Friday, May 31, 2019
Cruel and Unusual? Exploring JLWOP Sentencing Essay -- Criminal Justic
The JLWOP sentence (or juvenile life without parole) has been the topic of controversy lately. Many have battered the issue back and forth, based on the morality take aim of American society. Should juveniles be sentenced to life without parole? In some cases people ar pecking children in our society as less than competent, despite the mass of countries around the world that view adulthood as beginning shortly after puberty. It is impossible to deny the emotional and physiological differences between adolescents and adults. However, I gestate that despite these natural changes we go through as humans, occasionally there are deformities that can be the cause of some to deviate from this natural practice session of progression. I believe in some cases, once a juvenile has crossed the line of murder and victimization, there is very little anyone can do to prevent it from happening again. Because of this, I support JLWOP sentencing when the psychological stability of the juvenile is compromised.The JLWOP sentence is a sentencing guideline that is universe debated by the absolute Court adjacent the ruling against children receiving the death sentence in 2003. The Supreme Court ruled that death sentences for minors were deemed cruel and unusual punishment and violated the Eighth Amendment of the constitution. The Supreme Court is now looking to the JLWOP with a moral parameter based on that 2003 ruling, attempting to decide whether or not JLWOP is considered unconstitutional by means of being cruel and unusual. In order to determine cruel and unusual punishment, the Supreme Court would have to find that JLWOP was excessive and disproportional to the crime of a juvenile. In rare cases, it is the only option for some young people today, despite... ...ders committed by juveniles that do not warrant this sentencing. Rather, the juvenile court system should view each case individually, despite the charge and make the best decision for the offender, the victims and the community. If the JLWOP continues to be mandated, society in general should demand stringent guidelines to ensure we are not punishing the adults of tomorrow, but rather to keep society safe from those individuals that pose a lifelong threat. Works CitedLockup Hollman. Dir. Hillary Heath for MSNBC. Perf. Kenny Loggins. 2006.M.D., Dr. Glen Gabbard. Treatment of psychiatrical Disorders Third Edition. Washington DC American Psychiatric Publishing, 2001.Sukhoi, Yevgney. Killing for Kicks, Youth Confess to 21 Murders. Moscow Russia Today, 2008.Totenberg, Nina. Supreme Court Ends Death Penalty for Juviniles. national Public Radio. 2005.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Benefits of the US- Chile Free Trade Agreement :: essays research papers
Benefits of the US- Chile Free passel AgreementThe meeting of minds betwixt Chile and the United States has brought nearly a long wait union pertaining to necessitous trade. Chile responded enthusiastically when presented with the opportunity to become a part of 1994s North the Statesn Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) but because of the emerge of presidential fast-track trade negotiation authority, the merger did not come to fruition. Now, nearly a decade later -- after negotiations began in the year 2000 -- Chile and America have come to their own agreement with regard to free trade, one that is both historic and comprehensive in nature.On September 3, 2003, President George W. furnish sanctifyed the United States - Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Which went into effect on January 1, 2004. Chile was the first country in Latin America to sign this type of agreement with the United States. The United States - Chile Free Trade Agreement allows two nations to strengthen and develo p sparing relations and to establish free trade between them. The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Chile, resolve to(a)Strengthen the special bonds of friendship and cooperation between their nations(b)Contribute to the harmonious using and expansion of world trade and provide catalyst to broader international cooperation. (c)Create an expanded and secure market for the goods and services produced in their territories. (d)Avoid distortions in their reciprocal cross trade. (e)Establish clear and mutually advantageous rules governing their trade. (f)Ensure a predictable commercial framework for business plan and investment. (g)Build on their several(prenominal) rights and obligations under the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization and other seven-sided and bilateral instruments of cooperation. (h)Enhance the competitiveness of their firms in worldwide markets. (i)Foster creativity and innovation, nurture tr ade in goods and services that are the subject of intellectual property rights. (j)Create new employment opportunities and improve working(a) conditions and living standards in the respected territories.(k)Build on their respective international commitments and strengthen their cooperation on labor matters. (l)Protect and enhance and enforce basic workers rights.(m) go across this agreement in a matter consistent with environmental protection and conservation.(n)Promote sustainable development. (o)Conserve protect and improve the environment, including through managing natural resources in their respective territories and through multilateral environmental agreements to which they are both parties. (p)Preserve their flexibility to safeguard the public welfare and (q) Contribute to hemispheric integration and the fulfillment of the objectives of the Free Trade reach of the Americas (http//www.Benefits of the US- Chile Free Trade Agreement essays research papersBenefits of the US- Chile Free Trade AgreementThe meeting of minds between Chile and the United States has brought about a long awaited union pertaining to free trade. Chile responded enthusiastically when presented with the opportunity to become a part of 1994s North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) but because of the issue of presidential fast-track trade negotiation authority, the merger did not come to fruition. Now, nearly a decade later -- after negotiations began in the year 2000 -- Chile and America have come to their own agreement with regard to free trade, one that is both historic and comprehensive in nature.On September 3, 2003, President George W. Bush signed the United States - Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Which went into effect on January 1, 2004. Chile was the first country in Latin America to sign this type of agreement with the United States. The United States - Chile Free Trade Agreement allows two nations to strengthen and develop economic relations and to establish f ree trade between them. The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Chile, resolve to(a)Strengthen the special bonds of friendship and cooperation between their nations(b)Contribute to the harmonious development and expansion of world trade and provide catalyst to broader international cooperation. (c)Create an expanded and secure market for the goods and services produced in their territories. (d)Avoid distortions in their reciprocal trade. (e)Establish clear and mutually advantageous rules governing their trade. (f)Ensure a predictable commercial framework for business planning and investment. (g)Build on their respective rights and obligations under the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization and other multilateral and bilateral instruments of cooperation. (h)Enhance the competitiveness of their firms in global markets. (i)Foster creativity and innovation, promote trade in goods and services that are the subject of in tellectual property rights. (j)Create new employment opportunities and improve working conditions and living standards in the respected territories.(k)Build on their respective international commitments and strengthen their cooperation on labor matters. (l)Protect and enhance and enforce basic workers rights.(m) Implement this agreement in a matter consistent with environmental protection and conservation.(n)Promote sustainable development. (o)Conserve protect and improve the environment, including through managing natural resources in their respective territories and through multilateral environmental agreements to which they are both parties. (p)Preserve their flexibility to safeguard the public welfare and (q) Contribute to hemispheric integration and the fulfillment of the objectives of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (http//www.
james madison Essay -- essays research papers
James Madison begins his famous federalist paper by explaining that the purpose of this essay is to help the readers understand how the construction of the proposed governwork forcet makes liberty possible. Each weapon system should be, for the most part, in Madisons opinion, independent. To assure such independence, no one starting time should have too much post in selecting members of the early(a) two branches. If this belief were strictly followed, it would mean that the citizens should select the president, the legislators, and the judges. But, the framers recognized certain practical difficulties in making every office elective. In particular, the judicial branch would suffer because the fair person is non aw be of the qualifications judges should possess. Judges should have great ability, alone also be supererogatory of political pressures. Since federal judges are appointed for life, their thinking provide not be influenced by the president who appoints them, or th e senators whose consent the president will seek. Madison furthers, the members of each branch should not be too dependent on the members of the other two branches in the determination of their salaries. The best security against a gradual concentration of creator in any one branch is to provide constitutional safeguards that would make such concentration difficult. The constitutional rights of all moldinessiness check one mans personal interests and ambitions. We whitethorn not like to admit that men abuse power, but the very drive for government itself proves they do, "if men were angels, no government would be necessary." Unfortunately, all men are imperfect, the rulers and the ruled. Consequently, the great problem in skeletal system a government is that the government must be sufficient to control the people, but equally important, must be forced to control itself. The dependence of the government on the will of the people is undoubtedly the best control, but exper ience teaches that other controls are necessary. Dividing power helps to check its growth in any one direction, but power cannot be divided absolutely equally. In the republican form of government, the legislative branch tends to be the most powerful. That is why the framers divided the Congress into two branches, the House of Representatives and the Senate, and provided for a different method of choice in each branch. Further safeguards against legislative tyranny may be neces... ...ports Partition of powersEach Department Should have a will of its own thereof members of each should have little to do with appointments of members of the other Member of each should be as little dependent as possible of the others for the emoluments annexed to their offices.In framing a government1. government take to control the governed2. government needs to control itselfEach department should have different amounts of self-defense because some departments need it more than others.Ex. Repersentative government legislative large divided into subgroups.Two considerations Single - All the power surrendered by the people is submitted to the administration of a single government. immix power first divided by two distinct governments and then each portion subdivided among separate departments. Guard society not only of subjection of its rulers, but also injustice of the other part. Need to guard minorities.Keeps people from just electing someone on a whim. james madison Essay -- essays enquiry papers James Madison begins his famous federalist paper by explaining that the purpose of this essay is to help the readers understand how the structure of the proposed government makes liberty possible. Each branch should be, for the most part, in Madisons opinion, independent. To assure such independe nce, no one branch should have too much power in selecting members of the other two branches. If this principle were strictly followed, it would mean that the citizens should select the president, the legislators, and the judges. But, the framers recognized certain practical difficulties in making every office elective. In particular, the judicial branch would suffer because the average person is not aware of the qualifications judges should possess. Judges should have great ability, but also be free of political pressures. Since federal judges are appointed for life, their thinking will not be influenced by the president who appoints them, or the senators whose consent the president will seek. Madison furthers, the members of each branch should not be too dependent on the members of the other two branches in the determination of their salaries. The best security against a gradual concentration of power in any one branch is to provide constitutional safeguards that would make such c oncentration difficult. The constitutional rights of all must check one mans personal interests and ambitions. We may not like to admit that men abuse power, but the very need for government itself proves they do, "if men were angels, no government would be necessary." Unfortunately, all men are imperfect, the rulers and the ruled. Consequently, the great problem in framing a government is that the government must be able to control the people, but equally important, must be forced to control itself. The dependence of the government on the will of the people is undoubtedly the best control, but experience teaches that other controls are necessary. Dividing power helps to check its growth in any one direction, but power cannot be divided absolutely equally. In the republican form of government, the legislative branch tends to be the most powerful. That is why the framers divided the Congress into two branches, the House of Representatives and the Senate, and provided for a di fferent method of election in each branch. Further safeguards against legislative tyranny may be neces... ...ports Partition of powersEach Department Should have a will of its own Thus members of each should have little to do with appointments of members of the other Member of each should be as little dependent as possible of the others for the emoluments annexed to their offices.In framing a government1. government needs to control the governed2. government needs to control itselfEach department should have different amounts of self-defense because some departments need it more than others.Ex. Repersentative government legislative huge divided into subgroups.Two considerations Single - All the power surrendered by the people is submitted to the administration of a single government. Compound power first divided by two distinct government s and then each portion subdivided among separate departments. Guard society not only of oppression of its rulers, but also injustice of the other part. Need to guard minorities.Keeps people from just electing someone on a whim.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Same-Sex Marriage Essay -- Homosexual Gay Lesbian Papers
Same-Sex Marriage Many people believe that marriage is an integral part of their lives. Currently, marriage is defined within the parameters of a league of one man and one woman. Under Canadian common law, a same-sex couple cannot get married and the government refuses to acknowledge homosexuals as equals. Prohibiting same-sex marriages in jurisprudence is discrimination. Denying homosexuals the ability to form this bond violates freedom of expression, equality rights for minorities, and freedom of religion, provisions present in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This is an issue of equality, security and freedom. If gays are denied the basic homophile right of marriage, one must ask the question where does society stand today? This issue is controversial because many fear that marriage as an origination will be destroyed if same-sex marriage is passed through legislation. Really, there is no compelling reason to believe that legalizing gay marriage would affect traditional marriage, that is, if a traditional marriage even exists. Public opinion is considerably more tolerant of homosexuality than it has been in the past, but lesbian and gay communities nevertheless gravel from discrimination due to their sexual orientation. While it is discriminatory and unethical to say that you have to be straight to have rights and to be accepted as a human being (Steirs 164), many people oppose gay marriage because they assume that gays have a choice in who they can feel attracted to, and the earth is quite different. Through rapid advances in genetic research and biotechnology, many scientists have confirmed that sexual orientation is in... ...n Network Ltd. 1993. Moore, Leah. Points in Defense of jocund Marriage. 21 April 2001. (3 November 2002). Rauch, Jonathan. Anything but Marriage? The Atlantic Monthly May 2002. Robinson, B.A. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. 9 November, 2002. (10 Nove mber 2002). Stiers, Gretchen A. From This Day Forward. Commitment, Marriage, and Family in Lesbian and Gay Relationships. St. Martins Press refreshed York. 1999. Tessina, Tina. Gay Relationships for Men and Women, Los Angeles Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc,1989. Vanasco, Jennifer. Families United in Law. Chicago Free Press 13 February 2002. Vincent, Norah. A lot of Hooey on Same-Sex Marriage Gays Didnt clank Marriage. Los Angeles Times 9 August 2001.
Macbeth :: essays research papers
A struggle is present in every cataclysm, as a person tries to overcome their flaws and fit the mold of their ideal. William Shakespeare apparently defined a good man in the play "Macbeth". This goal by its rendering is a difficult one for any man to achieve. delicacy and logic, temperance and patients, as well as the vindication of honor are Shakespeares defining typefaceistics of a good man.As with any well written tragedy, Macbeths title character and hero had to make it from his place of greatness to see his faults and begin his agonizing climb back to his previous mail service. His position, that of a good man, was one that demanded respect in the beginning of "Macbeth". The serjeant described Macbeths honor and bravery to king Duncan in act I, scene 2."For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name-Disdaining fortune, with his brandishd steel,Which smoked with bloody execution,Like valours minion carved taboo his passageTill he face up the slave...&q uotMacbeth defended his kings honor as well as his own, as Shakespeare showed a good man never backed down from a foe.In the later acts of the play, Shakespeare furthered the definition of a good man by portraying what a bad one was not. In Macbeths darkest hours, he showed no sign of watchfulness and logic as he slayed king Duncan, and hired assassins to murder his friend Banquo. Macbeth displayed his temerity in act IV scene 1 saying,"...from this momentThe very firstlings of my feeling shall beThe firstlings of my hand. And even now,To vertex my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done..."Macbeth was no longer the logical, thinking man whom many admired. He had become reckless, acting with only his honey and not his mind. The tragedy of the murders he brought on fair Scotland was a direct result of this violation of the criterion of a good man.The most apparent flaw, and by chance the most tragical in Macbeths character, is his lack of patients and temperance. The se shortcomings haunted Macbeth, causing him to let his "overvaulting ambition" rush fate, and hasten his doom. Macbeth could not wait for an appointment to a position of more power. Instead, he murdered the king to take his place. Opting not to wait to see if Banquo would be loyal to him, Macbeth had his companion murdered. His impatience led Macbeth to listen to his wife, the witches, and his darker side.Macbeth essays look papers A struggle is present in every tragedy, as a person tries to overcome their flaws and fit the mold of their ideal. William Shakespeare plainly defined a good man in the play "Macbeth". This goal by its definition is a difficult one for any man to achieve. Prudence and logic, temperance and patients, as well as the vindication of honor are Shakespeares defining characteristics of a good man.As with any well written tragedy, Macbeths title character and hero had to fall from his place of greatness to see his faults and begin his agonizi ng climb back to his previous position. His position, that of a good man, was one that demanded respect in the beginning of "Macbeth". The Sergeant described Macbeths honor and bravery to king Duncan in act I, scene 2."For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name-Disdaining fortune, with his brandishd steel,Which smoked with bloody execution,Like valours minion carved out his passageTill he faced the slave..."Macbeth defended his kings honor as well as his own, as Shakespeare showed a good man never backed down from a foe.In the later acts of the play, Shakespeare furthered the definition of a good man by portraying what a bad one was not. In Macbeths darkest hours, he showed no sign of prudence and logic as he slayed king Duncan, and hired assassins to murder his friend Banquo. Macbeth displayed his temerity in act IV scene 1 saying,"...from this momentThe very firstlings of my heart shall beThe firstlings of my hand. And even now,To crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done..."Macbeth was no longer the logical, thinking man whom many admired. He had become reckless, acting with only his passion and not his mind. The tragedy of the murders he brought on fair Scotland was a direct result of this violation of the criterion of a good man.The most apparent flaw, and perhaps the most tragic in Macbeths character, is his lack of patients and temperance. These shortcomings haunted Macbeth, causing him to let his "overvaulting ambition" rush fate, and hasten his doom. Macbeth could not wait for an appointment to a position of more power. Instead, he murdered the king to take his place. Opting not to wait to see if Banquo would be loyal to him, Macbeth had his companion murdered. His impatience led Macbeth to listen to his wife, the witches, and his darker side.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Rubin Hurricane Carter: Guilty Until Proven Innocent Essay -- Court Mo
Rubin Hurricane Carter Guilty Until Proven InnocentI dont belong hither and I am not going to play their game. If I were to cooperate in all these things, it would be as if I were saying, Im a guilty man, and I am not a guilty man (New Jersey).The case of Rubin (Hurricane) Carter has been a heated issue for the last 34 years. In the last year a new movie, The Hurricane, starring Denzel Washington has once again brought this case to the foreground of discussion. The question argued has been is Rubin Carter innocent or guilty of the murders he allegedly committed on June 17, 1966 in the Lafayette Grill in Paterson, New Jersey. The proof is undeniable that Carter is innocent. He had an unfair trial where the police played a negative part, the prosecution contain information, and the court also worked against Carter.Although Rubin Carter is innocent of the crimes committed that fateful night in Paterson does not mean he was an angel. The biggest threat to Rubins defense in this case was himself. Rubin Carter was born(p) May 6, 1937 in Delawana, New Jersey. He grew up in the nearby town of Paterson (J.K.B. 7). Rubin was a strong-willed boy who learned to theme up to everyone as a child. James S. Hirsch, the author of Hurricane The Miraculous Journey of Rubin Carter wrote, the men in his family are not intimidated by threats (60). In chapter 5 of his book, Hirsch explains how Rubin Carter learned to stand up against authority. Born with a stutter, he would fight anyone who dared to make fun of his speech-impediment. Carter once beat up his younger sister Rosalies teacher when he axiom him chasing her. He was expelled from school and beaten by his father. It was displays like this that caused Carters father fear... ...Deal for Freedom in Murder Case. New York propagation New York 4, Dec. 1975 452.Carter Lawyers Focus of Dispute. New York times New York 29, Jan. 1975 391.Hirsch, James S. Hurricane The Miraculous Journey of Rubin Carter. Boston and New York Hough ton Mifflin Co., 2000.J.K.B. Carter, Rubin. Current Biography May 2000 6-14.Lawyers for Carter Say Judge Erred on Appeal. New York Times New York 28, Jan. 1975 547.Massaquoi, Hans J. Hurricane Carter I Was Framed For Murder Ebony Dec. 1974 30 174-6+.New Jersey Journal. New York Times New York 5, Feb. 1984 XI 31.Police Record Backs Carters Story. New York Times New York 23, Oct. 1975 834.Reversal is Won By Rubin Carter In Murder Case. New York Times New York 8, Nov. 1985Same Judge Gets Carters Appeal. New York Times New York 31, Jan. 1975 378.
Rubin Hurricane Carter: Guilty Until Proven Innocent Essay -- Court Mo
Rubin Hurricane Carter Guilty Until Proven InnocentI dont belong here(predicate) and I am not going to play their game. If I were to cooperate in all these things, it would be as if I were saying, Im a guilty man, and I am not a guilty man (New Jersey).The case of Rubin (Hurricane) Carter has been a heated issue for the last 34 years. In the last year a new movie, The Hurricane, starring Denzel Washington has once again brought this case to the foreground of discussion. The question argued has been is Rubin Carter innocent or guilty of the murders he allegedly committed on June 17, 1966 in the Lafayette Grill in Paterson, New Jersey. The proof is undeniable that Carter is innocent. He had an unfair trial where the police played a negative part, the prosecution subdue information, and the court also worked against Carter.Although Rubin Carter is innocent of the crimes committed that fateful night in Paterson does not mean he was an angel. The biggest threat to Rubins defense in this case was himself. Rubin Carter was natural May 6, 1937 in Delawana, New Jersey. He grew up in the nearby town of Paterson (J.K.B. 7). Rubin was a strong-willed boy who learned to support up to everyone as a child. James S. Hirsch, the author of Hurricane The Miraculous Journey of Rubin Carter wrote, the men in his family are not intimidated by threats (60). In chapter 5 of his book, Hirsch explains how Rubin Carter learned to stand up against authority. Born with a stutter, he would fight anyone who dared to make fun of his speech-impediment. Carter once beat up his younger sister Rosalies teacher when he apothegm him chasing her. He was expelled from school and beaten by his father. It was displays like this that caused Carters father fear... ...Deal for Freedom in Murder Case. New York multiplication New York 4, Dec. 1975 452.Carter Lawyers Focus of Dispute. New York time New York 29, Jan. 1975 391.Hirsch, James S. Hurricane The Miraculous Journey of Rubin Carter. Boston and New York Houghton Mifflin Co., 2000.J.K.B. Carter, Rubin. Current Biography May 2000 6-14.Lawyers for Carter Say Judge Erred on Appeal. New York Times New York 28, Jan. 1975 547.Massaquoi, Hans J. Hurricane Carter I Was Framed For Murder Ebony Dec. 1974 30 174-6+.New Jersey Journal. New York Times New York 5, Feb. 1984 XI 31.Police Record Backs Carters Story. New York Times New York 23, Oct. 1975 834.Reversal is Won By Rubin Carter In Murder Case. New York Times New York 8, Nov. 1985Same Judge Gets Carters Appeal. New York Times New York 31, Jan. 1975 378.
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