Saturday, August 31, 2019
The Benefits of Healthy Lifestyle
THE BENEFITS OF HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Health is a pattern of individual practices and personal behavioral choices that are related to reduce health risk. Chasing a healthy lifestyle is becoming the hot issue among the citizens nowadays. Why citizens so care about a healthy lifestyle? This is because there are too many benefits of having healthy lifestyle and these benefits are becoming more apparent. First benefit is, it can ensure a good mental health. Mental health depends upon health lifestyle choices.We will experience a good mental health when we are founding a balance in our social, emotional and psychological areas of life. In this case, social contact is playing an important role. When we have a good mental health, we are in a place of peace and it will enhance our life quality. So, it is vital to foster a healthy lifestyle. Also, strength is another benefit. With a healthy lifestyle, we have strength to train to help build the muscle that supports the bones and joints, therefore decreasing the risk of falls and fractures.Our bones will begin to lose mass and strength results of ageing. It is essential for us to develop a healthy lifestyle by doing weight-bearing exercise like walking to prevent osteoporosis. Last but not least, no one wants to overweight. Thus, this is the most common reason that people want a healthy lifestyle. Living by having a healthy lifestyle is the best way to lose weight. The healthy lifestyle choices like stopping smoking, reducing alcohol intake and eating well-balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables will help to maintain a healthy weight.The weight within normal limits can also significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and improve overall health and well-being. For people of all ages, weights, and abilities, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle are endless. However, the lifestyle is influenced by our own attitude. If we are yearning for a healthy lifestyle, then we must being proactive in our health and thus, cre ating a healthy lifestyle to guarantee our future life.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Different Aspects of Pain Essay
Pain is a subject to which all people can relate. There are many different types of pain, and people react to these pains in various ways. Pain is also caused from many different sources. It could be from grief, stress, or a significant event that occurs in one’s life. Pain is defined in the Dictionary as â€Å"mental or emotional suffering or torment.†The poetry of Robert Frost, James Langston Hughes, and Emily Dickinson all display different aspects of pain. Robert Lee Frost was born on March 26, 1874 in San Francisco, California where his father worked as a newspaper editor. This may have been where Robert was first exposed to the aspect of writing. Robert’s first published poem was in a school newspaper at the age of 16 where he wrote a poem on the subject of Cortez in Mexico. Although he attended Dartmouth for seven weeks and spent two years at Harvard, he never finished a college education with a degree. After he had gotten married, he worked as a schoolteacher, and during this period is when he spent time writing the majority of his poetry. After his teaching career, he moved to England to pursue getting his works published since his poetry was not accepted for publishing in America. His first two books of poems, A Boy’s Will and North of Boston, were published in England and then later in America due to the overwhelming popularity of them in England (Greenberg ix-x). Frost’s poem â€Å"Out, Out†tells a story of the tragic death of a boy due to a buzz saw. The title is an allusion to act five William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, where the main character, Macbeth, performs a soliloquy regarding the death of his wife: â€Å"Out, out, brief candle! / Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player / That struts and frets his hour upon the stage / And then is heard no more. It is a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing.†The allusion to Shakespeare in the title is appropriate to the subject matter because the soliloquy of Macbeth states that life is short, and inevitably will end. That is the message that Robert Frost is trying to convey in this poem. There are two different aspects of pain that appear in â€Å"Out, Out.†The first one is the aspect of physical pain. This occurs when the buzz saw the boy is using, hits the boy’s hand and injures the hand severely. â€Å"As if to prove saws knew what supper meant, / Leaped out at the boy’s hand, / or seemed to leap  (Frost 522)†The boy then begins to feel the pain of what has just happened, the physical pain of his hand being severed by the buzz saw. The next type of pain that can be seen here is the psychological pain, caused by stress. As a result of the boy’s injury, he begins to fall into pieces about the whole matter (clarify this somehow. â€Å"fall into pieces†sounds a little ambiguous as well as clichà ©) . The poem says that the boy â€Å"half in appeal, but as if to keep / the life from spilling. Then the boy saw all  (Frost 522).†These two lines of the poem depict that the boy is old enough to understand what is going on with what is happening. His hand is injured beyond what the doctors can repair, and there is a high possibility of death because of what has just happened. The word ‘Life’ in this poem represents the blood that flowing from his hand. One can also see the apathy displayed by the rest of his family. Even though a member of the family has just died due to a tragic accident â€Å"Little–less–nothing!–and that ended it (Frost 522)†they show no pain of the loss of a family member. It is depicted in the last two lines of the poem, â€Å"No more to build on there. And they, since they / Were not the one dead, turned to their affairs (Frost 522).†This shows that they had no emotion to the event, and went on to what they were doing as if nothing had happened in the first place. The second piece of poetry presented is one by James Langston Hughes. James Langston Hughes was born February 1, 1902 in Joplin Missouri. He spent his early life living with his grandmother in Illinois. Hughes began to write poems, and also some short stories, while he was in high school. Hughes mentions that the primary influences to his writing are Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Carl Sandburg, and Walt Whitman. His first book of poetry, entitled The Weary Blues, was published in 1926, while he was in college. Hughes graduated from Lincoln University three years following the publication of his first book of poetry. The year following his college graduated, Hughes won the Harmon gold medal for literature for the first novel that he wrote, Not Without Laughter. James Langston Hughes poem â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers†was the first poem of his that was published. This poem was also set to music later on. It is written from the perspective of a man that ties together African and African-American history. Hughes does this by naming different rivers that are in Africa and also those that are in the United States. This is where the wordplay of Langston Hughes can be seen. The type of pain that is displayed in this poem is not very obvious, but it is more implied than directly stated. Seeing that this poems speaks of African and African-American History, the idea of the oppression that these people groups have gone through is something that can be inferred from what the poem says. Both of these people groups have gone through major oppression because of slavery, inequality, and the like. (while it is not obvious I would recommend trying to find a few lines that can possibly show the pain) The final poem presented here is a poem from Emily Dickinson. Emily Dickinson was born in the year 1830 in a family that was considered to be very wealthy for that time period. Her father ultimately led the family and was a religious man for the family. He read prayers and passages of scripture to all that lived in the household to maintain this. She attended the seminary for a year, but went home after that year due to a significant amount of unpleasant experiences. After Emily left school, she isolated herself from all activities and responsibilities that were outside of the household, and kept to herself most of the time. She spent a significant amount of time reading books. Because of the morals that her father had, there were not many things for her to choose from, as her father thought that most books that were available at the time might shake up her thinking patterns. She then settled to read the Bible, classical myths, and also the works of William Shakespeare. Because of this, a great amount of the poems that she wrote had allusion to her readings contained in them. Although there is very little that people know of Emily Dickinson’s outside life, but after reading the poems that she has written, one can gain some access to the inside life in Emily Dickinson (Madden 1287). Emily Dickinson wrote nearly two thousand different poems in her lifetime (Madden 1288). Only but a few of these poems were intentionally published by her. Although Emily made her brother and sister promise to destroy all of her works following her death, her sister, Lavinia, could not gain the strength to destroy her sister Emily’s poetry. Not too far following her death in 1886, nine volumes of her works that were revised in wording, punctuation, structure, and rhyme were published. Unedited versions that were true to the original manuscript of Emily Dickinson where not published until 1955 (Madden 1288). Most of the poems of Emily Dickinson were her own personal laments that she did not intend for the public to ever see. â€Å"After A Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes†is an example of one of these extremely personal poems. During the time that this poem was written, Dickinson had just lost a very close friend. She was also beginning to dismiss the ideas of a career, starting a family, and making contact with anything or anyone that was outside of her own house. This whole poem directly deals with the pain of emotional loss that comes with the passing away of a person that is extremely close. Death was something that Dickinson never adjusted to, and it is displayed in this poem. She depicts how the feeling sits heavily and does not seem to go away very quickly â€Å"The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs–(Dickinson 1291)†(Lundin 95). In the last two lines of the first stanza Dickinson says, â€Å"The stiff Heart questions what it He, that bore, / And Yesterday, or Centuries before? (Dickinson 1291)†Here she is reliving past pains and grief that have occurred in her life before the death of her friend. She also relives past painful moments in her life in the second stanza â€Å"The Feet, mechanical, go round (Dickinson 1291)†(Grabher 217). In the last stanza, Dickinson focuses on the present pain that is in her life. â€Å"This is the Hour of Lead– (Dickinson 1291)†refers to the passing of Dickinson’s close friend. She then goes over the stages of how she moves on from these painful experiences: â€Å"As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow– / First–Chill–then Stupor–then the letting go– (Dickinson 1291)†The way that she ends this poems makes it appear as though she is trailing off into a land of thought to go dwell on what has just happened, to begin her process of recovery (Lundin 234). As one can see, many different aspects of pain have been discussed. Robert Frost’s â€Å"Out, Out†discussed physical pain due to an injury, and also the pain of stress due to that injury. James Langston Hughes implied the racial oppression of Africans and African-Americans that had gone before him in â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers.†Emily Dickinson goes deep into her personal life and displays emotional pain with â€Å"After A Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes†by reminiscing on past grief and dealing with a new grief due to the death of a friend. As one reads through and analyzes these poems, one can see the way that pain is displayed in the midst of them and how each separate type affects people in different ways.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Detente – Was it successful?
However, the term D ©tenet simply means a loosening of tensions, which did happen ND therefore is it correct to say that it failed? D ©tenet certainly backed away from more incidents like the Cuban Missile Crisis happening once again, and cooperation increased between the powers significantly, therefore to a fairly large extent I don't agree that D ©tenet was a failure. The policy was often viewed as ‘soft' and it was criticized by many Americans because the aggressive Soviet Expansionism continued.On the other hand though, expansionism doesn't signify any failure, because D ©tenet was not a tool to stop communism from spreading like containment was, but a policy to reduce tensions, or this reason Soviet Expansion can't be seen as a factor for the failure' of D ©tenet to any extent. It was also viewed as a failure because not all of the policies worked, for instance the Helsinki Agreement of 1975 was an agreement based around human rights, it was completely dismissed by the USSR, who viewed it as a ‘scrap of paper and as a country they continued to suppress people.Moreover, other agreements had faults too, such as SALT 1 which failed to put caps on new advances of weapons and which only lasted for five years. To some extent these policies can be seen to have failed, yet despite these downfalls, as a whole we cannot view D ©tenet as a failure because there were positives to the policies, such as Increased communication which In turn reduced tensions – the alma of D ©tenet. Other people viewed D ©tenet as a failure because The Cold War continued afterwards; they wanted D ©tenet to end the war completely.Following the period of D ©tenet, the appointment of Ronald Reagan as president of America led to a period of the ‘Neo-cons', a group of people that hated communism and wanted to eliminate t. For this reason, the Cold War fired up again, and some people believe that because of this, the policy of D ©tenet was a failur e; however to a large extent this is untrue, because D ©tenet was never a promise to end the Cold War, and both the Americans and the Soviets were aware that it was not the end. D ©tenet was a promise to reduce tensions, which It did successfully to a great extent.On the other hand, when reviewing D ©tenet overall In relation to Its aim, It was incredibly successful. The policy of D ©tenet aimed to reduce tensions between the Missile Crisis, which put into perspective how easily the countries could destroy each other; MAD, mutually assured destruction was the name given to this realization. In terms of mutually assured destruction, d ©tenet was a positive thing; it increased communications for example through the use of the hotlist set up and these steps avoided further crisis.For this reason, D ©tenet was to no extent a failure. In addition, D ©tenet had other successes for both America and The Soviet Union. America were able to use D ©tenet as a tool to get out of Vietnam, which was positive n terms of its international relationships. Moreover, D ©tenet stopped the Soviet Union from feeling isolated by the relationship built up by China and America, which was positive because this in turn reduced tensions and increased communications – the overall aim.Finally, D ©tenet improved the economic situation in both America and The USSR after the arms race had taken it's toll, this was done by an increase in trade and technology across the iron curtain. All these factors were positive and the loosened tensions between the superpowers, therefore D ©tenet was without a doubt success in achieving its aim. In conclusion, it's obvious that D ©tenet did have many downfalls and for this reason many people instantly conclude that it was a failure.On the other hand, to a large extent D ©tenet achieved its purpose because many policies reduced the tension that was present. D ©tenet should not be seen to have failed due to the fact that the C old War continued, because that was not the intention of the policy. Overall, it's evident that d ©tenet was only a failure to a marginal extent because of the downfall of some of the agreements, yet to a significant extent, D ©tenet was a success.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Article
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology - Article Example And finally, the paper will discuss the electronic privacy laws. The VeriChip: An Implantable Chip: this is a simple technology that involves implanting an electronic chip under the skin of an individual. This chip has the capacity of storing up to six lines of text, and can function as a personal ID number. This chip emits a 125-kilohert radio signal that is received by a special receiver that reads the text signal (Hodge, 2003). The chip once implanted, can track the individual from everywhere he/she goes. The wOzNet: A wearable chip: unlike the VeriChip which is an implantable identification device, the wOzNet is a wearable chip which acts as a commercial identification device (Fortt, 2003). The wOzNet is responsible for tracking a group of inexpensive electronic tags from a central station using Global Positioning Satellite information. In this regard, the transmission of location of information from the chip to the base station is via the same 900-megahertz radio spectrum equivalent to the one used by portable phones (Fortt, 2003). In the event the wOzNet user sets the parameter for notification, the later will generate alerts via phone or e-mail that lets the owner know the position of the one being tracked. Networked Computing: Spyware and Adware: Networked computers together with networking computer programs link different millions of users through the internet. Spyware and adware are controversial computer applications that run on networked computers. Spyware for instance is a program that installs itself without the computer user’s permission, and uses the computer resources without your permission. Spyware are responsible for collecting both non-personal and personal information from networked PCs and delivering adware to specific individuals surfing the Web. Compensated Telemarketing: Listening for Dollars: This technology also allows commercialization of personal information (Foley, 2004). The proposal by Funk and Ayres enables
Business organisation and policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Business organisation and policy - Essay Example Moreover, when large companies expand their limits considerably they wanted to focus on more important activities in the business function rather than small internal functions. Outsourcing also functions on similar concepts. It has been seen that companies have increased their outsourcing and off-shoring dependency. These arrangements include both rewards and risks to the companies, but outsourcing is not an easy task. There are certain steps with the help of which the risks can be minimised and rewards can be earned at each and every stage. The term outsourcing means contracting external providers for performing certain functions for the company. This includes services related to information technology, development, maintenance, support or production. There are BPO (business process outsourcing), call centres and human resources. The key drivers that can be considered for outsourcing functions is generally to reduce the operating cost, development, increasing sales and reduction of other internal costs of the company. The focus is more on the core competencies and when the company focuses on tapping the vendors to integrate the best practices and innovation. Increasing the scalability and the flexibili ty of the operations or for gaining access to low cost human capital might also be a driver for outsourcing (Ernst & Young, 2005, p. 10-12). It should be kept in mind that most of the time outsourcing fails due to various reasons. Outsourcing comes with certain combination of risk and benefits. If they are not well managed then both internal and external risks can adversely affect the performance of the business. In order to deal with the complex risks, companies must go for holistic risk management approaches. In this regard the issues of outsourcing life cycle can be included. Each stage of this life cycle describes
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The supply of goods act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The supply of goods act - Essay Example The Sale and Supply of Goods Act and The Supply of Goods and Services Act both play prominent role is the initial part of this presentation. The Supply of Goods Act was used to shape the premise and establish the fact that a transaction had in fact transpired and on the basis of the set of circumstances which accompanied this transaction, the new for the incorporation of the Supply of Goods and services Act of 1982 became necessary in pointing out a possible resolution... The Supplier of a service acting in the course of business in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to carry out a service with reasonable care and skill and, unless agreed to the contrary, within a reasonable time and make no more than a reasonable charge. Albeit in the case of our presentation example, the item was newly purchased, so it is safe to assume that it was still under warranty, therefore no charges were incurred, on behalf of the purchaser. All other terms previously mentioned apply, unless they have been excluded and there are no strict limits on the circumstances in which an exclusion or variation will be effective. If the supplier can not carry out the work with reasonable care and skill the law treats this matter as a breach of contract and the consumer can seek redress. It is on the points of reasonable care and skill, which the consumer bases the principle cause in this instance for seeking redress. ... It emphatically states that a tradesman or professional has a 'duty of care' towards all property. As we will find in the presentation, the common phrase 'duty of care', hinges on the crux of the issue of which we are confronted. This principle has far reaching scope and breadth, because it requires one to address matters which might happen or should be foreseen to happen if the proper or industry standard procedures are not adhered too by the professional technician. The 'duty of care' also evolves around the skill and care which a responsible person must consider while performing a task which is considered to be important, and to which their dependability and skill has been entrusted. In the absence of this duty of care, there is a definite case of negligence. This presentation also focuses its attention on Employment Law, as it relates to what appears to be a summary dismissal. It points out that even though an employer might feel there is justifiable cause to dismiss an employee, one must never forget that there is a statutory process on how this must be carried out. Whenever the proscribed steps are ignored, the employer leaves his company vulnerable to an assessment, and possibly, even sanctions. Additionally, not only is the process a legal necessity, the language used by the employer in addressing the issue to the employee is also critical to the validity and fairness of the process. In this particular instance with Jim and Asif, the harassment act, surfaces to compound the problem for the company. 3
Monday, August 26, 2019
Geothermal Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Geothermal Energy - Essay Example Unlike the conventional method of burning fuels to produce the heat required, optimizing earth's energy from deep within the ground is by nature sustainable and would not take additional chemical process to be transformed to a useful form. Moreover, geothermal energy is never likely to contribute to greenhouse effect as fossil fuels are and once put up, the power plant would be self-sustaining or not necessitating external energies aside from the power it yields. Roughly 33,000 feet beneath the earth's surface lies heat that contains about fifty thousand times more energy compared to the combined presence of natural gas and oil currently processed by men. This inevitably fluid heat experiences high temperatures in various zones where layers upon layers of molten rock commonly known as 'magma' are continuously formed as a consequence of naturally occurring radioactive elements that undergo intense decomposition on a subatomic level for several years. Because magma is less dense than t he rocks surrounding it, it rises to the surface. Sometimes magma escapes through cracks in the Earth's crust, erupting out of volcanoes as part of lava. But most of the time magma stays beneath the surface, heating surrounding rocks and the water that has become trapped within those rocks. Sometimes that water escapes through cracks in the Earth to form pools of hot water (hot springs) or bursts of hot water and steam (geysers). The rest of the heated water remains in pools under the Earth's surface, called geothermal reservoirs. By the Earth’s crust shifting and allowing water to mix into natural hot-spots water is superheated and then vented through holes in the Earth’s surface with tremendous power. The superheated water generated at these locations can naturally reach temperatures of up to 200Â °C (430Â °F). Earth's core is nearly 6000Â °C - hot enough to melt a rock. Even a few kilometers down, the temperature can be over 250 Â °C given that the Earth's crust is thin. Temperature generally rises a degree Celsius for every 30 - 50 meters you go down, but this alters with respect to location. Among the hotspots from which geothermal energy may be obtained are certain states of America as Oregon, California, Alaska, and Nevada which possesses a significant number of volcanoes comprising the Pacific Rim or the Pacific 'Ring of Fire'. Hotspots are typically close to fault lines or young volcanoes were the Earth’s crust is thin enough to allow internal heat to escape and be accessed by as little drilling is possible. It may be a surprising fact to discover that besides these seismically active regions, any other location on earth ranging from a depth of 10 to a few hundred feet through the crust is capable of heating objects even at lower degrees. The capacity to generate electricity by extracting heat out of these places would of course depend on the quantity of drawn heat which can be converted to electrical energy. Landrello, in Ita ly is the first to own a geothermal power station, followed by Wairekei in New Zealand and a few others were built in Iceland, Japan, Indonesia,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Service Encounter Journal and Analysis Personal Statement
Service Encounter Journal and Analysis - Personal Statement Example I stopped at this convenience store to buy fuel and get a newspaper. I was involved with an employee at the check-out register. My overall satisfaction is rated at 2, because the cashier was upset when I misspoke about how much money I had, so she had to cancel the transaction on her register. Although I apologized for causing her the extra work, she did not look appeased, and made a remark to her coworker about it as I left. I am definitely not going to purchase from them again (score of 1). I visited this store to pick up a few groceries and had two interactions with employees: one directed me to the right part of the store to find cake mix, and the cashier rang up my purchase. My overall satisfaction is rated at 7, because the employee who directed me completely stopped what he was doing to talk, made eye contact, and appeared pleased to help. Also, the cashier let me use the special discount card they keep for customers who forgot theirs. They were professional and efficient, so I will definitely return (score of 7). My object in visiting the bank was to purchase two savings bonds. The bank uses tellers to complete such transactions. My overall satisfaction is rated at 2, because the teller clearly did not want to conduct this lengthy business. I wrote down important information for her, but she copied it incorrectly into the computer, so it had to be changed. I only had time to buy one bond, and then had to leave because I was going to be late for another appointment. Perhaps I could have come in the middle of the morning when the bank was not so busy. The teller could have been more efficient and not shown her displeasure. Still, my accounts are there, so I rate my likelihood to return at 7. Journal Entry: 5 Week: 5 Firm: Bill's Barber Shop Type of Service: Personal care My hair was getting long, so I visited the shop for a trim. Employee involvement came from the person who greeted me and the barber who cut my hair. My overall satisfaction is rated at 4. I received a good haircut at a good price, but it took a very long time. The barber should have kept working while he talked to me, but instead, liked to stop and make eye contact for every sentence! I could have asked the barber to work faster, or he could have sensed that I felt it was taking too long. My likelihood of returning is rated at 1. There are other shops in town. Journal Entry: 6 Week: 6 Firm: Nationwide Insurance Co. Type of Service: Auto and home insurance It was time to make my car insurance payment, and I dealt with a representative who accepted my check and gave me a receipt. She also set me up for electronic fund transfers. My overall satisfaction is rated at 6, because she was quick, efficient, and courteous. There was nothing she or I could have done to make the transaction better. My likelihood of returning is rated 7. They have earned my business and loyalty. Journal Entry: 7 Week: 7 Firm: US Postal Service Type of Service: Package delivery I had to ship a large package, and the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Red Bull Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Red Bull - Case Study Example The responsibility for the success of the world's No. 1 energy drink is shared by the company's 7,758 employees around the world (compared to 6.900 in 2009). The Red Bull headquarters are based in Fuschl am See, not far from Salzburg, Austria†(Red Bull, N.D., par. 3). The case study hereby aims to proffer issues pertinent to a comprehensive evaluation of the marketing program designed specifically to enhance the brand image of Red Bull and to maintain and sustain market leadership. Conclusion The case study was able to achieve its objective of exploring the comprehensive details of Red Bull’s branding strategies. The highlights of the discourse would reveal that through Red Bull’s strategy not to select a specific target market, it was able to design programs pertinent to product, packaging, place, price and promotions that are applicable to diverse clientele. The need to maintain and sustain marketing momentum through brand extension and awareness of competitorà ¢â‚¬â„¢s strategies, coupled with extending to non-drink markets have been positively instrumental to reviewing its positioning and acquisition of an innovatively different marketing focus.
Friday, August 23, 2019
If all the links in the Internet were to provide reliable delivry Essay
If all the links in the Internet were to provide reliable delivry service, would the TCP reliable delivery service be redundant, - Essay Example 2007). For instance, if workstation 1 is downloading a file from Workstation 2, after receiving a data packet, computer 2 sends an acknowledgement for receiving a packet to workstation 1. However, if workstation 1 do not receives an acknowledgement from workstation 2, TCP regenerates the packet again and send it to Workstation 2. In this way, the transmission is reliable and data is transmitted an in efficient manner. In a real world scenario, an executable file that is downloaded from the Internet must be complete in size in order to be operational and TCP is up for this task. Whereas, if any chunk of the executable file fails to download, it will not work and become corrupted. Whereas, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) a connection less protocol that is operational on a layer 4 of the OSI model. Likewise, UDP is not a reliable protocol for data transmission that supports transaction oriented services (User Datagram Protocol. 2007). However, UDP can be advantageous for application such a s live video streaming, VoIP services etc. likewise, if any frame is missed from a video, the video will still carry on resulting in high availability. Moreover, the response of UDP is faster, as no acknowledgment is made for every packet. Many of the functions of an adapter can be performed in software that runs on the node’s CPU. What are advantages and disadvantages of moving this functionality from the adapter to the node? As shown in fig 1.1, data link layer pertaining to the sender is responsible for hardware encapsulation. However, the source end is responsible for hardware valuation. Similarly, network layer pertaining to the sender is responsible for performing Network address translation (NAT). NAT is a method of mapping IP addresses from one group of users to another, at the same time ensuring transparency. Likewise, NAT is also used for privacy issues i.e. it cannot be used from the outbound network for security purposes (Network Address Translation. 2007). Moreov er, the receiver’s end on the network layer ensures network valuation, as shown in Fig 1.1. Moreover, the transport layer of both the sender and receiver’s end conducts port encapsulation and port valuation. Furthermore, session layer is responsible for establishing and terminating data sessions, followed by the presentation layer that ensures data compression and sequencing for both the sender’s and receiver’s end. However, there is a visible communication between the smallest program generating sequence and the amount of compression achieved (Sayood 2005) lastly, the presentation layer network interaction. Figure 1.1 A primary disadvantage comprises of computing a datagram from the application layer that relies on resources pertaining to central processing unit and memory integrated in a dedicated hardware i.e. Ethernet Adapter. However, an advantage would be to get more control of an application interacting with users that will work with dedicated hard ware resulting in a complex task. Moreover, software approach is more efficient for upgrading technology, as hardware upgrades only require a hardware replacement. Likewise, new hardware upgrades provide adequate abstraction for ensuring user protection. As illustrated in Fig 1.1, software based deployments require a large amount of metadata to analyze the requirements. As network access layer enforces overheads
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Banning the Guns Essay Example for Free
Banning the Guns Essay Banning guns on campus Concealed carry vs. colleges is a story about don’t allow guns in campus. The gun control and gun rights is becoming a more and more popular topic after few gun shooting tragedies happened in schools, people are starting to worry about the security in schools. This story is part of editorials and debates in USA TODAY, and this story is published on September 27, 2012. There is no exactly author’s name in the story. In the beginning, the story has an introduction about students in Colorado are allowed to carry guns about anywhere after summer break because in 2008 ,public colleges can no longer ban guns on campus in Colorado. Then the author writes some opposing views about allowing concealed-carry on campus, and tells people it is dangerous that allow students carry guns in campus. In the story, the author effectively and persuasively employs the rhetorical appeals of ethos and pathos to support author’s point which is universities should allow banning the firearms. This article is written by an author without name in USA TODAY, because this article has obvious political tendency, the author may don’t want other people know his political thoughts, so that’s why author didn’t put his name in the article. USA TODAY newspaper is one of the biggest newspapers in USA, and this newspaper doesn’t have particular audience, it faces to many different people all over the world, so this newspaper has very big influence and it is very convinced, the author chooses this newspaper to publish his article is a very good idea. The intended audiences for this article are teachers and stu dents in universities; people who support gun control and most of them are mid-age and educated people. The purpose for this article is telling people that it is dangerous that allow students carry guns in campus, universities should ban the firearms and give some advises to people on how to stop gun shootings in campus. The author’s article effectively provide ethos by using the historical reference and relating to audience’s thinking of ban carrying guns in campus. According to the article â€Å"Massacre at Virginia Tech in 2007, when a deranged student killed 32 people in a matter of minutes. Pro-gun groups insist that an armed student or professor might have saved the day. But that notion is as far-fetched as it is alluring.†(Editorial) The author uses a historical reference of the Massacre at Virginia Tech as his ethos to tell audience that professors and students cannot stop the shooting happened in campus. Many people believe that armed students or professor might have saved the day. But actually, students and professors in Virginia Tech didn’t stop the shooting in the school. Students or professors, they are not professional security who can keep the safety in school. So it is not necessary for students or professors to carry guns in the campus. On the other side, if students carry guns on campus and the shooting really happens in the school, then they try to use guns to protect themselves, it will become more risky. The author claims â€Å"In New York City this summer, when police shot and killed a gunman on the street near the Empire State Building, they also wounded nine innocent bystanders. Imagine what might happen with armed amateurs firing away in a darkened theater, or a barroom brawl.†(Editorial) The author uses another historical reference to remind audience that it is very risky for untrained students to carry and even shot guns to protect themselves, it may cause more injuries and deaths, because students or professors are not good at s hooting, so if they try to shot, it may hurt innocent people. Even well trained polices would wound innocent bystanders. It must be very dangerous when students have guns even they just want to protect themselves. In addition, the author also provides some suggestions to stop the gun shooting in schools by using ethos to advice people how to avoid dangerous people to get guns. The author mentions â€Å"Background checks are designed to keep the mentally ill, like the Virginia Tech shooter, from buying guns, but many states are lax in reporting mental health records to the federal system†. (Editorial) The author suggests the background checks are necessary, because most of the shooters are mentally ill people, so if those people cannot get guns they couldn’t kill students in schools any more. But because many states are lax in reporting mental health records, so those mental ill people can get guns very easily, they could kill students by guns in just few minutes. So the author suggests that the mental ill reports are very important, it is a good way to stop the gun shootings in school. The other advice is training gun owners about how to use guns correctly and safely. The author argues â€Å"In many states, including Colorado, a gun permit and a single training course, often lasting a day or less, are all you need to legally carry a concealed weapon. Many courses dont include live firing.†(Editorial) The author wants every states have a strict gun training courses. In some states, people just need only take a day or less, it is not enough for a gun o wner to understand and practice how to use the gun in a right and safe way. Many courses even don’t include live firing, it means many people don’t know how to fire the gun since they get gun permit. The author is very worrying about this kind of situation, people cannot use guns in a correct may not protect themselves and even make a big tragedy. Lastly, the author’s article succeeded in employing the rhetorical appeal of pathos to catch audiences’ emotion, and show the intense stage on banning guns on campus. According to the lecture, Colorado, of course, was home to this years Aurora theater shooting and the 1999 Columbine High School massacre. It doesnt need any more tragedies. Some Colorado professors and students, upset by guns on campus, are pushing for a new law to bring back the ban.†(Editorial)The author’s success in grabbing her audience’s emotion is the use of powerful words. Colorado doesn’t need any more tragedies, it shows that the most of the people in Colorado hate the gun shootings, and they will try their best to stop tragedies in Colorado. This also can have strong emotional effect on people in other states to support the gun control policy. The word like pushing shows how the people in Colorado want the new law which brings back the ban guns as soon as possible. This can also press more people to think about the gun control. The argument between gun control and gun right is becoming more and more drastically. The people in United States start to think about this argument after few gun shootings in schools because they don’t want to see tragedy any more. The author presents his ideas very well in the article and his ideas seems have powerful persuasion for audience. Author’s ideas push people to think more about whether universities should allow banning the firearms. His rhetorical appeals of ethos have powerful historical references to persuade people and achieve his goal in the article which is banning the firearms in campus, and the author also provides some suggestions to stop the gun shootings in schools by advising people how to avoid dangerous people to get guns very easily in United States. Finally, the author’s rhetorical appeals of pathos grab people’s emotion by using powerful and strong words. This article is strongly presents author’s thought which is gun control is very necessary, because this can save many people’s life. Work Cited â€Å"Editorial: Concealed carry vs. colleges.†Editorial. USA TODAY 27 Sept. 2012. Print.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
CanGo Analysis Essay Example for Free
CanGo Analysis Essay 1. CanGo has too many activities without having specific goals or setting priorities. As they find something that needs to be accomplished, it is always as soon as possible without setting definite time deadlines. Setting priorities is one way to insure that the tasks which need immediate attention are worked on first, while other task can be delayed because they are not as important. Being able to schedule people to complete specific task requires careful planning while know what resources are available. According to the Business Dictionary, a resource is â€Å"an economic or productive factor required to accomplish an activity†(Resource, 2013). CanGo needs to make a chart showing what its resources are which includes how much time each employee is able to work, how much money they can spend or invest, and what needs to be done by when. This can be accomplished in a number of different methods depending on the personnel who will be responsible for compiling the data. As shown on the Adaptive Path website, one method would be to use a spreadsheet which shows three major criteria and then apply a scale to them graphing the results. Equally important, once the priorities are determined, is setting specific deadlines for completion of task so that the employees know exactly when a report is needed, or when another department needs a specific resource if a resources needs to be shared or allocated, such as an employee working on multiple tasks. When setting the times, it is also important to know if one task needs to be completed before another on starts or if tasks can be worked on by different employees concurrently. Setting up a written schedule or calendar, for example in Microsoft Outlook which everyone can view would be a good tool so each employee knows who is working on what and when it needs to be done. 2. CanGo needs to find out their customer base so that they can market to current customers and bring in new customers. There are a few ways to find their customer base. This first step to help find a customer base is to make the company a brand name. They need to make the company known to everyone for the great services and products offered. This will make the company more noticeable on any search engine or social media. Another step to finding the base would be to use onsite analytics. Google is the best known option for this. This will analyze the sites traffic patterns. It shows what websites they come from, how long they stay on your site and each individual page. This can even determine what page the customers get to and then leave (Staff Editor). If there is a certain page that customers’ get to and then leave the site, than this is the page that needs to be looked over and re-done. CanGo should also take advantage of social media. If CanGo used a social media outlet such as Facebook, their fans could leave comments and say what they like and dislike about the company. This can help fix any problems within the company. The final step in reaching a good customer base is to make sure their website is user friendly. Make sure the homepage has the most important content on it and that it has easy to understand menus for the customers to navigate. The company should also make sure to look at the reviews both good and bad and leave all of them on there. By showing that you are not trying to hide anything the customers will have more respect for the company. . CanGo wants to implement a new technology that involves a new layout that incorporates barcoding and automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS). Jack is proposing this new implementation by contrasting the new technology versus CanGo’s current technology. Jack assures Juan that every cost has been included in the detailed analysis, but when Juan asks about how they are going to deal with the IT department, Jack replies that they need to make sure that the entire department is focus about 70 % of their time to this project in multiple locations. He also remarks that the department has to be pulled off from their current projects, so this implementation can be a priority. Prior to make the final decision of purchasing ASRS technology, there needs to be some deeper discussion as to what would happen to the security of the company’s network if the IT department had to spend more time on data integration. According to Ehow website, â€Å"the information technology department in an organization is responsible for the architecture, hardware, software and networking of computers†meaning that putting the IT department full time on the implementation of ASRS technology, can cause improper function of the mainly IT department functions, for instance, server maintenance (Kelchner, n. d. ). Agreeing to Wisegeek website statement, â€Å"if maintenance is not conducted on a computer network, regardless of whether the network is small or large, pplication software usually will not run as well as expected. In some cases, a network may even experience total or partial network failure if proper maintenance is not conducted. †Jack’s proposal can cause CanGo extra costs that have not been accountable for and put the entire company’s network at risk (server maintenance, n. d. ). In other to make this analysis effective, Jack should meet up with the IT department first and discuss how the implementation of this new technology will impact IT’s current work schedule. Jack and the IT department need to come with a plan that includes a work schedule for the new implementation without interrupting current projects. Therefore, if extra hours are demanded to complete the implementation whether CanGo will pay overtime to the IT department employees or temporary IT employees will be hired, this cost has to be added to the analysis. When choosing a strategy, every single department that is involved in the implementation should be contacted and informed about the project prior to present the final analysis. It seems that Jack didn’t contact or discuss the implementation of ASRS technology with the IT department. 4. CanGo consumer buying process is in question when one of CanGo’s employee shares an elevated statistic that reveals over 75% of online shoppers don’t end up buying the products that they have selected in the website; as a result, Andrew replies that CanGo’s website mirrors the consumers choice by applying product recognition, informative search, alternating evaluation, etc. It seems that CanGo does not have an ongoing method for tracking hits vs. purchases on their website. The problem is that CanGo is not evaluating their consumer buying process properly. Andrew clearly wonders if that high statistic applies to CanGo clients. According to Aspire website, â€Å"using website metrics and tracking your leads and conversions should play a vital role in measuring what’s working and what’s not on your company’s website. Building up a history of metrics will enable you to identify trends and opportunities, analyze your traffic data to consistently improve your site’s effectiveness, and monitor your lead generation process, conversion rates, and your return on investment. CanGo should invest in website metrics because this will allow CanGo to conduct proper follow up that will confirm if the implemented consumer buying process is satisfactory (Website metrics, n. d. ). 5. CanGo needs to monitor the changes in purchases so that they can modify their marketing strategy. There are a few ways that CanGo can monitor changes. The company should start using web bugs on their site. A web bug is a graphic in a website or a graphic-enabled e-mail message. The Web bug can confirm when the message or page is viewed and record the IP address of the viewer (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse). This can help determine how many people are viewing their homepage and any other page on their site. CanGo can also apply direct marketing to their site. Direct marketing is a sales pitch targeted to a person based on prior consumer choices (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse). An example would be if the customer buys a romantic novel, then there will be suggestions for other romantic novels in a similar nature. Another method CanGo can use is behavioral marketing. Behavioral Marketing is the practice of collecting and compiling a record of individuals online activities, interests, preferences, and/or communications over time. Companies engaged in behavioral targeting routinely monitor individuals, the searches they make, the pages they visit, the content they view, their interactions on social networking sites, and the products and services they purchase (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse). After they have done the tracking they are able to show advertisements to the customers based on their behavior. This type of marketing is used through cookies, flash cookies, device fingerprinting and many other technologies. Whenever the customer goes to websites or social media that have advertisements on the side, the company’s ad would be there if the services were something that interested the customer. 6. CanGo seems to lack knowledge of unfamiliar territory. Since the online entertainment market is becoming saturated with entrepreneurs entering the industry, CanGo can definitely benefit from researching this particular market before they enter it. There are many reasons for any company that’s entering a new market to research it first. One reason is because it’s a way of keeping up with market trends, and in today’s fast paced world it’s paramount to stay on top of the industry and business trends. Lacking knowledge of unfamiliar territory can be extremely costly to an organization. Expanding into a new market involves a great deal of market research in addition to target customers. CanGo needs to develop an in-depth understanding of market growth rates, forecasted demand, competitors, and potential barriers to entry. CanGo isn’t entering a relatively undefined market, however, its new territory for the company. Needless to say maintaining a competitive edge is an important aspect of management today because organizations exist in a more global environment than in the past. Within most industries organizations compete with other companies that are able to provide the same goods and services. According to Steve Jobs, â€Å"Some people say, ‘give the customers what they want. ’ But that’s not my approach. Our job is to figure out what they’re going to want before they do. I think Henry Ford once said, ‘if I’d asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, ‘A faster horse! ’’ People don’t know what they want until you show it to them. That’s why I never rely on market research. Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page. †This was a pretty controversial quote but it was how he actually felt. Unfortunately, although he was extremely successful and considered a genius by many there we’re times in his career where understanding customers’ wants could have led to even more success, such as with his computing company NeXT. There are both and cons to researching a market before entering but the pros definitely outweigh the cons. researching your market is also very vital to understanding your target market and increasing sales. There are many reasons for CanGo to conduct research on a market they’re entering, for instance, identifying potential customers. It’s important who will be using your product or service. Are they male or female? How old they are? and so on. It’s also important to understand CanGo’s existing customers such as; why would customers choose their product over their competition. A market should be prioritized based on the strategic fit and the ability for CanGo to serve them. CanGo should be able to answer questions like: Are there gaps in this marketplace that can be filled? If so can they do better than their competitors? What value can they deliver to this market and how much are they willing to pay for it? (Isaacson, 2011).
Reflective Assessment of Holistic Wellbeing
Reflective Assessment of Holistic Wellbeing Introduction Health, like beauty, lies in the eyes of the beholder and a single definition cannot capture its complexity. To this end, this essay aims to explore what health means to me and how it has been influenced by the experience of coping with my mothers chronic illness. To me, health transcends the absence of disease to include the physical, psychological and social well-being of a person; it means the empowerment of the individual, and is the foundation of a fulfilling life; it also means caring about the people who care about you and whom you care about. Describe For a period of time, my mother has been complaining of pain in her joints, hips and more recently, her back. I always had a bad feeling that there was something sinister about her pain even though our general practitioner could not pinpoint anything serious after several differential diagnoses. However, as she has a family history of joint pains, I chose to be in a state of denial to her pain and attributed it to a genetic condition she had that would go away with time. However, that was not the case. My family observed that my mother was getting more emotionally irritable as time went by, and the nagging pain meant that she often found reasons not to take part in social activities that we organized. It got to the extent that she was constantly lying in bed and could not do her favourite activities, such as going to the market, without considering the amount of movements she would have to go through. The radiating pain also gave her sleepless nights and all these were taking a toll on her quality of life, among many other factors. It was debilitating. And as her daughter, I felt helpless. More so because I was studying medicine, and was plagued with the guilt of not being able to relieve the suffering of the person I loved the most. The persistent pain worsened and my family decided to consult a specialist for a second opinion. A tumour was suspected. While the specialist made his diagnosis, I was very worried for my mother. I tried to prepare myself mentally to cope with the worst case scenarios, and this affected me emotionally and psychologically. I had no one to turn to as I did not want to worry others, and was at a loss of what to do. The results later revealed that my mother was diagnosed with a benign tumour (spine haemangioma). The specialist said that it was the lesser evil because it was not malignant, but that she would feel chronic pain throughout her life. What provided comfort to my family was the knowledge that there were treatments available to contain the tumour through methods such as radiotherapy and physiotherapy. Reflect It pains me to know that the person I love would be put through suffering both from the disease and its treatment, and I wished I could be the one going through it instead. Upon reflection, I realize that I had not been dealing with my emotions effectively. The fear of finding out more and my escapist mentality had prompted me to create an internal barrier, such that I could not provide the care and support for my mother as I would have liked her to have felt. Health means the holistic wellbeing of a person Witnessing her chronic suffering has made me realise that health does not merely mean the absence of disease but it requires a more holistic view which encompasses the physical, psychological and social well-being of a person. I used to think of health as merely the absence of physical pain that arose from diseases, and to this extent, the physicians task of relieving suffering was merely to alleviate the immediate physical pain and discomfort. However the literature I was exposed to on the nature of suffering in ill persons made me come to the realisation of my limited understanding of the term suffering. Through my research to understand the multi-faceted dimension of a person, and what suffering entails, I hope to be able to better understand what my mother is going through (albeit only the tip of the ice berg). Health means the empowerment of the individual, and is the foundation for a fulfilling life As the Catalan proverb goes, from the bitterness of disease, man learns the sweetness of health. I have too often taken for granted the gift of health that empowers a healthy individual to pursue things that matter in life not only ones aspirations or happiness, but down to the little things that affects our everyday living. For instance, I have seen how the chronic pain influenced my mothers daily routine, and brought much discomfort when travelling or doing household chores. I have come to appreciate that health enables individuals to use their body as a vessel to fulfil their dreams and satisfy their needs without being tied down or be restricted by suffering. Health is thus the basis which enables people to pursue happiness and wealth, aptly worded by Elbert Hubbard, who said, If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want. It takes a loss of health to appreciate these words o f wisdom. Health means caring about the people who care about you and whom you care about I always thought of Health as merely a personal responsibility and a duty that an individual owed only to himself. However, this experience has prompted me to comprehend how the absence of health in individuals will affect the mental, social and physical health of their loved ones as well. Research, analyse and connect The academic literature available allows me to gain a deeper insight on what health means to me and allows me to make sense of my experience in a broader context through considering the perspectives of others. Through examining the concept of human suffering brought about by the absence of good health, I learnt about the distinction between suffering and pain. A person who is in pain may not feel a proportional sense of suffering it is similarly possible for one to suffer even in the absence of pain. (Sanders 2009) In light of my mothers chronic illness, I was prompted to examine the literature on human suffering which made me realised that my understanding of the word suffering was limited at best. While I had always aspired to be a doctor to relieve the pain and suffering of people, I was of the view that human suffering was synonymous with physical pain brought upon an ill person due to diseases. However, literature has shown that suffering goes beyond the physical pain, and suffering defined merely as pain, disregards the broader significance of the suffering experienced by the ill. (Charmaz 2008) Suffering includes physical pain, but it is not limited to it. It can be understood by examining the many aspects of a holistic person and when any of these aspects is threatened, suffering ensues. These aspects may include a persons past, his or her role in society, relationships with others, day-to-day behaviour, and perception of the future. (Cassell 2004) The persistent pain my mother experienced affected her ability to do things that she had long associated herself with, such as playing tennis or climbing the stairs. In addition, my mother may have seen herself as being defined by several societal roles, such as being a wife, mother, caregiver to her parents, and a useful member of society. If the pain overwhelms her and restricts her from fulfilling these roles, she may see herself as being less than whole, and this may contribute to her perpetual suffering. In considering the holistic person and the suffering which impacts upon the many aspects of a person other than physical afflictions, it confirmed my understanding that health should also mean the physical, psychological and social well-being of a person. By understanding the multiple aspects of a personhood, I now better appreciate why medical education is shifting its emphasis from the traditional reductionist biomedical model of medicine to the biopsychosocial model of health. The limitations of the biomedical model is that it treats diseases in terms of abnormal physical mechanisms (Engel 2002) and this is inadequate in relieving sufferings in patients, as we now understand it to transcend the physical mechanisms to also encompass the holistic well-being of a person. The implications of the failure of physicians to understand the nature of sufferings can lead to medical interventions that (though technically adequate) not only fails to relieve suffering but becomes a source of su ffering itself. (Cassell 2004) This reflective practice also gives me a timely opportunity to evaluate my emotions and thoughts against that of the wider community. Relevant academic studies have shown that chronic illnesses also has an impact of the lives of caregivers. (Jung-Won Zebrack 2004) The emotions and thoughts that I felt were validated by researchers that show that receiving news of the chronic illness of a loved one can provoke emotions such as sadness, denial, grief and guilt. This may be due to guilty feelings of not giving adequate support to the ill person or it could be due to the emotional pain of feeling the loss of a loved ones health. (McIntyre 2005) It is important to attend to the impact of chronic illness on caregivers as research has shown that the holistic health of a caregiver has the potential to influence the health outcomes of persons with chronic illness. (WE 1999) Suggested methods of coping with these emotions include talking to someone; being informed about the disease as it give s the caregiver a sense of control; and accepting that there is a limit to the relief that a caregiver can provide. ( 2010) Decide, act and evaluate In light of the reflective writing and the academic literature reviewed, I hope that this will help me to come to terms and cope with the negative emotions I felt since receiving news of my mothers tumour. I can approach this by confiding in someone I am comfortable with, confronting my escapist mentality by finding out more about my mothers spinal haemangioma, and being aware of the treatments that she is going through. Her treatment is likely to expand over a long period of time, and she would need much emotional support and love from me. I have to be open to discussions about her illness and not evade any conversation on the topic as I did before. This reflective practice has also helped me to be more understanding and sensitive to the suffering of patients and their families. As a medical student, I have been made aware that the suffering of patients extends beyond physical pain, and that it is necessary for physicians to focus on patient-centred medicine and attend to the biopsychosocial model of health. It is also important to be aware of the impact that caring for a chronic ill patient has on the caregiver. To this end, I can be proactive as a future practitioner in asking caregivers how they are coping, and provide them with support services that they can turn to. I have also realised the important roles that practitioners play in preparing caregivers for the transition of roles to care for the ill, and in helping them anticipate changes that may occur in their lives. This gives caregivers a better sense of control over the situation, and increases their confidence in caring for the patient. A major takeaway from reflecting on what health means to me has been my understanding of the importance of medical practitioner to focus not only on curing diseases but also to relieve the sufferings of patients, understood holistically. To me, health transcends the absence of disease to include the physical, psychological and social well-being of a person; it means the empowerment of the individual, and is the foundation of a fulfilling life; it also means caring about the people who care about you and whom you care about.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
micheal Jackson :: essays research papers
The Bio History of Michael Joseph Jackson began when he was born on the 29th of August 1958 in Gary, Indiana. He was the 7th of nine children. (brothers: Sigmund "Jackie", Toriano "Tito", Jermaine, Marlon, Steven "Randy", and sisters Rebbie, Janet and La-Toya Jackson Michael began his musical career at the age of 5 as the lead singer of the Jackson 5 who formed in 1964. In these early years the Jackson 5, Jackie, Jermaine,Tito,Marlon and lead singer Michael played local clubs and bars in Gary Indiana and moving further afield as there talents grew and they could compete in bigger competitions. From these early days Michael would be at the same clubs as big talented stars of there days, such as Jackie Wilson and would be learning from them even back then. In 1968 the Bobby Taylor and The Vancouvers discovered the Jackson five and from there they got an audition for Berry Gordy of Motown Records. The Jackson 5 signed for Motown and moved to California. Their first 4 singles, "I Want You Back", "ABC", "The Love You Save", and "I'll Be There" all made US No1 hits. The Jackson 5 recorded 14 albums and Michael recorded 4 solo albums with Motown. The Jackson 5 stayed with Motown until 1976, wanting more artistic freedom they felt they had to move on and signed up with Epic. The group name Jackson 5 had to be changed as it was owned by Motown, so they reverted to The Jacksons as they had be known in the early days. Brother Jermaine married Berry Gordy's daughter and stayed with Motown. Youngest brother Randy joined in his place. The Jacksons had a number of hit recordsand in total made 6 albums between the years of 1976 and 1984. In 1977 Michael made his first film debut when he starred in the musical 'The Wiz' playing Scarecrow with Diana Ross in the lead role of Dorothy. It was at this time Michael met Quincy Jones who was doing the score for the film. Michael teamed up with Quincey Jones as his producer for his first solo album with Epic Records. The album titled "Off The Wall" was a big success around the world and the first ever album to release a record breaking 4 No1 singles in the US. In 1982 Michael Jackson released the world's largest selling album of all time, 'Thriller'. This album produced 7 hit singles, breaking yet again more records, and went on to sell over 50 million copies worldwide.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay on Satire, Sarcasm, and Irony in Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Satire, Sarcasm, and Irony in Catch-22Â Â Â Â Â Â Joseph Heller's narration, dialogue, and characterization in Catch-22 all create a unique perspective of war and our society's bureaucracy. The satire, sarcasm, irony, and general absurdity of the novel provide a view of the irrationality of man's behavior. The horror that is portrayed in Catch-22 is intensified by the humorous way in which it is portrayed. Distortion and exaggeration highlight the characters and scenario while magnifying the confusion. Parallel structure and repetition serve to reinforce the novel's themes. Â The most important and prevalent aspects of Heller's style are satire, sarcasm, and irony. Heller pokes fun at the faults of society. At the same time, this humor emphasizes Heller's social commentary much more effectively than he could by simply coming out and stating his opinion. Â Satire is particularly important in Catch-22. It is often used to highlight the idiocy of the military hierarchy. It also conveys a sense of humor that opposes and intensifies the dark seriousness of the book. Â Language is also satirized when Heller makes fun of the "official" jargon used by military personnel. Sarcasm could be considered a counterpart of satire. The characters portrayed in the novel use sarcasm profusely. The author's view is made clear with the blatant sarcasm used by both Yossarian and the narrator: " much reverence can you have for a supreme Being who finds it necessary to include such phenomena as phlegm and tooth decay in His divine system of creation?"( 98) Â Irony is another important aspect of the novel. Irony is an integral part of the "Catch-22" philosophy. The irony of the "catch" is that it perpetuates itsel... ... in the novel. For example: Â "I'm cold," Snowden said softly. "I'm cold" "You're going to be all right, kid," Yossarian reassured him with a grin. "You're going to be all right." "I'm cold," Snowden said again in a frail, childlike voice. "I'm cold." "There, there," Yossarian said, because he did not know what else to say. "There, there." "I'm cold," Snowden whispered. "I'm cold." "There, there. There, there." Â All of these aspects of style come together very well. They play off of each other and are combined easily and appropriately. It is this culmination of styles that makes Catch-22 so effective. Â Works Cited and Consulted Heller, Joseph. Catch-22. New York. Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Kennard, Jean E. "Joseph Heller: At War with Absurdity." Contemporary Literary Criticism.(75-87) Ed. Roger Matuz. Detroit:L Gale 1990.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Sparta :: essays research papers
It's hard for textbooks to say anything nice about the Spartans. one may find that the Spartans described as "an armed camp," "brutal," "culturally stagnant," "economically stagnant," "politically stagnant," and other fun things. The reality, of course, lies somewhere behind the value judgements. In 725, the oligarchy of Sparta needed land to feed a dramatically growing population, so the Spartans went over the Taygetus mountains and took over Messenia, where a fertile plain was enough to support themselves and their newly conquered people. However, like all conquered people, the Messenians fought back in 640 BCE and almost destroyed Sparta itself. Almost defeated, the Spartans invented a new political system as dramatically revolutionary by turning their state into a military state. The Messenians were turned into agricultural slaves called helots, "serfs", where they worked small plots of land on estates owned by Spartans. There's no question that the life of the helots was a miserable life. Labor was long and hard and the helots always lived right on the border of subsistence. But Spartan society itself changed, evolving into a city-state. The state determined whether children, both male and female, were strong when they were born, leaving the weak in the hills to perish. At the age of seven, every male Spartan was sent to military and athletic school teaching discipline, endurance of pain, and survival skills. At twenty, the Spartan became a soldier spending his life with his fellow soldiers to live in barracks with his fellow soldiers. Only at the age of thirty, did the Spartan become an "equal," and was allowed to live in his own house with his own family, although he continued to serve in the military. Military service ended at the age of sixty. The life of a Spartan male was a life of discipline, self-denial, and simplicity as the Spartans viewed themselves as the true inheritors of the Greek tradition. This key to understanding the Spartans. The ideology of Sparta was oriented around the state as the individual lived (and died) for the state. Their lives were designed to serve the state from their beginning to the age of sixty. The combination of this ideology, the education of Spartan males, and the disciplined maintenance of a standing army gave the Spartans the stability that had been threatened so dramatically in the Messenean revolt. Paradoxically, this soldier-centered state was the most liberal state in regards to the status of women.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Inspiration and Authority
World religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam both today and throughout history have been directly linked to inspired scriptures. It is from these scriptures that observers can derive a sense of inspiration and a force of divine authority, with the parables and teachings of the holy doctrines pronouncing the will of God. This is the simple proposition that begins this difficult discussion on the different ways that we may understand, interpret and ultimately deduce truth in the experience of engaging the scriptures.Given that the subject of this discussion is the true to be verified in the Bible, the Christian faith, and to a lesser extent the Jewish faith, will be used for consideration here. In divining ‘truth,’ we must first recognize that an understanding of religious scriptures varies across a great spectrum of Christians, with the shared experience of inspiration giving way to an underlying diversity of opinions on what is being instructed or to what exte nt ‘facts’ reported in the Bible may be accepted as such.These opinions concern such things as the authorship of the scriptures, the role of the prophets and the certainty held in the words of scripture themselves, which when held together establish a degree truth which is itself often in the eye or heart of the beholder. All of these issues are related to the point of view from which one approaches the content of the Bible, whether it be one of conservative interpretation or of liberal understanding.For those who take a conservative perspective on the scriptures, Achtemeier (1980) identifies these as individuals who generally believe that the authority of the scriptures descends from the fact that they were inspired directly by God. This is to say that to the conservative Christian, the source of the text appears to be God’s direct intervention in human events through those that are identified as prophets, predisposing assumptions to recognize an incontrovertibl e degree of truth in the words of the Bible. The logic is generally held that inspiration â€Å"implies that the Bible is authoritative for all humanity in all aspects of life.Unless the Bible is truly inspired by God, there is no reason why it should be considered any more authoritative than any other book. These are said to be endowed with the divine inspiration which allows them to offer dictation of the events. †(Kulikovsky, 1) This is a view which resonates with the historical and biblical conception of prophecy. Prophecy would play a very important part in the early development of the Christian philosophy. Such a claim is supported by Longman (2007), who states that â€Å"the prophetic role in public evangelism grew from the Old Testament prophecies of an outpouring of the Spirit.Prophets are consistently valued highly among the churchly ‘offices' or roles, and prophecy is rated chief and most prized among the gifts. The New Testament-era church was more depende nt on the prophetic gift for giving it direction (Acts 13 and 15). †(Longman, 1) This is because prophecy is seen as carrying the direct word of God, the distinct source of inspiration, authority and truth. However, there are some interesting considerations which come through in the textual analysis that warrant further scrutiny.In particular, the conceptual issue of inerrancy helps to provide some new insights into the ways that we should understand the history of the Bible and its aspiration toward the reflection of truth. Inerrancy is the theory which states that the divine inspiration conservatively believed to be at the base of the bible’s words determines that all of these words are inherently true. This means that the scriptures’ report on history, both mortal and divine, is to be understood as true to the last letter. This is a view that modern scholars have come more frequently to reconsider.A developing liberalism in the interpretation of the scripture s allows that even if it is believed they have been produced by human observation and interpretation of events, their value is no less great as a reflection of some higher truth. This is to say that it is no longer necessary to assume that every word of the bible must be understood as factually perfect but must instead be understood as authoritative in demonstrable intent, and therefore answering to a higher truth than simply that which is suggested by a proper detailed report of history.This view does allow a reading of the Bible which is more enabling to the modern observer, entitling an acceptance of the important truths concerning morality and divinity, without enforcing an unflinching approach to the historical report of the bible. This opens the floor for the divining of truth even in the presence of critical scrutiny. This is an idea which seems appropriate, with great individuality determining the way that inspiration is received and the way that truth is understood and, the reafter, manifested. This refers either to the prophet, the author or the reader of the scripture.For each, the receipt of inspiration from God many take any of an infinite number of forms. This is an appropriate maturation in the accommodation of Christian discourse to the needs of modern Christians, who come from many different lifestyles and dispositions to receive the words of God. This holds truth to a high standard that is nonetheless absent of rigidity. Still, there are reasons to concern ourselves with the danger to core Christian beliefs of too liberalist a stance on that which may be defined or read as truth.This is to say that â€Å"the risks of individualism and illuminism, an exclusive reliance on the authority of ‘inner testimony’†should be seen problematic to important cardinal tenets. Specifically, conservative Christians worry that â€Å"anything which suggested that Christ’s life and death were only, so to speak, a dramatized projection of the self’s inner history would be hard to reconcile with an orthodoxy concerned to defend the idea that God assumes real and particularly human existence in Jesus.†(Richardson, 304) As this constitutes a core belief, it is important for many Christians that even the origins of the scriptures reflect this same idea. Thus, historical truth must be taken in distinction, with so many of the details of the Bible based on allegorical narrative, with morality and lifestyle practice deeply couched in not just the words and principals, but even in the incidences and landmark moments of biblical account. Still, the liberalist perspective allows one to consider that it is not required to think of the scriptures in this way to find a defense of the concept of Jesus Christ as the son of God.It is less constructive, that is to say, to think of the scriptures as having been offered by direct inspiration than to think of them as demonstrating the inspiration of early Christianity. Historically speaking, there is an inherent truth to that which is implied by narrative accounting, with interpretation allowing us to at least reflect on inspiration for such major narrative moments as the path of Jesus. This is a functional achievement even without achieving the mark of inerrancy.To this end, our outside reading helps to support the case that the bible does not need to be considered a historical document in the way that we might look at a textbook (though even here, the field of historiography does ask us to define and contextually consider what ‘truth’ is. ) Instead, â€Å"the truthfulness of the Bible should be evaluated according to its own ‘usage and purpose. ’ Yet its purpose rarely includes details of history and science. †(Morrison, 1) These elements of history and science are usually considered byproducts that are revealed within the context of a larger story drawn from a specific time and place.This seems, increasingly a suitable way to understand the place from where our scriptures draw their authority as well, with very real truths about the Bible’s cultural origins emerging through even a skeptical reading. Achtmeier (1980) is particularly convincing on this subject because of the way in which his analysis treats the conservative view point. The author seems to be guided by the intent to show that conservative interpretations that demand an inerrant perspective actually do a disservice to the truthful value of the text.The grace of God and the way that this inspires the people are both hidden behind discussion about the accuracy of dates and details. This critique shows that this may not be the authority that was intended by the scriptures, which illuminate far more important truths about human spiritual history than physical history. Ultimately, this discourse establishes the rather liberal sense of the origin of the scriptures as relating to certain inherent truths which are visible now to a broad array of observers, whether spiritually connected or not.This is to say that the discussion here suggest that the truth that we find in scriptures is not a result of the direct intervention of God in the process of writing and also not as a result of being a perfectly accurate reflection of history. Instead, its relationship to truth shows that the scriptures are a suitable way of understanding how authority and inspiration translated faith in the early development of canon. This is a perspective which will help to ground an understanding of the core value of the Bible while also illuminating new and developing ways to understand their origins and history.Works Cited Achtemeier, Paul. (1980). Inspiration and Authority. Hendrickson Publishing. Kulilovsky, Andrew S. (1996). Inspiration, Authority and Interpretation. Kulikovsky Online. Ret. 4/22/08 http://www. kulikovskyonline. net/hermeneutics/inspirat. htm. Longman, Robert Jr. (2007). Prophecy in the New Testament. Spirit Home. Ret . 4/22/08 http://www. spirithome. com/prophist. html#ntproph Morrison, Michael. (2002). Inspiration, Authority, and Reliability of Scripture. Worldwide Church of God. Richardson, Alan & John Bowden. (1983). The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology. Westminster John Knox Press.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Earth the Ailing Planet Essay
For more than a hundred years, human beings have been excavating mountains and building roads for faster transportation. When the forests and mountains are destroyed, natural waterways are also disrupted. In today’s modern world, there is mass production of goods for daily consumption. The sprawling cities, high-rise buildings, cars, and electric appliances of modern society demand a tremendous amount of natural resources. Besides the depletion of resources, much pollution and waste are created in the process of manufacturing. The universe is a composite of the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air. When the earth element i. e. soil or land falls out of balance, earthquakes result; when the air element i. e. air current falls out of balance, hurricanes and typhoons arise; when the water element i. e rivers and oceans falls out of balance, downpours and floods occur. In recent years, there have been many natural disasters, showing us the imbalance of the four elements. Natural disasters are occurring all around the world. This is very worrying. When closely examined, all the various disasters can be linked to our destruction of the Earth. To change the world, we must begin by transforming hearts and minds. Given the environmental problems facing our world today, we must not only change attitudes but also lifestyles. We should have a grateful heart toward our planet. As each of us is consuming resources and contributing to pollution, we must always think about how to conserve resources. If we lead a simpler life, we will help reduce the amount of garbage and protect our environment, thus improving the quality of life on Earth. It is a simple concept, but if we all put it into practice, the impact can be profound and far-reaching. Living on this planet, our fate is intertwined with the health of our planet. Let us always remember that we coexist with the Earth.
Effectiveness of Celebrity in Brand Endorsement Essay
I receive enormous delight in thanking MKT 619 Instructor for permitting me to carry on work later than accepting my proposal for this project. I would like also like to situation my heartiest thanks to every one staff member of Virtual University for their kind support, guidance and useful suggestions, during my two years MBA with this University. I would like to thanks the Mobilink Indigo Telenor Persona Pakistan to support me during project. I would like to put into words my warm thanks to my parents for their blessings, my collaborator and my friends for their help for doing well completion of this project. Executive Summary This project is all about the primary research about the topic of Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement. This project describes that relationship by making the comparison between the two leading telecommunication companies of Pakistan i. e. Mobilink and Telenor. The package which I selected for my research of these telecommunication companies are Post paid package. For Mobilink I selected Mobilink-Indigo and for Telenor, I selected Telenor-Persona. Moreover these packages are running very effectively and gathered more customers in the country. Both companies are very mature in the telecommunication market sector of Pakistan. The major difference is the customization of the package which is launched by both companies. Mobilink Indigo acquire large market share as compared to Telenor-Persona. Now as far as the Research topic is concerned, the marketing of the both packages is done well by the respective companies. In the advertisement of Mobilink Indigo, Mobilink hired Shan (a leading Pakistani film actor) and in advertisement of Telenor Persona, Telenor hired Sohail Ahmed (a leading actor of TV, film and stage) and Babar Ali (a good film actor). Basically, the post-paid packages are designed for the corporate customers so both the companies portray a business atmosphere in their respective advertisements. A most important factor that the telecommunication companies will decide before launching the advertisement is the choice of the celebrity and the relationship of the personality with the atmosphere of the condition in which the advertisement will be performed. In this research, I first of all describe various factors that affect the relationship of Effectiveness of celebrity with brand endorsement and after that I researched on those factors by filling the questionnaires from the respondents from Lahore, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Gujrat and nearby areas. After gathering the primary data from the respondents and secondary data from other resources like newspapers, catalogues etc a statistical analysis including descriptive statistics and Regression analysis is applied and give the results. As we identify all, that there is a immense competition in their advertisement and this has previously taken the main part of income away. As per market experts nearer or later on there will be a great competition between the two companies as the values wars have go into extremely severe era plus it has become the query of support. Our secondary research includes the quality, branding, corporate social responsibility, atmosphere and the seasonal conditions. While primary research is focused on the Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement in near future 1. 2 Background of the project: Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement is essentially related to my present job and this will lead to do my project. The corporations that are allocating for comparison of usefulness of celebrity in brand endorsement for my final project are Mobilink Pakistan and Telenor Pakistan. These are main cellular corporations authorize the Pakistani citizens with the nearly all relevant message approach and services. This study has appeared on the exploration of Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement which has gained most important market share in Pakistan. 1. 3 Company’s introduction: Mobilink Indigo: [pic] Mobilink, a subordinate of the Orascom Telecom property, is Pakistan’s show the way cellular and Blackberry tune-up provider. In the company of more than 31. 6 million subscribers, Mobilink uphold market management throughout cutting-edge, included expertise, the strongest trademark and the biggest collection of price added services in the business, a broadband delivery service separation providing subsequently creation internet technology as well as the nation’s largest tone of voice and data system with further than eight thousand cell position. Accommodation Pakistan’s largest sharing and contact centre set of connections and an incomparable sixty five thousand kilometers fiber optic spine, Mobilink has previously spend more than US $3. 3 billion in the state to date and provide continuous nationwide connectivity, unmatched client services and worldwide wandering in over one fourth four countries. The company is also the executive cellular associate of the Pakistan Cricket panel. As an accountable corporate civilian, Mobilink also present a range of publicly inclusive products along with services enthusiastic to improve access to in order. Through Mobilink groundwork, the companies support instruction, health and environmental program and encourage sustainable industry practice. Mobilink offers completely designed duty plans that cater to the announcement needs of a varied group of people, from persons to businessmen to business and international. To achieve this goal, we recommend equally postpaid (Indigo) as well as prepaid (JAZZ) way out to our clientele. Compared to our competitors, both the postpaid (Indigo) and prepaid (JAZZ) trademark are the largest trademark of their type in the Pakistan cellular manufacturing. In addition to as long as superior voice message services that create the lives of millions with the purpose of much simple, we also suggest a congregation of value-added-services to our high-quality clientele. All together, Mobilink places far above the ground significance to its coverage, which is why we face you in 10,000 plus towns and city countrywide as well as over 140 nations on international roaming tune-up. In other words, we talk your words, all over. Telenor persona: [pic] Telenor Pakistan is hundred percent hold by Telenor ASA along with ads on to its process in Asia in somebody’s company with Thailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh. Telenor Pakistan start on its procedure in March two thousand five as the on its own largest through European asset in Pakistan, location superiority for more overseas investments in the telecom segment The company has fractious many high point and full-fledged in a number of information, create Telenor Pakistan a leading telecom worker of the state. Telenor is the greatest rising mobile system in the country, with coverage accomplishment deep into many of the furthest areas of Pakistan. In the most not easy terrains of the state, from the northern region to the wilderness in the south Telenor, spend heavily in communications growth With USD2 billion by now spend, with extended contract with their wholesaler for network growth and services. Telenor have a set of connections of twenty three company owned deal and service midpoint, more than two hundred franchisees as well as some one lack retail channel. The Telenor cluster is a worldwide provider of far above the ground superiority telecom, data and media message services with mobile procedure in thirteen markets crosswise the Nordic area, Central along with Eastern Europe as well as in Asia. The Telenor Group is in the middle of the biggest mobile operators in the globe with over one forty-three million mobile contributions and a labor force of more or less fourth thousand. Telenor Pakistan is hundred percent be the owner of by Telenor ASA as well as adds on to its action in Asia. 1. 4List of competitors: The main competitors for Mobilink-Indigo and Telenor- Persona are given below: †¢ Ufone-Postpay †¢ Zong-Postpaid †¢ Warid-Zahi 1. 5 Objectives of the project: The Objectives of this project is to make available the Comparison of Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement for the 2 main Telecom companies of Pakistan i. e. Mobilink indigo and Telenor persona. The project will center of attention the following objectives: †¢ To determine customer’s perception about celebrity (Shan) for endorsement of Mobilink Indigo. †¢ To determine customer’s perception about celebrity (Jamal Shah or other) for endorsement of Telenor Persona. To compare customer’s perception about aforementioned celebrities for endorsement of selected brands. 1. 6 Significance of the project: †¢ During my project, I will also cover customer Information survey about their preference of celebrity with brand endorsement between Mobilink Indigo and Telenor Persona.  While this study will provide comparison within two telecommunication companies with an overall picture that will help the marketing managers of these companies to made their ads better and interesting. †¢ The study will help the two companies for the future market placement of their services. Cellular telecommunication companies are now highly competitive industries in Pakistan. Chapter 2: Advertising Strategy 2. 1Marketing Mix The project covers Mobilink indigo and Telenor persona an appropriate marketing mix 4Ps i. e. Product, Coast/Price, Place as well as Promotion. (Product There are various services recommend by both companies. A number of general services are the following: †¢ Internet Services, Common Packet means of communication Services †¢ Small communication Services Caller Line recognition †¢ Tone of voice post †¢ Receiver Book investor Price: Price is the majority necessary feature of the marketing mix. It is the only that generate sales income for an exacting company while recounting their expenses. Both companies bring in a fine cost to its client and persuade the others for control on their set of connections and perform make inquiries consumer’s view on the subject of pricing as well as what they would like to reimburse. The Brand differs time to time and Mobilink and Telenor also suggest on incident base service in the vein of Ramadan tie together, Eid tie together etc. to their end user. (Place: Place anxiety with various systems and forms of accessibility of the Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement throughout diverse franchise and place of work. It composes their services provide for the purchaser’s at any time and where ever they need. Mobilink indigo has a broad system of sharing service in Pakistan. But Telenor persona has not to broad system of sharing as compare to Mobilink indigo and both companies services are available throughout their examine centers situated in all country. Franchises obtain well-situated for vendor to formulate the services obtainable to end users. (Promotion: Promotion means the method of communicate with your customers. Promotion formulates strong client’s buying authority and makes consumers buy choice easier. Mobilink indigo be appropriate heavy price associated with endorsement or publicity merchandise ; services. Doing well promotion add to deal so that services and other outlay are extend over a superior output. 2. 2Market segmentation strategies Market segmentation strategies are as followed under †¢ Sales dimensions/ No of customers: Mainly the project base on comparison of Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement it also primarily focal point the services of its clientele. The choice of purchaser and the means depends on the volume of clientele in that area. Mobilink indigo subscriber 31. 6 million (Approx) Telenor persona Telecom24. 7 million (Approx) †¢ Geographic Place This is the nearly everyone other most significant feature, equally the companies offered their item for consumption to the entire region of Pakistan. Generally they focus on big Cities i. e. Gujranwala, Karachi, Lahore as well as Islamabad. Punjab Sindh Balochistan Khyber Pakhtonkhan Azad Jammu ; Kashmir †¢ Physical Limitations Within Pakistan there are no boundary describe to make available the services by both companies. No such condition is stand in services about Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement of this corporation as yet it can go from corner to corner the state edge. †¢ Revenue This feature does not persuade the company marketplace segmentation policy 2. 3Target marketing strategies Mobilink Indigo Every region take account of AJK of Pakistan residents is the goal marketplace, each person in Pakistan desire to make use of mobile that make a wide goal market for the services area. At this time Mobilink indigo has in the order of Fifty million cellular subscribers. Mobilink indigo objective about Effectiveness of celebrity in brand endorsement is to imprison all section of its marketplace , early age kids , youthful, aged, undergraduate , expert, industry peoples, Mobilink indigo has modify selection of all these group of students of consumer. Within Pakistan the majority of the residents are based on middle class so Mobilink indigo is mostly focus aim their services are middle class popular. Following are the target marketing strategies of Mobilink indigo. Decreased value sales There are various diverse packages has been launch to thrust the purchaser to use the invention greatest. These packages also facilitate the client to control from one system to any more. Inducement on usage There are many inducement bring in to use the maximum services for example by calling initial two minutes the after that five minutes are without charge of price. Inducement on control to set of connections To give confidence the client Mobilink indigo as well as Telenor persona obtainable inducement to customers like free of charge minutes and without charge sms for a precise era. Telenor Persona Telenor persona market strategy is to focal point on to increase in number of subscriber through out the world and also focus to develop our leading position in certain regions with a broad range of communication services Following are the target marketing strategies of Telenor persona. To strengthen our location in certain province Telenor Persona try to strength our location in certain province for provide different service to our customer for target market. Focusing on the Customer’s section Focusing on the Customer’s segments means to build packages through extensive and aggressive study skill like because of its large incident as it is one of the establish in services, so they use their effective services and come up with so many packages in that state that is useful for kind of citizens. 2. 4Advertising objectives of the Company The advertising objectives are the following There are less ads being run for Telenor Persona in comparison to the Mobilink indigo. The reason for this is that the main objective is to keep a favorable brand image in the eyes of the corporate clients and there is not too much bombardment of ads. Also the ads are meant to enhance the postpaid users by offering them innovative services like internet, emailing, etc. The objective of Mobilink indigo and Telenor persona to make the services separate from others and to convince on the customers Mobilink indigo increase market share and to push brand favorite and to be a focus for maximum customers as well as to attain the association objective through services 2. 5Message strategy: For each brand and for a number of adverts for these brands there are different message strategies are used. Telenor-Persona The equivalent case is with Telenor, they modify their message executive method regularly to keep away from their customers other public get uninterested. For example Telenor used â€Å"technological proficiency†and â€Å"picture†which helps citizens smile on their visage. 2. 7 Reach, frequency and impact Mobilink indigo and Telenor persona to his most excellent to present their services to their customer and contributor it has a sensible budget for encouragement.
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