Thursday, December 26, 2019
Why Do Rush Into Something Permanent Like Marriage
Cohabitating with your significant other is not out of the ordinary for today’s standards, and more and more seem to take on this trend instead of marrying. Why rush into something permanent like marriage, when living together is like a test trial for the future? More adults are choosing to cohabitate and have children rather then get married. Studies show a rising number that moving in with your partner, and having children before marriage is not uncommon. Cohabiators like myself say marriage is a piece of paper, and residing with a partner is not uncommon to show serious commitment. I believe it is important to live with someone before you marry him or her. It is no longer out of the ordinary to live with your partner before marriage. Pew Research Center shows that more adults ages 25 to 34 have never been married and live with their significant other. Research also shows that 24% of young adults cohabitate instead of tying the knot. In my opinion, living together without being married still shows that people are committed to a relationship without a piece of paper; no more wishing to play house with the one you loveâ€â€its actually possible. Living together is a big commitment both parties must be ready for. The fact is that living together not only show legal commitment, but also a mutual commitment between the couples that choose to cohabitate rather then become married. Nowadays, people are choosing to live with their partner and have children. A study made by the TimeShow MoreRelatedShakespeare s Playwrights And Poetry Empower People1519 Words  | 7 Pages Shakespeare’s playwrights and poetry empower people to do great things, prove to serve as living textbooks, and also help educate people. It’s important to experience his works, for they are truly inspirational arts that motivate people to do exceptional things and perhaps break a vicious cycle of corruption. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
3.1 Briefly Describe Each Of The Functions Of Nonverbal
3.1 Briefly describe each of the functions of nonverbal communication given in the text. Nonverbal communication function to repeat, conflict, accent or moderate, encourage, substitute and compliment. Nonverbal communication can simply what was said verbally. Nonverbal signals can be contradictory the verbal message for example when a person is lying or scared. Nonverbal communication can complement verbal communication usually decoding the message more accurately. As a substitute for verbal communication, nonverbal communication may indicate more permanent characteristics such as age or gender, moderately long-lasting features and relatively short-term features of a person. Nonverbal behavior may amplify or tone down parts of the verbal†¦show more content†¦3.3 How does physical attractiveness affect interaction between people? Physical attractiveness plays an influential role in determining communication behavior. Evidence from our culture supports that initially we respond much more favorable to those we perceive more physically attractive than those we see as less attractive. Studies have shown that physical attractive people are perceived to exceed unattractive people on socially desirable evaluation such as personality, success, sexuality, popularity and happiness. Society’s behavior towards unattractive people is negative. This perception can also be seen in infants, one study have found out that infants looked significantly longer at an attractive face than a less attractive one. Studies have also shows that attractiveness is very important in dating and marriages. In obtaining a job, attractiveness maybe an advantage, with the applicant getting the job or even a higher salary. Being attractive is associated with persuasion success and self-esteem. Judgements of attractiveness may change over the course of a lifetime. 3.4 Describe each of Edward T. Hall s four spatial zones. Edward Hall defined four distances that not North Americans use in their daily lives. According to Hall, we often choose our distances depending on how we feel towards another person at a given time, concept of the conversation and our interpersonal goals. The first one ofShow MoreRelatedCross Cultural Communication9880 Words  | 40 Pagesrelatively unrelated areas as cultural anthropology and established areas of communication. Its core is to establish and understand how people from different cultures communicate with each other. Its charge is to also produce some guidelines with which people from different cultures can better communicate with each other. We study the culture in context of cultural theories given by following researchers * Hofstede’s Cultural dimensions * Hall’s Context theory * Schwartz value Inventory Theory Read MoreThree Step Writing Process8391 Words  | 34 Pageschapter, you will be able to â€Å"People have just gone ahead and experimented. 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Jerry: Out of the clearRead MoreScribd Essay14644 Words  | 59 PagesWhile each of these theo ries is based in research, there is no absolute proof as yethow emotions arise in our bodies and minds, or what determines our ownindividual experiences of them. What we do know is that feelings are a powerfulforce to be reckoned with, and should never be belittled. Q.2 Discuss the techniques of decision making in groups?ANS : Planning for Decision Making While decision making without planning is fairly common, it is often not pretty.The terms used to describe it--crisisRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 Pages. . . 3 The Importance of Management. . . . . . . . . . . . What Is Management? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Who Are Managers?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What Do Managers Do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managerial Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managerial Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Leadership and Strategic Management in Education
Question: Discuss about the Leadership and Strategic Management in Education. Answer: Introduction: In performance measurement, an organization, an individual employee or even the collective group can only see their performance measurement through organizational feedback. This is communicating the productivity outcomes of individual employees, the collective departments or the company (Ashdown, n.d.). An employees behavior and the goals of the organization is the link in which his or her performance is measured. Consequently, the performance of the organization is measured by the organizational goals through its vision and mission and the decisions made by the management. Measurements have a lot of negative impact on an organization if reported incorrectly. Measurement is the initial step to organizational improvement (Blackstone, n.d.). Quantification stimulates the measuring process. Before adopting performance measures, managers should study the environmental conditions while analyzing the consequences of the negative measures. There are five fundamentals that are taken into consideration in performance measurement ; Profit usually measured in terms of money Productivity which is measured in input output relationship Customer feedback on factors such as service and product quality Change adaptation and innovation Human resource or labor The improvement of the management of the work performance of the members and in particular of the executives in the present organizations constitutes a challenge, since it is not only one way to achieve the advance towards the excellence of these, but also of the economy and Society in general. In correspondence with performance management, most of the work addresses the management decisions which do expose the characteristics, description as well as the models proposed and the composition of the phases that make up the work presented. Profits measured in form of money This is the most common method of measuring management performance. An organization with high profits means that the performance of the particular organization is also high. The opposite is also true, an organization with losses means that the organization performance is wanting.Of importance in todays society, the distinctive feature is accelerated by the change phase. These results in the adaptation of skills, attitudes and knowledge which requires institutional members adopt to organizational change of circumstances. Management system establishment are sometimes obsolete and mostly become a barrier which creates substantive threats to development and survival of the organization itself (Pasher and Ronen, 2011). Profits are most likely Avoidance of these risks is an essential task of each and every level of management team and level. How might one measure or assess the effectiveness of efforts to implement a high-performance work culture or system To organizational has been a recurring theme in human resources analysis and departments. For some, a subject of great importance; For others, one a little trite; And for others, one that is overvalued, does not transcend too much and where there is no need to invest more than necessary. Indeed, this group of those who do not care much about organizational culture emerged during the economic crisis of the past two years, in which a significant number of companies became evident that focused only on staff cuts and spending To control the budget, almost completely forgetting the organizational culture and welfare within their organizations which probably had to do with the overall results of business.The effectiveness can be measured using KPIs and staff evaluation forms Productivity which is measured in input output When the productivity of a company is used to measure the organization performance, two factors are put into consideration; Output means whatever the organization is producing. The ratio of output input measures how the organization is perfoming. When the company has many folds of output over input, it means it is performing very well. However, not all performance is measured this way, depending on the organization, profitability matters fundamentally. Customer feedback on factors such as service and product quality In business, the customer is the king. Customer feedback is highly valued by the management and the staff for growth and development. Excellence in customer service produces positive feedback from the customers. This leads to customer loyalty and eventually high performance by the organization. In contrast, poor customer feedbackon services and productivity results to low performance. In instances like this, management overhaul, strategy change and other drastic measures happens. Change adaptation and innovation In the world dominated by technological changes and innovations to be market leaders, the slaggards are usually faced a competitive business environment or a high performance environment. Organizations hould change to various adaptations for sustainability. Innovation also leads to high performance in an organization. Armstrong human resource management method This model is articulated as of the changes that are produced in three dimensions of the personnel management: the change in the conception of the personnel of cost to resource, the incorporation of the proactive point of view in practices and the application of strategic management to the human resource. They are analyzed, also, the main models of Human Resource Management to determine the characteristics that define the personnel function in the organizations. Finally, it is drawn the large lines that would have to guide the formulation of a Human Resources Management model in the future. Human resource attracts high performance in an orgazation. Companies hire quality and experienced labour to enhance their performance. Labour cost should not be very high as it burdens the company leading to low profits therefore low perfomance. When adopting performance measures, managers should look keenly into consequences of environmental conditions while analyzing the consequences of positive and negative measures. The improvement of the management of the performance of members and in particular of the executives in the present organizations constitutes a challenge, since it is not the only way to achieve advancement towards the excellence of these, but also of the economy and Society in general. Goals in Performance management The first specific goal is related to the management of business performance in relation to the identification of objectives and possible areas for improvement. The second specific goal establishes the mechanism for selecting the improvements that contribute to this result and the third focuses on the dissemination mechanisms that ensure that the improvements can achieve the expected quantitative results. The fourth goal focuses on organizational improvement and expansion strategies that aim to improve the quality and quantity of services provided (Tracy, n.d.). When adopting performance measures, managers should look keenly into consequences of environmental conditions while analyzing the consequences of positive and negative measures. Conclusion In correspondence with performance management, most of the work addresses the management decisions which do expose the characteristics, description as well as the models proposed and the composition of the phases that make up the work presented (Tracy, n.d.). Quantification stimulates the measuring process. Before adopting performance measures, managers should study the environmental conditions while analyzing the consequences of the negative measures. References Ashdown, L. (n.d.).Performance management. Bush, T. and Coleman, M. (2000).Leadership and strategic management in education. London: Paul Chapman. Cadwell, C. (2000).Performance management. [S.l.]: American Management Association. Performance management. (2010). Scottsdale: WorldatWork. Pettinger, R. (2013).Organizational Behaviour. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Tracy, B. (n.d.).Management.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Nuclear Arms Essays - Manhattan Project, Nuclear Warfare
Nuclear Arms On August 6, 1945, Hiroshima was devastated by a most cruel and terrible new bomb, as described by Emperor Hirohito, one of the Axis leaders during World War II. Since then, nuclear weapons have become a major threat to humanity as more and more missiles, bombs, and other weapons are created by different countries. Today, many nations, including the United States and Russia, are working together to disarm their stockpile of nuclear weapons. Germany first started developing a fission bomb in 1939. Albert Einstein, along with other scientists, realized this and wrote to President Roosevelt regarding the threat to the Allies. Shortly after, the United States began serious efforts to produce an atomic bomb, later known as the ?Manhattan Project'. When the Manhattan Project first started, its first objective was to provide a source of Uranium 235, a highly fissionable material. Unfortunately, this compound was very rare, with only one atom of U-235 to every five hundred of Uranium 238, which was virtually worthless in creating nuclear weapons at the time. Since the the two isotopes were almost exactly the same, a chemical method of extraction could not be used. A large plant was built in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, that had the sole purpose of separating the different forms of uranium. Using a process of magnetic separation devised by H. C. Urey, Ernest Lawrence successfully solved this major problem. Six years, and two billion dollars, were spent by some of the greatest minds in the world to create the first weapon of mass destruction. Led by J. Robert Oppenheimer, the team of scientists detonated the new bomb on July 16, 1945. Although successful, the general reaction was far from ecstatic. Many people on the project signed a petition to never use such a device. I am become death, said one person, the destroyer of worlds. Shortly after Hiroshima was attacked, Nagasaki fell victim to this terrible weapon. Emperor Hirohita, fearing continued destruction, surrendered immediately. World War II was finally over, but the ?Atomic Age' had just begun. In August, 1949, the Soviet Union detonated its first nuclear bomb. As a result, the US and the USSR began a race to compile an arsenal of the most powerful weapons as possible. This led to the development of the hydrogen bomb, a much more devastating version of the atom bomb. An H-bomb uses both nuclear fission and fusion to create a huge explosion. First, an uncontrolled fission reaction takes place, which creates extreme temperature and pressure. This massive force activates a fusion reaction, creating a very destructive blast at least five times the power of an atomic bomb. After years of weapons research and construction, US president Ronald Reagan announces plans for the Strategic Defense Initiative, a satellite based system which would, theoretically, destroy all missiles in space before they reached America. When the Soviet Union heard this, they began a mad race to catch up. However, the country went broke trying to catch up to a project that didn't exist, exhausting their resources immensely, and eventually causing a chain reaction that ended communism in most European countries. In 1986 Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and United States President Ronald Reagan began the long process of disarmament, intending to greatly lessen the threat of nuclear holocaust. Many treaties have been signed to eliminate several classes of weapons, including intermediate-range, short-range, and long-range missiles. To this day, countries around the world are disarming and decontaminating missiles, and continuing the effort to conserve peace, although the path ahead is long, and certainly fraught with complications. Third-world countries are just now gaining access to nuclear technology, and some of these nations are constantly at war, home to terrorist factions, and other things that could be disastrous if nuclear technology was implemented by them. Science Essays
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The War against Terrorism Essays
The War against Terrorism Essays The War against Terrorism Essay The War against Terrorism Essay Samuel Huntington1 has been warning against a clash of civilisations for more than a decade and now there seems to have been one, seen most influentially with the twin towers attacks and the London bombings. There has been a knee jerk reaction to attacks such as these by western countries, for example the USA Patriot Act in America. The Patriot Act remains highly disputed2, but America was unified behind their president at the time of proposal and anything he could be seen to do to stop terrorism was embraced. A similar view was taken in the UK and the Anti terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 was enacted.This act takes a great deal from civil liberties and freedoms, and allows powers contrary to article 5 of the Human Rights Act 1998. A quote taken from the liberty website states that Anti Terrorism measures have done little to ensure that Britain is safe and secure from terrorist attack, but much to infringe the civil liberties of those living in the UK3 and I think this view would be the consensus of the common man if he were told of the possibilities this act permits, for example Lord Hoffman tells us that any man could be detained on the basis of some heated remarks overheard in a pub.The Anti terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 allows the authorities to effect actions that are contrary to the United Kingdoms fundamental beliefs and values. Although the UK does not have a written constitution, it is understood that liberty and freedom of expression are essential elements of a democratic people; the Anti terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 allows a suspected terrorist to be detained indefinitely or placed under house arrest without explaining why or allowing them to contact anyone.It is important to note that the Anti terrorism, Crime and Security Act was held incompliant with the provisions of Articles 5 and 14 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 as it discriminated against non nationals5. The Home Secretary attacked the decision of the courts and the decision was overruled as it was decided the home secretary was in a better position to decide matters of national security. These actions could undermine the independence of the judiciary. Mr.John Wadham of Liberty stated that the Government can only get away with it [The Anti terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001] because theyre using it against foreigners6 I tend to agree with this measure especially when taking into consideration a statement made by CERD7 on 8 March 2002 measures taken in the struggle against terrorism (should) not discriminate in purpose or effect on grounds of race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin. The measures taken by the UK clearly do, and the next point exemplifies this.I bring to your attention the recent shooting of suspected terrorist Jean Charles de Menezes, a foreign man currently in the UK. Lethal force was authorised against any suspected terrorists, which not only resulted in the death of a man innocent of these charges, is in direct conflict with Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights which seeks to protect the lives of everyone; violence should be a last resort, not an option quickly jumped to, and a polic y which allows an innocent man to be shot in the head eight times is one which needs some rethinking.People in London will now not only be scared of terrorist actions, but of the police who now have the permission and means to shoot them if they are suspected as terrorists. The principle of habeas corpus8 is also under threat by The Anti terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001. Although the home office denies it9, the Act clearly conflicts with this treasured part of English law. Although we are presented with the challenge of fighting those who have no respect for our values, we must remain true to those values otherwise there will be nothing left to protect.Lord Hoffman declares in A and Others (2004) that it is for Parliament to decide whether to give the terrorists such a victory, and by giving powers such as these given under the Anti terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 parliament are doing this. Instead of trying to find the reasons behind terrorism, the government is trying its hardest to stop it. The best method of preventing terrorism would be to first understand why we are the victims of terrorism. Could the source of terrorist attacks be the unfounded, highly controversial war in Iraq?The UK had to derogate in relation to the Anti terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001. The general rule is that where a State decides there is a need for derogation, the courts must not only be convinced of the need for derogation, but also that the derogation was proportionate to the need by not eliminating more individual rights than necessary. In removing the right to freedom by increasing pre trial detention indefinitely it could be said that parliament have acted incompatibly with Human Rights Act 1998 and have reacted too strongly to the terrorist actions, removing more rights than necessary.AV Dicey pronounces that individual rights are the basis not the result of the law of the constitution10 Parliament must deem it necessary to restrict the rights of the few people that are subject to these new powers to protect the rights of the many; specifically, the right to live, and live in peace. I am not saying that we should not question the decisions of parliament as unequivocal and absolute law, however the rights of the citizens of the UK does seem to be what parliament is trying to protect, and we cannot fault them for that.What we can fault them for however, is the rushed implementation of laws which undermine our democratic state by allowing such harsh treatment of suspected terrorists. Although I agree that potential threats should be eliminated, there must be a more civilised way of doing this. At present suspects are not only not told the reason they are being detained, their whole life is under threat; their bank account, job, family and even their home is controlled by the authorities.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to become a medical receptionist
How to become a medical receptionist Careers in healthcare are booming right now. With significant advances in technology changing the game and an ever-larger population in need of healthcare services, it’s one of the biggest growth industries for the foreseeable future. But what if you’re not as interested in the hands-on medical end of things, or your skills are more administrative in nature? Becoming a medical receptionist could be the right path for you, with the best of both worlds. What does a medical receptionist do?Medical receptionists have many of the same duties as receptionists in other industries, but with a healthcare twist- managing patient records, taking initial medical information when a patient comes in, and managing day-to-day tasks for a medical office. A medical receptionist’s responsibilities may include the following:Answering phones and greeting patients in the officeTaking preliminary patient information, including medical and billing dataAnswering questions for patients an d visitorsCommunicating with patients and medical staffHelping to manage patient flow by communicating delays to patients, and announcing patient arrivals to the medical staffManaging patient details and records in accordance with patient confidentiality lawsMonitoring and stocking medical office suppliesMaintaining the waiting room or other public areasThe medical receptionist is often the first person people see when they enter a doctor’s office or other medical facility, so he or she is responsible for keeping a calm, welcoming environment for patients. This is typically a job with a standard 40-hour work week, although shifts may be necessary in medical offices that maintain weekend or overnight hours.What skills do medical receptionists have?Medical receptionists need to have solid people and administrative skills to keep things flowing efficiently in the doctor’s office.Organizational Skills: Because the medical receptionist is usually the front-line person in a medical office, things need to be kept organized. We’ve all been in situations where the doctor’s office waiting room is chaotic with appointments delayed, and the medical receptionist can help manage this effectively by processing people quickly and efficiently, and making sure that all the necessary information is being communicated to the medical staff.Technical Skills: The medical office may have recordkeeping software used to record patient information, so the job may require a degree of tech-savviness in addition to the usual Word and Excel skills. You should also be adept at using multi-line phone systems.Customer Service Skills: Patients are customers, and the fact of being at a doctor’s office can add an extra level of stress. The medical receptionist should be friendly and good at handling people calmly, no matter what the situation may be.Time Management Skills: Medical offices, especially busy ones, are based around appointment schedules. That means that as a medical receptionist, you may need to be multitasking (checking in multiple people, communicating information from the medical staff to waiting patients, processing paperwork) at any given time.What do you need to become a medical receptionist?There’s no specific degree necessary to become a medical receptionist, but you should have a high school diploma (or equivalent). Because of the administrative nature of the job, it’s typically not necessary to have specific medical knowledge. A background of basic medical knowledge and terminology can be helpful, however.How much does a medical receptionist make?The median annual salary for medical receptionists is $29,832, or $13.52 per hour, per This can vary depending on whether the job is heavier on medical expertise or administrative focus.What is the outlook for medical receptionists?According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for these receptionists is expected to grow by more than 10% by 2022- faster than average for all jobs.This can be a best-of-both-worlds job if you’re looking for an entry point into the healthcare field- you won’t be working with the gritty ins and outs of medicine, but you’ll still be an essential part of the medical office. If this sounds like the path for you, good luck!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 68
Journal - Essay Example Initially, the writer gives an overview of the case and accusations, as well as charges faced by Ziegler, a supervisor in Montgomery. Then, the author of this article breaks down the accusations one by one explaining how they happened and how Ziegler participated in approving to pay bills to cover for the purchases he made in his favor. This helps in understanding the story better because, without the explanations, it would be hard to comprehend how those absurd charges came to be. Another part of the story that captured my attention is the employee’s comment when asked why he gave Ziegler a tank of propane. Heydt made it clear that he had to do it because his boss said so. The author uses this to highlight how bosses misuse their position to gain loyalty from employees. Employees become loyal because of fear of losing their jobs. Though this story would not pass for a national headline in the front pages, the presentation is interesting, and it succeeds in reaching the target
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Explain climate change and discuss three strategies that countries are Essay
Explain climate change and discuss three strategies that countries are using to help the prevention of global warming and say whether you agree or disagree with the effectiveness of each strategy - Essay Example However, this understanding has not resulted in any significant reduction in the rate of Global Warming, with the 20th Century’s last two decades being the hottest in 400 years (National Geographic 2007). Global Warming is seen as a threat to human health (Hambling et al., 2011 p. 2) with other concerns such as food security issues also expected in the future. Due to the growing awareness about this issue along with pressure-groups in the form of environmental NGOs, countries have been forced to take action in order to prevent further damage to the ecology. Initiatives such as the Kyoto Protocol have been welcomed by most of the world, which promise to reduce carbon emissions to a suitable level by a certain date. This essay will look at 3 of the many strategies that countries adopt in order to prevent global warming on a national scale, which may be due to their participation in international agreements/conventions like Kyoto Protocol or due to a national agenda of their own. Investment in renewable energy is a preferred strategy for most industrialized countries that aim to reduce their carbon emissions. $173 billion were invested into developing sustainable energy in 2009, a figure that fell after the global recession affected the financial situation of most of the involved countries (UNEP 2010 p 11-13). Some countries, like Iceland produce electricity using entirely from renewable resources, thereby leaving a minimal carbon imprint. Most countries, developed and developing possess the environmental conditions required to produce such energy; however, in the case of the latter, they do not possess the financial resources to exploit these conditions. The Kyoto Protocol aims to rectify that by encouraging developed countries to invest in reducing the carbon emission of developing countries, through such projects (UNFCC, n.d.).
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Mahatma Gandhi Essay Example for Free
Mahatma Gandhi Essay The book is a well structured chronological assessment of Mohandas Gandhis life from his childhood as an aspiring lawyer up to his untimely death that symbolizes nonviolent movements and peaceful deeds. The book summarizes Mahatmas life as follows. Gandhi founded several movements and groups in which he came up with a nonviolent resistance in one major movement, which he initiated to fight against a requirement to finger-print and register all Indian immigrants. The movement attracted a huge number of followers and Gandhis message started spreading rapidly. During his first nonviolent movement, Gandhi was imprisoned for two months by the then South African general Christian Smuts. As an act of love, he made sandals for the general during his imprisonment. His movements received a remarkable attention all over the world particularly Europe. Gandhi returned back to India after 21 years of life in South Africa. He continued with his work in India where he made a concern to abolish the traditional Hindu cast system which regarded low class individuals as social outcasts. He also made attempts to restore peace among the Muslim and Hindu Indians. He led his famous Salt March as a declaration of defiance against Englands declaration of monopolizing salt production. In the book, Deats quotes Louis Fischer, another famous biographer of Gandhi regarding this move. Fischer writes, â€Å"When the Indians allowed themselves to be beaten with batons and rifle butts and did not cringe they showed that England was powerless and India invincible. The rest was merely a matter of time. †(65). Gandhi was succeeding in his war for independence using his purely nonviolent ways. His methods for opposition more than once included fasting. The method worked severally to provoke negotiations with the opposing parties. On the 30th day of January 1948, Gandhi was assassinated by an extremist Hindu militant shortly after fasting in protest against the violent Muslim-Hindu conflict. The Hindus were infuriated by Gandhis actions and many of them considered him a traitor for sympathizing with their rivals, the Muslims. The legacy left by Gandhi, his message of compassion and his methods of nonviolent movements to fight for peace and reedom have a large impact on several related movements since his demise. Deats informative and concise biography of Gandhi has several concrete points. He touches on many of the important events on the life of Gandhi from his early years, which were imperative in converting him into the legend that he finally became. Deats also does an excellent work in emphasizing the important principles that Gandhi founded, and the philosophies that he deducted and preached from Gandhis life. Deats summarizes the teachings of Gandhi concerning life excellently. However, his book lacks a detailed explanation of how, from an organizational point of view, Gandhi manages to gather such a great multitude of followers. The last few pages of his book are just a collection of various inspirational quotes from Gandhis great works. Throughout the text, Deats is effective at the use of quotes to portray Gandhis unlimited love for human race especially those who are in need for help and those who are suffering. The Life of Mahatma Gandhi-Louis Fischer The first biography of Mahatma Gandhi by Louis Fischers was published in the early 1950s but still reads brilliantly. The book is organized in short, simple to read chapters. It starts from the first day of Gandhis life and then the author describes how the aspiring lawyer in Mahatma first became a civil rights activist for his fellow immigrants in South Africa. Next, the author takes us back to India, and discusses the beginning of the civil resistance movements led by Gandhi in which he uses peaceful means to mobilize hundreds of thousands of Indians against oppression by the British Government. Gandhi has powers I have never read of before. He links divisions between political, national, and religious affiliations and many, including politicians sought out advice from him. It is hard to include the many interesting aspects that the author covers in the book in this review. I have however covered most of them in my previous review above. The events in Gandhis life are so extra ordinary, but also real and this makes his great works greatly readable. Fischer analyses the history of Indian immigrants and the occupation and oppression of the British, the conflicting prominent religions in India, that is, the Muslims and Hindus, nd how internal disputes among the Indians delayed their quest for independence of their country as a whole. However, in their midst was a man who strongly believed in his peoples welfare and had unending faith in them. He had faith in his fellow countrymen to realize the mistakes and the horror of internal violence and oppression by foreigners. This is a biography of a truly great man whose beliefs are as relevant today as in the past. Louis Fischer bases his writing on Gandhis own autobiography and on interrogations with people who knew him. Fischer goes beyond the boundaries of a biographer in reading the aspirations and the mindset of Gandhi. He is so into Gandhis philosophy that his writing is clearly authentic. The text may not be always easy to read, but usually rewards the reader. Fischer provides a comprehensive background scenario of Mahatma and his immediate environment. Richard Deats provides a timely account of Gandhis life message. The text is concise and compelling. He analyses Gandhis believe in God, and his understanding and life of a nonviolent lifestyle. The book displays a higher way of thinking and a better way of living.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Historical Narrative: Beacon In A Sea Of Darkness :: essays research papers fc
The day started as usual. I got out of bed. My eyes sore from lack of sleep. My feet hit the cold floor, sending a shudder through my spine. It's a shame. In the winter, the weatherman will tell you that tomorrow will be a warm one, but warm for winter in New York is still blisteringly cold (Weather 53). I looked at the clock. 7:50 AM. No time for breakfast. I had to get to work. In this business, either you were there on time to take someone's case or he went to another detective. I grabbed my coat and started running down the apartment stairs, trying to wave down a taxi. My landlord tried to nab me and complain about my late rent, but I had not time to trifle with him. I jumped into the first taxi I saw and told the driver to take me to the corner of 7th and Elm. Whin I got to the office, Rose, my secretary, was on the phone talking to her fiance ("Miss" 30). Her husband to be was a real sweet talker, but he was a Communist, which made my blood hot. Such a shame, a fine broad going to waste like that. She whispered goodbye to him and hung up the phone. "Any calls for me while I was out, Rose?" "No, Sam, the morning's been pretty quiet so far," she replied. "Here's the morning paper as you requested. The coffee should be hot and ready in just a few minutes." "You're a doll, you know that, Rose? I swear my morning would be a nightmare if it weren't for you. I've got a couple of tickets to the next Yankees game if you'd like to go out. I hear Mantle and Rizzuto are hitting pretty well" (Effrat 34). "Mr. Brock! Thank you very much, but I'm engaged. I can't go off on a weekend dating spree right before I get married. What would others think? They'd call me a floozy for sure!" "Well, I thought it was worth a try. Give me a holler if you change your mind. I'll be in my office if anything comes up." I walked into my office, about to shut the door, when I stopped myself. "Rose, what do you see in that guy anyway? Did he trick you into marriage or was he just the only guy left in the store?" "Despite what you may think of him, I find him very attractive.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
What Are the Most Important Themes in King Lear?
â€Å"Different interpretations focus on different themes’, this statement is acceptable in the play King Lear. Edwin Sherin’s production of King Lear primarily explores the theme of Oder and Chaos, as opposed to excerpts by Marilyn Gaull, which focuses on the theme of Love evident in King Lear and an excerpt by Samantha Markham in which focuses on the theme of Insanity. In my opinion theses three themes which are focused on through different interpretations of the play, are the most significant in King Lear In the 1974 Edwin Sherin production of King Lear, we see his directorial decisions on costume choice reflect the nature of the play, as well as the things that have taken place. An example of this is through Edmund’s costume in Act 1 and Act 6, as well as Lear’s costume in both Act 1 and Act 6. Through the first act, Lear’s costume made up of an armoured vest and a big furry robe clearly shows that Lear is the character who is most powerful. In comparison to Lear, Edmund is a character who is lowly ranked in society wears a plain costume. By comparing both character costumes, we as an audience are informed of the order of the kingdom, the social hierarchy in which each character is placed and the divine right of kings. Through Lear’s decision to divide his kingdom amongst his daughters causes an uproar of chaos and mayhem that erupts the kingdom. His decision to give Gonerill and Regan his kingdom, his authority, his power, caused confusion on who the country is meant to obey. As a result of Lear’s judgment, he is betrayed by his daughters and left on his own in the open plains on the outskirts of the kingdom. With Lear gone, his power diminished, Gonerill and Regan took control of the kingdom. This is seen as wrong and unethical, as women are not meant to lead or rule. As a result of their husbands being â€Å"weak†, Gonerill and Regan controlled them and their judgments. Edmund, the illegitimate son of Gloucester, manipulates his way up the hierarchy and slowly take control and gain the power of his father, the sisters, and ultimately Lear’s. The storm scene in Act III shows the order and chaos that has manifested upon England. The order has been disrupted, and as a result, chaos brought its way to England. In the storm scene, Lear is in the rain, barely wearing anything, on the ground, nothing protecting him, and the storm raging on around him. Whilst Lear is suffering in the storm, we see Edmund, Gonerill and Regan tucked safely within the kingdom walls, protected, sheltered. This shows the shift in the order and the Divine Right of Kings. In Act V, we see Edmund dressed leather and armour, this reveals that Edmund has gained power and status through his actions, and Lear dressed in bare, thin, simple, disheveled clothing, which reveals that he has lost his power and authority through his actions. As shown above, through Sherin’s directorial decisions, primarily on the costume decisions, the theme of Order and Chaos was depicted and the implication and the power shift in the play. Marilyn Gaull states that â€Å"King Lear is set in an intellectual climate in which the play was conceived, where one finds a conflict on the thematic level between two kinds of love: divine love, expressed in an ordered cosmic, social, and spiritual hierarchy, and erotic love, a kind of subterranean energy which is the source of chaos, disorder, and destruction. Specifically, when King Lear assumed he could divest himself of responsibility, retiring as any lesser mortal to the obscurity of an â€Å"unburdened†old age, he committed an offense against universal order and thereby denied divine love â€Å". Through this excerpt, the theme of Love is clearly shown in her interpretation of King Lear. King Lear is a play focused on two families, the main plot and the subplot, Lear’s family, of him and his three daughters and Gloucester’s family, of him and his two sons. Both Lear and Gloucester expects love and respect from their children, and they should get it as they are the parent, it is ethically right. Where in the play, Gonerill and Regan in Act I Scene 1, falsely declare their love for Lear, when he demanded his daughters to tell him how much they love him, Cordelia said aside, â€Å"Then poor Cordelia! And yet not so, since I am sure my love’s more ponderous than my tongue. â€Å", where she states that her love, is stronger than words. With the beginning of the play, it is shown that Cordelia expresses divine love towards Lear, whilst Gonerill and Regan expresses erotic love. This is shown more in depth as the play goes on. Because Lear was unable to see wh ose love was more truthful, he chose to ignore the daughter he loves most and banish her. Due to his judegments, he was able to learn from his experiences, and was then able to recognise Cordelia’s love for him. Through Marilyn Gaull’s interpretation of the theme Love in King Lear, we are able to see the important and effect love has on people, primarily families and their judgements. â€Å"The opening scene of King Lear is a fascinating exploration of flattery, self-love and the relationship between father and daughters. It seems absurd that a king would divide his kingdom according to professions of love, but it is worth considering that a long reigning king is accustomed to exercising irresponsible power. , stated by Samantha Markham, an excerpt in an interpretation focusing on the theme of Insanity in King Lear. This theme I believe is the most important theme of King Lear, as it revolves around a central place in the play. Lear’s decision to divide his kingdom up in the beginning of the play, gives evidence of senility. Both his daughters, Gonerill and Regan discussed his rash behavior in Act I Sc. 1 â€Å"The best and soundest of his time hath been but rash†Gonerill, states that because of his old age, he is becoming more senile and rasher in his decisions. Throughout the play, the Fool offers Lear insights through complete babble. The audience was able to see an ironic humouress scene, where they see, Lear as someone who was strong and defiant lose his sanity and Edgar who’s lost and confused, pretend that he’s insane. Through this scene, the audience can see the contrast in madness between Lear’s real madness and Edgar’s feigned madness. Through many of Lear’s dialogue, the audience can already see that he is on the edge of sanity. â€Å"We are not ourselves when nature, being oppressed, commands the mind to suffer with the body†Lear, states that it is because nature that he is losing his mind, that his mind his suffering because of it. As shown above, Marilyn Gaull’s interpretation of King Lear, based on the theme Insanity, reveals that she it is because he has had the power for too long, he abuses it by recklessly dividing his kingdom, believing that he is mad.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Credibility and Logic in Gregory Curfman’s “Diet Pills Reduxâ€Â
1. Gregory D. Curfman’s piece â€Å"Diet Pills Redux†is an editorial; therefore, a reader must keep in mind that the content will focus on the author’s opinion(s) and perspective(s) about a particular situation. Having read Curfman’s piece, it does seem credible. The author is a physician, so his analysis of the situation can be reasonably assumed within his field of expertise, especially when one considers it is an editorial published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Dr.Curfman presents evidence for and against the use of fenfluramine and phentermine and seems concerned only with further exploration of a possible connection between the use of these drugs (separately or together) and heart disease (Curfman, 1997, passim).2. Curfman begins his piece with a summary of an outbreak of pulmonary hypertension that took place in Western Europe that was linked to the use of an appetite-suppressant drug. He goes on to reveal a European outbreak thirty years later which connected the use of an anorectic drug with more cases of pulmonary hypertension.Later, he discusses weighing the risks of using anorectic drugs against the individual’s need, and concludes that only those with no other recourse should be allowed to take the chance. Each of these is an example of logic without fallacy (Curfman, 1997, passim). There were fallacies in Curfman’s piece. To begin with, the events and studies he cited were missing control groups and assurances that exigent factors such as patient history had been taken into account. Technically, these might be construed as misleading statistics.Because the numbers of persons negatively effected by these drugs was so low, the potential that much of his point is perhaps a non sequiturâ€â€specifically an argument built on a slippery slope does exist. His closing remark that â€Å"succumbing to the allure of diet pills as a quick fix for excess weight may be courting disaster†presents a significant logical problem: the implication that those who suffered a cardiac crisis in connection with the use of one or more of the involved drugs fall into the â€Å"quick fix†categoryâ€â€this is a hasty generalization (Curfman, 1997, passim).The overall message in the piece was not that blame must be laid, nor was it a call to halt all availability of either drug, so coupled with this piece being an editorial, even fallacy did not necessarily weaken the strength of the article in my opinion as the point seemed merely to be to convince readers that there was more to be investigated. Based on what I read, I have to agree that further investigation is warranted and that consumers must be aware of the potential dangers listed by Curfman.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Mary Shelleys Cloning essays
Mary Shelley's Cloning essays If we look at Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, cloning and the moral issues surrounding it become prevalent. The creature in the novel was in essence and by definition a human clone. The real monster in the story, though, was doctor Frankenstein himself. He attempts to do humanity a service by searching for a way to cheat death and perpetuate life. In doing so, the doctor creates a being that ironically takes life away. Shelleys position on cloning is that the possible benefits are not positive enough to overcome the bad and, thus, that cloning is negative in practice. Her opinion is only one out of many. There are a great many positives that cold also come out of cloning as well. A clone is a replication of an individual in a select species that is created asexually. The first question you have to answer when dealing with human cloning is What is a human? To be human and have the characteristics of the species are the ultimate goals for a clone. A human being is a creature who thinks on a higher level than other animals. The thing that separates us as humans from other animals is the ability to reason. The capacity to learn and differentiate between any number of things and analyze that same information is a defining characteristic of reasoning. If a clone is created asexually, the question that stems from this creation becomes, Is this thing human? Although on a much higher level of thought than animals, people still have instinctual reactions toward everything. Mankind is afraid of the things it does not know. Being that we do not know what exactly a clone will be in our society or if it will be the same as the rest of us, it is understandable that people, with this innate feeling of anxiety, fear clones. This feeling could explain our continual search for all the answers to the questions of life, philosophy, and the arts. We also get a sense that we as humans nee...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Mistakes to Avoid at the Admission Interview
5 Mistakes to Avoid at the Admission Interview A crucial part of the private school application process, the admission interview can be a nerve-wracking experience for many applicants and their families. You want to make the best impression you can in order to find the perfect school for your child. But how do you do that properly in an admission interview? Check out these five tips of things you should not do during your admission interview.  Dont Be Late Many private schools schedule back-to-back admissions interviews at busy times of the year, so throwing off their schedule might not be an option. If you are going to be late, call the office and advise them as soon as you realize it. You can always offer to reschedule the interview, which shows that you value their time and understand that you have made a mistake. If the office allows you to arrive late, apologize when you do arrive. Avoid Ranking Schools The admissions staff knows that you are looking at several schools. No matter where their school may be on your list, be cordial and noncommittal. You are trying to determine if this is the right school for your child. Admissions committee members are doing the same. Dont tell each school that it is your first choice just to make it seem like youre more invested than you might be; and skip telling your backup school that it is not your first choice. Its OK to say that youre looking at and comparing a few schools. If you know that a school is truly your first choice and can articulate why, let the admissions committee members know, but be genuine in your comments. Dont Be a Difficult Parent Educating your child involves a three-sided partnership: the school, parent, and child. Ask direct questions about the school, but dont be abrasive. (It helps if you have done some research on the school beforehand.) Parents are part of the admission process, and it is not unheard of for a qualified student to be denied admission because of the way her parents acted during the interview It also never hurts to let the school know that you are willing to help when asked; many schools rely on volunteers, and involved parents are highly desirable. Do Not Try to Impress Schools champion diversity and finding the right fit over stacking their parental ranks with wealth and power. Private schools generally admit students based on qualifications first and foremost. These institutions also seek students who ordinarily could not afford a private school education, and they often offer scholarships and financial aid. Your ability to participate in the schools fundraising efforts may be a bonus, but that alone wont help your child gain admission. Your child needs to be the right fit for the school, and vice versa, so offering a large donation likely wont help. Do Not Be Overly Familiar The interview may have gone very well. It may be obvious that admissions committee members like you and your child. But dont get carried away. Be gracious, not effusive, in your comments. It would be inappropriate to suggest that the admissions staffer have lunch sometime or give her a hug. A smile and a polite handshake are all that is necessary at the conclusion of the interview. Article edited by Stacy Jagodowski
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Somali Food Security Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Somali Food Security Crisis - Essay Example Based on the UNHCR reports almost a million of its citizens are internally displaced. The food price crisis in the country is on the rise due to a wide range of macroeconomic shocks which are principally driven by the increase in civil insecurity, and conflict which has been the worst the state has seen ever since its collapse in the early 1990s. The most overwhelming macroeconomic surprise is the dramatic devaluation of its currency. Following unrestrained and excessive printing of the shilling currency, notes began to deluge the markets in 2007, quickly increasing the money supply and sending the worth of the Somali currency into freefall. The Somali Shilling deflated by 145% in opposition to the US dollar in 2007 and by 150% in the following year. Due to this, imports have become more expensive, and the amplified costs have resulted in high prices borne by consumers. Apart from the soaring food prices, little rainfall is also to be blamed for the increase in the food crisis. Somal ia is located at the Horn of Africa where little or no rainfall is experienced in the country. Majority of the country’s land is arid or semi-arid within limited areas being fertile for farming. Lack of rainfall coupled with minimal farming activities has resulted in the lack of food that can sustain the population; hence, the crisis. Military conflicts have resulted in mass displacement, in addition to blockades of a number of big towns. This has restrained the availability of both locally produced staples and imported.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Diffences in the Spirometry Results Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Diffences in the Spirometry Results - Essay Example This may become difficult to achieve as the test procedures are often undertaken in infrequent settings (Standardizations of spirometry, 1994). For reproducibility in the spirometry results comprehensive training, reliability of the equipment and, well standardized measurement procedures are crucial and without any one of these dynamics, variations in the results of the spirometry are bound to occur (John, Bulton, Walter, Baker, 2006). In this project I will explore and analyze the variations that occur in the results of spirometry under different circumstances of use. In particular, I will focus on how these variations are influenced as well as different factors affecting these discrepancies. Such a study will give insights on the working of spirometry, a testing procedure that is rapidly gaining popularity and acceptance. The study will also test its usefulness and its weaknesses or flaws. It is also unclear that whether physicians are following any kind of guidelines or using othe r patient characteristics to determine when to use this technique for accurate results, which ultimately reflects upon the unreliability of the results obtained from spirometry based on practice differences (JOO, FITZGIBBON, & LEE, 2011.) Misdiagnosis resulting from inadequate spirometry test procedures can lead to inappropriate treatment and suboptimal patient outcomes. To promote optimal patient management and treatment, increase awareness of the differences between testing procedures or factors affecting the results of the procedure are to be determined ( Tinkelman , Price, Nordyre, Halbert, 2006). COPD is a condition which worsens with time and leads to decline in lung function and more than half of the COPD patients are often misdiagnosed as Asthma patients(National heart, lung and, blood institute, 2003), that is why it tends to be underdiagnosed and under treated Top of Form(JOO,FITZGIBBON, & LEE, 2011.) As spirometry depends on cooperation between the subject and the examine r, thus it depends on both technical as well as personal factors. If this variability can be diminished and results accuracy can be improved, then abnormalities can be more easily detected. (Miller, 2005) Top of Form Literature review: Spirometry is used in a variety of venues ranging from small clinical settings to large testing facilities for both screening and clinical evaluations. Physicians or other health care staff conduct the tests, help others in conducting it or just evaluate the results. But results of this testing procedure depend upon multiple factors and if any of these factors are affected the results are flawed or wrongly reduced leading to misdiagnosis (Townsend,2011). In some studies, it was observed that most relevant spiromtric results measured by general practitioners were comparable to those measured in pulmonary function laboratories. (Schemer, Jacobs, Hartman, Folgering, Bottema &,Van).In another study, positive effects of training on the spirometry test resu lts were estimated, this study also stated that spirometry in general practice does not satisfy the full criteria for acceptability and reproducibility. (Eaton, Garette, Mercer, Whitlock & Rea, 1999) But these studies were conducted as a research exercise so the findings may have some of its limitations. (SCHERMER TR, CROCKETT AJ, POELS PJ, VAN DIJKE JJ, AKKERMANS RP, VLEK HF, & PIETERS,2009). One study aimed to identify the
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Epistemology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Epistemology - Essay Example Different idealists have a different perception regarding how the substance is dependent on the consciousness. Therefore there are many diverse types of idealism. Subjective idealism is mainly simple and it can be said that this type of idealism is the most popular type of idealism. These idealists believe that substance is formed from the rational elements of the mind which examine it. For example, the feeling spectators have when going through a number of sensations is all that there actually is to those sensations. Subjective idealism might look a bit odd although there is the existence of definite reasoning behind it. Absolute idealism is the belief that the reality of tangible things rely on one fundamental psychological reality and not on the psychological elements of each person as an observer. These idealists believe that there is only one fundamental mental or holy object or standard whose psychological action and element strengthens the continuation of the tangible world. P luralistic idealism is a belief that numerous individual minds exist and jointly they motivate the subsistence of the world. They believe that person mind is the main foundation of reality.The term idealism was first coined by Leibniz (1646-1716), he used this term to while talking about the philosophy of Plato. However, in the history, this term normally signifies a time period from the end of the 1700s till the initial years of the next century. In actuality, idealism has a much wider historical scale.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Case Study On Baggage Handling System Project Information Technology Essay
Case Study On Baggage Handling System Project Information Technology Essay This module is given us the knowledge to develop our own ability to lead a project team and also the roles as project manager to control the project task where the management within given budge ,time and resources to make a project success. Project Management Project Definition A temporary and one-time endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service, which brings about beneficial change or added value Project Management The application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements, Organizing and managing resources so the project is completed within defined scope, quality, time and cost constraints. The very first thing of a Project Manager is always about Time, Cost and Scope as below figure PM Triangle Five Step of Project According to Robert K. Wysocki (2003) traditional Project Management can be devise to 5 phases as Defining, Planning, and Executing, controlling and Closing. The Project definition : Scope ,Business Goal Budge The Project Planning : Resources, Risk Management, Breakdown of Work ,Establishing of Schedule of Work ,Project team management, Cost management The Project Execution : Work completion, Manage Risk Organization Chart ,Communication Plan The Controlling Process :Quality Planning, Monitor of Progress The Close-Out: Release people, Lessons learned, Accounting Case study on Baggage Handing System Project BHS Project Definition Baggage handling system project mean all components, installation materials, interfaces and other components, all necessary hardware, software, installation coordination and construction supervision of computers/PLC, controls and control hardware and software, management and support services required to implement the work and supply a fully functioning system as described on the signed Contract documents by client. One million project awards by the company to built the whole Baggage Handling System including Mechanical and Control System for the airport logistic to transfer and screening the baggage during the flight arrival and departure. Deadline to finish the project is one year after contract signed.Project team will be set up for this project. Mechanical installation complete mean when the conveyor, walkway, handrail, toe plate, side guards, drip pan, gap pan, motor/drive components, reducer/gear are correctly mounted in place. Electrical installation complete mean when control stations, Estop, sensors, beacons, motors, groundings are correctly mounted in place, wired and terminated. Scope of Work Scope of Works or the statement of works means the whole of the work to be executed in accordance with the Contract, including variations provided for the Contract by client. Work under the Contract mean any work the Contractor is or may be required to execute under the Contract and includes variations, remedial work and Temporary Work. Temporary Work means any work required in the execution of the Contract but not forming part of the Works Activity involve for BHS project Marketing Contract Handover to Project Design Phase (Mechanical Electrical Control) Purchase for Electrical and Mechanical Fabrication for Mechanical Electrical preparation Delivery to Site Mechanical installation Electrical installation High Level Control Interface for System Test Commissioning Client Approval and Handover Operation Trial Period Project Completed Warranty Period (DLP) After Sale Services (OM or RM Contract, Spare Part Sale) Work Breakdown Structure(WBS) Work breakdown structure (WBS) is a process for defining the final and intermediate products of a project and their relationships (accessed 05 Jan 2013). The Work Breakdown Structure provides a hierarchical structure of decomposing project fulfillment into smaller manageable activities for detailed schedule development along with cost estimating and control. A detailed WBS shall comprise of breakdown of work activities, resource estimates, activity duration estimates and cost estimates. It is an essential tool for planning and executing the project. Use the WBS to define the work for the project and to develop the projects schedule. BSH Project Work Breakdown Structure as Figure below Project Planning Define the project objective Graphically portray the activities in the form of network diagram Estimate the cost and time for each activity. Calculate a project schedule and budget to determine whether the project can be completed within the required time, and with the available resource. Resource Management Resources are of three types, Work resources, Material resources and Cost resources Work resources complete tasks by expending time on them. They are usually people and equipment that have been assigned to work on the project Material resources are supplies and stocks that are needed to complete a project. Cost resources are strictly cost; no time, no quantities-just dollars. Expenses, such as travel or fees, increase the project price tag, but they arent associated with work or material resources. Resource costs will be multiplied by duration to calculate project costs. This is the important roles for project manager to control the project budge to close the project. Many issues are always happen to project to use the limit resource to fulfill the requirement by client, as a project manager, who must make sure the right resource was assigned to right place as right time. At the same time, project manager must use some technique tools to monitor the progress of the project. Next part we are going to discuses about the tools for project manager to control the process. Project Management Methodology and Techniques A project methodology can be thought of in the same terms as a recipe for cooking. It identifies what will be required and how these ingredients will be combined together to produce the perfect meal. In short, a methodology comprises of the following components Documentation such as project initiation and scoping documents Technique a set of standard project management techniques required to plan and control the project (Critical Path Analysis, Risk Management Procedures etc) Sequence- the order in which the stages will be performed Overview a picture of how the documentation and techniques fit together The application of structured project techniques during the development and implementation of a new information system helps to impose discipline on the process of the integration of activities within each of the stages which, in turn helps to ensure success. The purpose of this can therefore give the organisation the opportunity to: Divide the project into smaller and easier to manage stages Measure the progress in terms of time, costs and quality Take corrective action if required to bring the project back on track Allocate the resources to the project PERT and CPM Program Evaluation and Review Techniques which is PERT (Maylor, 2010) is a technique that use project network for planning and coordinating large-scale projects to handle uncertain activity times. Critical Path Management (CPM), is a network chart, is a planning and management method used for scheduling a set of project activities. They are similar; the technique involves using network models to trace the links between tasks and to identify the tasks which are critical to meeting the deadlines. Once we have identified the critical path, any delay on any part of the critical path will cause a delay in the whole project. It is where project manager must concentrate their efforts. Gantt diagram are used to show the critical path in red and PERT diagram to see Network view. Difference between the CPM and PERT is that, task duration is treated CPM assumes time estimates are deterministic, Obtain task duration from previous projects Suitable for such kind of type projects. PERT treats durations as probabilistic PERT: CPM and probabilistic task times Better for RD type projects Limited previous data to estimate time durations Captures schedule (and implicitly some cost) risk CPM is useful, despite criticism, to identify the critical path focus on a subset of the project Slack is precious apply flexibility to smooth resource/schedules, PERT treats task times as probabilistic which is an Individual task durations and sums of multiple tasks. When we Selective crashing of critical tasks can reduce total project cost, CPM and PERT do not allow task iterations. Critical Chain Project Management Current Project Management Problem As the comment issue for project management is summary below for previous baggage handling system project, which are: No Credible Schedule, Unable to Accurately Predict Milestone Dates During Execution Critical Path Constantly Changing Loss of Control, Daily Firefighting, Pulling resources from One Job to Another and Resource Allocation Nightmare Stress, Frustrated Workers Supervisors Projects Get Delayed Require Heroic Efforts to Finish Lack of Resources, People, Experience, Skills, Material, Tools Lack of Supporting Documents Too Many Scope Changes and too many meting Too Much Overtime and Budget Overruns Critical Chain Project Management Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) is a method of planning and managing projects that puts the main emphasis on the resources required to execute project tasks. It was developed by Eliyahu M. Goldratt. This is in contrast to the more traditional Critical Path and PERT methods, which emphasize task order and rigid scheduling. A Critical Chain project network will tend to keep the resources levelly loaded, but will require them to be flexible in their start times and to quickly switch between tasks and task chains to keep the whole project on schedule. The Principles of CCPM Projects Succeed or Fail as an Integrated System, not as a Collection of Discrete Tasks Systems are Analogous to Chains,Weakest Link is the Systems Constraint Constraints Can Never Really be Eliminated,Can Move From One Part of the System to Another All Systems Have a Goal Necessary Conditions A Systems Optimum Performance IS NOT the Sum of Local Optima A System Has Only One Constraint at a Time All Systems Function According to Cause Effect The success to use the CCPM for project manager to hand a project will be Improve project delivery date reliability Shorten overall project duration Provide early warning of threats to project delivery Enable earlier, less drastic responses Reduce Costs Reduce Overtime Reduce Rework PRINCE 2 Project Technique PRINCE2 (Projects IN Controlled Environments) is an effective process-based method for project management. PRINCE2 is a process-based approach for managing projects. It helps to work out who should be involved in a project, their role and their responsibilities. PRINCE2 has a set of processes to work through and it explains what information needs to be gathered. The method is the de-facto standard for project management is practiced globally. And it is also the required method for all UK government commissioned projects. PRINCE2 is in the public domain and offers best practice guidance on how to manage a project. It can be principally divided into the following stages: Starting up the project occurs only once and creates and evaluates the business case Directing the project formal organisational structures will be required throughout the life of the project including the project board and manager, the communication between the stages and the organisation will be continuous Initiating the project this stage will identify how the project will be managed, The Project Initiation document will form contract and terms of reference for the project as a whole Planning plans relating to project deliverables are continuously produced throughout the lifecycle and of the activity which helps to ensure a consistent approach. Controlling creation of documents which help to manage the day-to-day operations and include change control and quality assurance, this will be an iterative process. Monitoring there is a need to have a feedback process and take action as necessary, authorisation from the Project Board is required. Closing the project time is finite and there will need to be a final sign off procedure by the customer that objectives have been satisfied. Below figure is the overview of PRINCE2 Risk Management Risk management, another important point of project management, is present in the framework as well. According to Prince2 description, risk can be denned as uncertainty of outcome. The goal of risk management is to manage the exposure to risk. For that, the project board has to promote risk management, build up adapted policies, and assess projects status related to their risks. A Risk (Tom, 2009) can be almost any uncertain event associated with the work. Word in short is, loss multiplied by likelihood. Risk management is a process for identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks of different types. Since the risks are identified, the project manager will need to minimize or eliminate the impact of negative events of project risk. For this baggage handling system project, Construction site safety management plan is must to be implementing of Risk management to list of all possible risks identified by the project or organization, for each of the risk, includes information such as risk probability, impact, counter-measures and risk owner etc. Conclusion Its good chance to review and deeply think of whole project process and activates in whole company organization about project management knowledge through this module. This assignment also encourages me to think about how to implement Project Management skill to the company in future projects management. After this model, I can recognize the essential characters of Project management and also have ability to address appropriate technologies and management tools to actually organizational issues and also can be leader of project team to plan, control and execute the project as project manager.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Kurtzs Last Words Essay -- essays research papers
     In Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad presents the character of Kurtz as a man who is seen differently by all who know him depending on their individual experiences with him. His cousin knew him as a man with great musical talent, others knew him as a great leader, and his â€Å"Intended†fiance knew him as an admirable humanitarian; but all of these knew him to be a remarkable genius. When the narrator, Marlow, first hears of him, he is told that Kurtz is known as a great leader destined to hold high positions and fame. However, as he travels the river, he also learns that Kurtz has become insane during his time in the African jungle. After Marlow finally comes into contact with him, he discovers that Kurtz has become a god among the natives and has been brutally collecting the coveted ivory. Marlow finally convinces the deathly ill man to return to the ship where he finally dies. Upon his death, Kurtz’s facial expression causes Marlow to feel as tho ugh he may be seeing his entire life passing just before it ends; and finally, he murmurs his final words â€Å"The horror! The horror!†(Conrad, p. 64).      Although these last words seem full of meaning, they can be interpreted as being so vague that they are devoid of any specific rationalization. In spite of this, they have several explanations, mainly relating to his life and the choices he made. As Kurtz succinctly verbalizes the terrible visions â€Å"of ruthless power, of craven ter...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ing Life
ING Life Bo Sun CIS 505: Communication Technologies Strayer University Darcel Ford, Ph. D. February 11, 2013 Difficulties and Risks Associated with Internet Originally, Internet was designed for absolute security environment. Therefore, the protocols which are consisting of the infrastructure of Internet have no security concerns. This means Internet is easily to be vulnerable. Although major part of security issues are from inside, Internet does take external threats. When users connect the Internet, the web browsers might contain breaches that permit scripts to access the system and may cause damages potentially.In addition, when information is transmitting through the public network, the transmission might be captured by someone else. This is known as man-in-the middle attack. (Dean, 2009) Another potential common risk associated with Internet is called reconnaissance threats. Attackers could detect the reachable networks, devices and services through the Internet connection, o r even draw an entire network map. Furthermore, DoS attack is another risk users could encounter when using Internet. Hackers attempts to over-whelm the system in order to make it shut down. Oppenheimer, 2011) Analyze ING’s Solution The security mechanism existing in the current ING’s network is implemented a fire between the external brokers and the internal servers. Basically, this is not enough to protect the network, especially, the information of ING involves private personal information. The information should be protected carefully. Securing Internet connection a variety of overlapping security mechanisms will be equipped to guarantee the security of the Internet connection.Common mechanisms include: firewalls, packet filters, physical security, audit logs, authentication and authorization. At the same time, technicians also need to implement packet filters to prevent the Internet routers from the DoS attacks. DoS attacks have great intimidation to public server s. In this condition, reliable operating system and applications are critical to solve the potential attacks. CGI and other types of scripts also could take care of the servers. Finally, firewall mechanism is efficient when facing Dos attacks.Firewall technologies, physical security, authentication and authorization mechanisms, auditing, and possibly encryption consist of the security mechanisms utilized on remote access (Oppenheimer, 2011). Besides these normal network security mechanisms, a proper routing protocol is also important to Internet connection. The selected protocol should support route authentication. And static and default routing is an issue need to be concerned because of potential compromised routing updates. Finally, clear police and comprehensive training for the employee is significant.After all, most security issues are leaded by human errors. Critique the Extranet Solution To support extranet connection for brokers is an excellent decision. It is simply for us ers to get access to the information which they needed. On the other hand, extranet is easily to be managed from the security aspect. Administrators could implement security mechanisms simply. Remote-access VPN is another way could be Implemented to connect the brokers. According to Oppenheimer, â€Å"Reomte-access VPNs permit on-demond access to an organization’s internetwork, via secure, encrypted connections. (Oppenheimer, 2011) This function is suitable for the remote uses which don’t need always connection. Users connect the corporate’s network through service provider’s network, this could decrease the budget of connection and the the work of network administritors. Install redundent mechanism could imprive brokers service. When primary database shut down, the backup devices could guarantee the network connection work normally. References Dean, T. (2009). network+ guide to networks. Mason: Cengage Learning. Oppenheimer, P. (2011). Top-down Network Design. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Govern safeguarding adults work Essay
Legislations The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 aims to prevent unsuitable people from working (either paid or unpaid) with children or vulnerable adult. Employers who work with these people have to be registered according to the act and The Independent Safeguarding Authority decides if people should be barred from working with any vulnerable person. Everyone gets checked before they are able to work with all vulnerable people for instance, a DBS check will be carried out to see if the person has carried out any criminal offences. The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 supports the rehabilitation into employment of reformed offenders who have stayed on the right side of the law. All employers require full disclosure of pervious offences. The Police Act 1997 A CRB check is done under a Part V of the Police Act 1997, this protects vulnerable people from harm because employers will then know of any criminal convictions that have been done by particular people. The Sexual Offenders Act 1976 The Sexual Offences Act 1976 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It made provision in relation to rape and related offences. This Act put the Sex Offenders Register in action for identification and tracking purposes. This Act protects vulnerable people from danger, by tracking sex offenders. Care Standards Act 2000 This Act set the national minimum standards to protect the vulnerable, the standards include accommodation, services and good working practice. This Act established the Protection Of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) scheme, this scheme helps protect vulnerable adults from abuse. People who are working with vulnerable adults have to go through POVA training, I have done so myself through volunteering. The training makes you more aware of different types of abuse, people that are abused and the abuser, and how this is identified. Care Homes for Older People- National Minimum Standards and Care Homes Regulations 2003 This regulation identifies the levels of care that vulnerable adults need in care homes. There are points in this regulation that all older people in care homes should always receive the standards that are set for example, having a choice of what they would like to eat for dinner. Mental Health Act 1983 This Act is to protect those vulnerable people who suffer with a mental illness and others that are caring for them. There are procedures to ensure that there rights are protected and not being abused. The Act also allows compulsory treatment for those with a mental illness. Mental Capacity Act 2005 This Act allows to help vulnerable people who cant make decisions for themselves because they lack the mental capacity, this is done by them having an advocate. It is established by The Independent Mental Capacity Advocates Service. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 People who have a disability are treated equally to those without, this should be done in any work place. This act not only covers physical disabilities but mental as well. The Act has an aim which is, ending discrimination that individuals face with a disability. People who have a disability now have the rights to many things including, employment, education access to goods, facilities and services and buying or renting land or property. Race Relations Act 1976 The Race Relations Act is to protect people from discrimination, this includes a persons race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin. People should be treated equally and fairly no matter what race or colour they are. Human Rights Act 1998 Vulnerable people have the right to be treated correctly and cared for effectively due to the Human Rights Act 1998. This act gives every person the power to challenge perceived discrimination by any public body. Data Protection Act 1998 The Data protection Act is essential to follow in a health and social care setting, all personal details from an individual are to be kept safe and only seen by the people who care for them. Information will only be disclosed if there is a potential that a person is in danger. It is very important that every health care setting for vulnerable adults has strategies and procedures that reduce the risk of abuse, if this was not done effectively then individuals may be in danger. Recruitment of staff- The health care system is always recruiting new staff due to more and more people using the system every day, more elderly are getting ill and leaving their homes to go into a residential care home. Every person who employs a new member of staff has to make sure that they are save to work with the elderly as they are very vulnerable. The adults who are barred from working with the vulnerable are identified on the Adults Barred List. The list subdivides these people into two different categories which are, people who are automatically barred because they are a ‘risk of threat’ and people who offer a ‘very probable risk of harm’. The process of the Adults Barred list gathers information for many places including, the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) , Health and Social services and employers. A CRB check is done before someone is employed, personal information is written down about a person and then it is sent off to be checked by the police to see if they have any criminal convictions. Staff who work with the vulnerable have to register under the Vetting and Barring Scheme since July 2010. Sector guidance- Guidance is given to employers to reduce the risk of abuse in the environment they are working in. Two acts are included in this guidance and they are Dignity in Care Initiative 2006 and Human Rights in Healthcare. The Human Rights has a framework which assists local NHS Trusts to apply human rights approaches for the people using the services. FREDA values are focused on, Fairness, Respect, Equality, Dignity and Autonomy. Dignity and Care Initiative campaigns to end toleration of indignity in health care. Organisational policies- Every organisation must have policies and guidelines on expected behaviour from staff, this is done when an organisation develops there own policies from the guidelines that they have been provided with. Policies enable people who are using the services to know what is acceptable and unacceptable with their own care. Codes of practice- Codes of practice enables professionals to work effectively at high standards, respect and minimise risk to people that are in their care. Many care systems produce codes of conduct including The Nursing and Midwifery Council, nurses and midwives have to abide by these codes and put them into their practice to be able to care after individuals at the right standard. Multi-agency working and Closer working between professionals within organisations – Multi-agency working is when all different teams come together to care and meet needs for a person as a whole, an example of professional bodies working together would be, doctors, care workers, nurses, social workers etc. The support planning and single assessment has encouraged greater inter-agency cooperation. Working like this encourages sharing of an individuals information and together they can all look after that person very effectively. This has not been put into place with some agencies and in this situation an individual would not be taking care of properly because of this, this could lead to harm with elderly people. The government has guidance on multi-agency working and this is a paper called ‘No Secrets’. Beryl Strecth (2010). Health and Social Care . Essex: Pearson Education. Close working between professionals and organisations enables better communication about the people involved. This could be done in staff meetings, team meetings etc. In care homes they have daily logs about individuals who they care for, this ensures that when a new member of staff is working they know for instance what they have ate that day and what sort of care they have provided for them. This can also detect a residents behaviour for example, if they act differently when certain members of staff are on shift. Working in partnership with adults using services- When agencies work in partnership with the adults, families or informal carers it makes them more confident about the situation, when confident they will be more likely to talk about there worries and people can then help them build their self-esteem back up. Decision-making processes and forums- Decision making is essential when looking after a vulnerable adult, when it is kept transparent and clear then everyone knows what is happening. Monthly meeting of residents in a care home encourages ideas that can be shared between one another, this will make people more confident at speaking out. Organisational policies and staff training- The role of the Care Quality Commission- Whistle blowing- Whistle blowing is when someone who is working in a care setting reports suspected wrongdoing in the work place. This is called ‘making a disclosure in the public interest’. Some things that may be reported include, someone’s health and safety is in danger, damage to the environment, a criminal offence, the company isn’t obeying the law (like not having the right insurance) and covering up wrongdoing. There is a chance that any individual will have to ‘whistle blow’ while working in a care setting, if the person thinks that what they have witnessed is ‘wrong’. A form has to be filled out by the person who has allegedly seen wrong doing and then it is sent off to get assessed and monitored for rooms of improvement. Complaint procedures- Complaint procedures will be in every care setting, this is important to protect vulnerable adults from harm or abuse and for them to have the best care possible. People are encouraged to use complaint procedures. Complaint services are there to improve the quality and life of the individuals in there care, but it is important that elderly people feel safe if there are going to complain about the care they are being given and not victimised.
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