which would, theoretically, destroy all missiles in space before they reached America. When the Soviet Union heard this, they began a mad race to catch up. However, the country went broke trying to catch up to a project that didn't exist, exhausting their resources immensely, and eventually causing a chain reaction that ended communism in most European countries. In 1986 Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and United States President Ronald Reagan began the long process of disarmament, intending to greatly lessen the threat of nuclear holocaust. Many treaties have been signed to eliminate several classes of weapons, including intermediate-range, short-range, and long-range missiles. To this day, countries around the world are disarming and decontaminating missiles, and continuing the effort to conserve peace, although the path ahead is long, and certainly fraught with complications. Third-world countries are just now gaining access to nuclear technology, and some of these nations are constantly at war, home to terrorist factions, and other things that could be disastrous if nuclear technology was implemented by them. Science Essays
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